Been running BB .4 since it was released and in the last 2 days I've started having lockups, including having to pull my battery once. Another time i was trying to close the handcent quick message window and the phone wouldnt respond. 5-6 seconds later the phone seemed to 'catch up' and it was acting like my finger was on the Beautiful Widgets time/weather widget and moving it back and forth on the screen very smoothy for several seconds... it was almost creepy, like using a Ouija board and it moving on it's own.
Close to dropping to a stock ROM cause I am not sure how else I should troubleshoot. I've got insurance but would hate for something to go wrong with this phone and have to activate a X or 2 and reset my new every 2 or something.
Well, I am pleased. Apparently, we have the same version, just different model number for a regional carrier. THIS is the phone I wanted now.
Excellent. It will be interesting to see if there are any glitches. Like int he marketplace, does it have a Verizon tab?
Yeo, and I can download them, but you have to pay a verizon fee to use many (i assume anyway)
I even get the "droid" notifications now.
I will say that I took a plunge by doing this though. I had no real idea that it would work, but I backed up everything I could, and just did it. Aint beer great. lol
Oh, it would have been a double picardpalm at least! Had to know though. lolYeah, that took some serious cojones to try that. Could have created a brick. And that would have resulted in a major
I am still shocked it worked. Now you really have a DROID.
You and me both! the darn Droid notification was sweet the first few times I heard
Why am I getting an over the air notification to update my droid to 2.2 when I am rooted?
I got it today too. Just click OK to install, it will reboot, and clockworkmod will prevent it from installing. Bugless blocks the install. At first I freaked though, as it starts the install graphic, but then it goes to a Triangle with an exclamation point sign, and when I hit the power button it shifted to the clockworkmod screen, with the first option being to reboot.
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