I received S230 today and all is well here. Still playing with OTA.
It appears S230 was not cancelled then.
I received S230 today and all is well here. Still playing with OTA.
Lets face it, I bet most that know right now about the module, are forum people, not J6P. So, most of us ordering it know we need a certain SW version to use it, and how Dish SW rolls out. We are OK with it.
Then there are the rest, that know all of the above, and just need to bitch.
Honestly I could careless about the OTA part I have one sitting on my dining room table, however I do want the software so I can fiddle with the other parts. I mean who doesn't get excited about them adding new features to your hopper. The thing that's irritating is half the country has it and the other half doesn't. Its like getting a new toy on Christmas without the Batteries.
Would you rather have it in hand, waiting on the SW? Or would you rather have to wait and order it after you get the SW? Id rather have it in hand. You act like what they have done is malicious, which is not true at all.
You folks need to stay away from early ownership of all modern products. Get it after its been out a year or two.
I would have taken it either way, and I happened to get s230 the morning after the dongle arrived. We should not discount the frustrations of those that have the tuner in hand yet cannot use it. I'm sure DISH didn't plan it this way, but it is how it turned out. Also, we shouldn't expect all that post here to read as broadly and to the deapth and significance that you might have.
FYI, I've been on the early bandwagon since '97. I don't regret it one bit.
I just have to keep laughing though that everyone cares about the dongle. LOL Just this morning I had to explain the dictionary term to my other half what a dongle was LOL. All I want to see is pretty new firmware that's all.
Dongle is a funny word![]()
Did Chuck Berry sing about his Dongle?
I wish i can downgrade the stupid upgrade just stinks!!
Before the upgrade gamefinder was great after the upgrade it a big fat pain. If i stupidly hit the blue key game finer comes up and never goes away..
If I hit the x mark to exit it just re-boots. The only way out is to turn off the receive. Just stupid dish!!!
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