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Dropping D* - Finally! | SatelliteGuys.US

Dropping D* - Finally!

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 29, 2004
Finally, that nasty D* contract has expired. Now I can drop D* and become an exclusive Voomer. I've ordered an second voom receiver (coming next week), and went to the vavavoom package a couple weeks ago (and it is great!). D* is like a annoying speck in the eye, with its awful PQ and all those standard stations. I was keeping it around only due to Voom not having Scifi channel, but now it does. And I added two standalone tivos so others in the house could still tape their scifi stuff, like stargate. As soon as the second receiver goes in, next week, D* will be a thing of the past….Finally!
Anyone with half a brain knows Voom will be gone next year and you're joining now??

Does it really make any sense to join Voom for 11 months and then switch back to D*?? :confused:
zubinh said:
Anyone with half a brain knows Voom will be gone next year and you're joining now??

Does it really make any sense to join Voom for 11 months and then switch back to D*?? :confused:

WOW! you really take this personally... Everybody is entitled to their own choice. If 1-2 years from now, McDonnals (who cares who has the most HD) could have the most HD to join. But for now V* has it and this is what you don't get! You don't need to insult the guy either with this attitude. It all seems like you have some vested interest with D*, do you :confused: ?

P.S. I guess everyone who has E* or Cable is brain dead as well. Get a life! I am sure he will not drop D* if you pick up the bill every month.
Sean great comments!

What most of these short sighted guys don't know is that it takes 3 months after you leave D* to qualify for their new contract discount packages for new users (including HD packages).

So even if we end up looking for a new provider in the future those that leave D* will get a better deal coming back!
Sean Mota said:
It all seems like you have some vested interest with D*, do you :confused: ?

P.S. I guess everyone who has E* or Cable is brain dead as well.

Ok Ok Maybe I was a bit Harsh. I apologize.

Voom has treated is customers as beta testers and thats what angers me. Take the time to make a good product, dont rush it to market and you will succeed. Voom Didnt do that. (Dish did the same thing with the 921). If Voom did do that, theyd have 200,000 subs by now of which I would gladly be one of them. They could have given D* and E* a run for their money but instead their going out of business. I soooooooo wanted Voom to succeed when they first arrived. But they way they treated their customers and offered a product no where near as ready for primetime as they claimed, is down right FRAUD. It angers me that someone would sign up for Voom now especially with every other thread in this forum blasting them. That just tells Voom we must be doing something right.

I know many are thrilled with Voom but given their sad state of affairs, that is obviously not the majority.
I have a hard time considering myself a beta tester, when Voom fixed it's issue with firmware updates, added Fox Sports Florida in HD and it works, now the OAR and revamping of Cinema10. I don't think of myself as a guinea pig, more like a Voom contributor... very different.
zubinh said:
Take the time to make a good product, dont rush it to market and you will succeed... If Voom did do that, theyd have 200,000 subs by now
If they did that, I think they would've just launched by now... ;)
I know many are thrilled with Voom but given their sad state of affairs, that is obviously not the majority.
Not the majority??? And do you have any poll data to back this up?

You know, even if you are right in your prediction (and especially if you are right in your prediction) wouldn't it be smart for everyone to try VOOM while it still exists? After all, there is still no long-term commitment!
Makes no sense, it's time now to lock on to DirectTV good and tight and suck down the sweet nectar that is HD LIte.. it is the ONLY way to prove you're a good HD enthusiast.
zubinh said:
Ok Ok Maybe I was a bit Harsh. I apologize.

zubinh - no need to apologize bro. All you did was speak the truth. Sean would have you believe he is the master guru on this site. I have never put any substance in anything he has said. All I can give him is he is a die hard Voomer and will sink with the rest of them. It's just a matter of time.

randym431 - congrats on Vooming. I hope you enjoy your experience. We'll see you when you come back. :D You too Sean. :rolleyes:
DobyMax said:
All I can give him is he is a die hard Voomer and will sink with the rest of them.
It's funny when people do statements like this. Assuming that VOOM "sinks" why would somebody's life will be be ruined for staying with VOOM until the last day. Most of us (VOOM subs) rent the equipment anyway; so all it would take will be a phone call to the cable company or another satellite provider.
^^^^Because they work for D* and get paid 50 cents everytime they talk out of their ass.^^^^
Dvlos said:
^^^^Because they work for D* and get paid 50 cents everytime they talk out of their ass.^^^^

Really? Can you please provide me with the phone # for that program?

Given the number of Voom Doom comments I have posted, I would be a millionaire by now and I would like to cash in. Thanks.
zubinh said:
It angers me that someone would sign up for Voom now especially with every other thread in this forum blasting them.

What the heck are these non-Voomers doing trolling these pages and offering "old news" stories. :confused: GET A LIFE!!! Go back to where your suspect one-sided view is appreciated - which isn't here. If you don't currently have VOOM you don't have a say in PQ issues. Go troll somewhere else troll...You guys make it hard to even read Satelliteguys anymore,,,

I'm with Randym431 and am very happy with VOOM as they offer way more than my cable in almost every way (o.k. my cable did just come out with a DVR, which I would really like but I also have patience...). I had digital cable and VOOM SD PQ blows the cable SD PQ away not to mention HD (the 4 channels I could compare with).
Wow Bilodeaumj, a little touchy are we? I can understand. But if you read these forums, you will even see Voomers degrading Voom. I think this "war" as Voomers like to call it, is a two way street. The Voomers cut down D*, so turn about is far play. Wouldn't you say? Now, about that life you told us to get. Do you have one? I ask because look in the mirror. You're right here reading and posting with everyone else. Oh, I bet you only think the D*'s need a life, right? You're sad. Almost as sad as......Ok, I won't say it. You fill in the blank. :rolleyes:
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