Just used wifi tether to tether my macbook pro over bluetooth.... So awesome. I got the feeling I was using my droids battery faster than the usb could charge it though.
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Got it to 110 a little bit ago...
Two weeks ago I accidentally left it in the sun for an hour on a team outing... 23 ppl 3 pontoon boats, beer, colorado river... Fun until I broke my toe... Anyways it was so hot it was like handling a cookie sheet fresh from the oven. I put it in a ziploc and dipped it in the river for 30 sec and was then able to turn it on.... Setcpu read 132.
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Ok, I'm having a heart attack. I installed the bb.4, then rebooted, and now it is just going back and forth from the droid eye and the word droid. Um, now what? Is it supposed to do that or did i mess it up?
Yikes. I have SetCPU set to throttle down to 500MHz max if the temperature reached 40 degrees Celsius. I want this phone to last, so when I finally upgrade, my wife will be able to use it for a couple of years. When I give it to her, I will end up eliminating OC'ng on it entirely.
I just saw rumors of the Droid Pro coming out in November. 4" screen, 1.3GHZ processor. Not sure what else, although I would not be surprised if it has a GSM and CDMA radio for world travel. That would be sweet.
OH, and OUCH about the toe. Where on the Colorado River were you? (I miss Colorado, big time).
Ok, I was afraid to mess it up again (i really suck at stuff like this, i always mess stuff up) so I let hifi mess with it. He took it clear back to the beginning, now I have nothing on it. So now I am at android version 2.2 and bugless beast v0.1. Now what? I guess it doesn't matter if I mess it up again, cuz i don't have anything to lose.
Ok, it's all fixed. Where do I get themes? Also, I don't remember where I got the swype, and I'm having a heck of a time typing without it. Could you remind me where to get it? That would be awesome!
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