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Hopper S213 Feedback and Issues | Page 10 | SatelliteGuys.US

Hopper S213 Feedback and Issues

For the first time since having it my hopper and joeys seem really laggy with S213. Yesterday I got no picture on any of my 3 joeys, reset fixed it. Today had to reset a Joey because it had a pink screen. I sure hope they don't mess up the whole system trying to get hoppers to work together. I have 1 hopper and 3 joeys and would recommend the system to anyone up until now.
I hate to post this but I haven't had any issues with this software ....YET. I still have the kangaroo on all my shows on PTAT ,even the Olympic Trials have the auto hop symbol. But now that I posted this , the bottom will fall out and my hopper will explode.
try disconnecting the wireless on the one hopper, leaving the other connected directly to your router. reboot everything and that might take care of it. i had to disconnect one hopper then they worked the next day after the nightly reboots. hope it works for you.

Thanks, disconnecting the wireless seemed to work yesterday. Haven't checked it today. The DishNetwork subscribers that don't have access to Satellite-guys have to be going crazy with this release. "John"
Constantly getting "The Hopper has Successfully configured the network" (message 1223?) while watching TV.

Irritating and I don't really care
Problems with my 2H/2J setup are growing more evident. I was off work yesterday (no power at the office) and was catching up on some DVR stuff. My main Hopper required a front panel reboot 4 times during on/off viewing throught the day--its never needed one until S213. Also last night my wife was watching one of her programs on the main Hopper (recorded on our 2nd Hopper) and had brief video freezes every 10-15min or so. WAF dropped for the first time since the Hopper/Joey arrivals :( Its great finally being able to watch recorded content across Hoppers but certainly not at the expense of this kind of instability.

C'mon Dish...please spool fix(es) soon. I'm happy to give more info if I can help.
Last night one of my Hoppers went a little crazy with the system needs to shut down to check for important updates. I hit the yes button to let it do it's thing which it did but then a couple of minutes it asked to check for updates and I hit yes one more time and it did it's thing again. Once again it asked to shut down and this time I hit no and everything was fine until I turned the units off around 2:15AM.
Watching from a Joey last night and lost connection to the Hopper message came up 4 times between 5:00 and 7:00 PM. I go to the Hopper location and it's locked up and required a red button reset each time. Then about 11:10 PM while watching on the Hopper it locks up and requires a RBR. I have never had to use the RBR since the H/J's were installed 3/19/12.

I have 2H/2J's and while I enjoy watching all my programing on any tv in the house I would actually like to be able to watch my programing.
It might be useful to have a sticky that says: Do not post problems with 213 unless you have verified that you have only ONE ethernet connection to your entire system, and if you had more than one, you reduce to one AND reset all boxes in your system.
It might be useful to have a sticky that says: Do not post problems with 213 unless you have verified that you have only ONE ethernet connection to your entire system, and if you had more than one, you reduce to one AND reset all boxes in your system.

It might be useful for Dish to know all configurations having problems, otherwise, I'd agree.

I hate to post this but I haven't had any issues with this software ....YET. I still have the kangaroo on all my shows on PTAT ,even the Olympic Trials have the auto hop symbol. But now that I posted this , the bottom will fall out and my hopper will explode.

That made me laugh.

Is anyone else's Hopper updating at 1:32 a.m. now? for the last couple nights, might have been since S213 arrived, it has rebooted at that time instead of 1:00 a.m. like previously. no other recordings are happening at the time either.

Mine's had a 1:32a update as well for at least the past several days. It's also had multiple updates on some nights.
I tried removing the ethernet on the other hopper last night, let it do it's nightly reset, and still no changes for getting the hopper integration working. I will just leave it connected and wait for a better version, or maybe call and ask about putting a HIC in. Obviously this isn't working, tried for several days and trying lots of differant things and nothing.
Ok, I think I have isolated my Recordings Transfer issue. Can someone with a Hopper with 2 external drives test this.

Select 1 program from the first external device -- best not to do an episode of a series. Transfer it to the hopper. After transfer to the hopper, try to transfer the program to either of the external devices. If I'm right, you should get an error (855 is the ID number).

I tried this with something that had never been transferred before and that worked. But doing transfers to move content around external devices (1 --> Hopper --> 2 or vice versa) fails.

This would be (IMO) a bug and I'm glad I was able to characterize the behavior.

Hopefully someone else can confirm the same results before I report it. DIRT, if you are reading this thread and can have Engineering check it that would be awesome :)
Ok I'm having to red button reset every morning . I think I have my set up right. I have 2 hoppers one is connect to my router the other hopper was connected by a USB
sguest9 said:
Ok I'm having to red button reset every morning . I think I have my set up right. I have 2 hoppers one is connect to my router the other hopper was connected by a USB adapter I removed the USB adapter and did a red button reset but I the one connect to my router has one Joey and the other has 2 joeys. Should the one that is not connect to my router be set on moca none of the joey are connect to the Internet wireless or hard wired. Can some tell how my setup should be setup this 213 has messed my tv viewing up and wife mad has hell at me for upgrading any help to get the wife off my back would be great.
This software update sucks. Please tell them we want the old version.

We are losing connection on one of our two Joeys every 20 minutes. My wife is PISSED.
Just a friendly reminder, Dish. I'm sure it's not a very high priority, but the Weather Channel app is nearly useless on the Joeys. It only works about 1 in 15 tries.
We have a 1 Hopper, 3 Joey system in our house. We experienced the small window thing, but a rbr fixed that. Since then, the system is working flawlessly. So, it seems to me it's the multiple Hopper systems having trouble. As a side note, I had never attempted to connect to our network with any of the Joeys. They now work flawlessly with the internet connection of the Hopper. The Hopper is using a wireless connection.
S212 seemed to be fairly stable with reboot only one a week.. S213... unhappy wife, unhappy life! Joey not working.. pixelation.. On Demand stopped working.. pfft.

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