Somewhere around 1971 or 72Sorry Bobby. Despite growing up in CA, I don't understand that reference.
You must mean corporal punishment.
The took some unruly kid and spanked him with a paddle infront of my class..the teacher was old and mean
Somewhere around 1971 or 72Sorry Bobby. Despite growing up in CA, I don't understand that reference.
You must mean corporal punishment.
I think there was some, but I never got any of that.Any corporal punishment with a wooden paddle?
id'e take that ruler and smack em back and see how they liked itIn Junior High we had a case where our music teacher (an ex-nun) got fed up with us and smacked the top of the piano with the yardstick she always carried. This time the yardstick became two rulers, one she was still holding and the longer one flying into the class. No one was seriously hurt, but someone must have said something to her because she never physically threatened us. Of course, we never got unruly after that, either.
lparsons21, continued prayers for your recovery. My Sister-in-Law had a stroke about a decade ago and she has made good progress, but she had spent a week in ICU due to the severity.
Your guardian angel had you where you needed to be! Thank heavens!!!
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