DrWho said:Is there anything that would restrict someone using a DVD Recorder with the current Voom Box?
It's possible right?
SaintsFan said:I have a Phillips DVD recorder and it is connected to my VOOM stb via componet cables and works as well.
Who is the MPAA?cyuhnke said:Be careful, the MPAA is watching. Their lawyer attack monkeys are on 24 hour call.
cyuhnke said:Be careful, the MPAA is watching. Their lawyer attack monkeys are on 24 hour call.
cyuhnke said:Motion Picture Association of America. www.mpaa.org. Movie industry lobbying group. They killed firewire on Dish 921. They sued Sony over VCR in 80s, claiming the VCR would bankrupt all movie studios. They now claim piracy of HD programming will destroy movie studios. They're the most evil organization to come along since the Kamir Rouge. No one will stand up to them because of their bankroll.
DarrellP said:Now for the downside: I ordered 2 batches of DVD media and they are back-ordered so I can't test out the burning capability yet.
cyuhnke said:I know you've said you enabled progressive scanning for dvds on your xbox. Is it easy to do? Is it expensive? Will I still be able to go on Xbox live?
DarrellP said:My Panny will read anything out there except a SACD disc, it will even read MP3 and DVDAudio.
PBHDinSD said:How hard is it? Depends, on your experience and what you want to do.
If you want to do the sw mod your self, you need to know how to telnet. You can send your xbox out and have it done for free.
I was unsuccessful in my first try. My Xbox is too new to do the software mod. MS has fixed the new dashboards I am going to get a modchip. I want to do xbox live eventually so I am going to get a mod chip.
Yes you can still use Xbox live. It's definite with the mod chip. The software update does not support Xbox live, but this may have change.
Please see
My current project is to enable xbox to for 480p for my home movies etc... and the T2 special edition in HD using the xbox wm9.
To me wm9 is the way to go for DVDs.
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