Had to download twice. First download hung at 90% and turned the machine off. After 10 minutes of nothing, I did a RBR. I know that is not recommended, but that is the only button that did anything.
I have a HR21-700. I did the download and see the new changes. Where is the VOD? I see the menu item, and I have the unit networked, but it does nothing when I select On Demand.
in the list, if you click yellow, then change order of playlist, then title A-Z, it should stay that way
There a thread devoted to this stickied two spaces under this thread on the Directv CE forum main page.
Yeah, I found that after I asked the question. I just made the call and activated it. I'll have to what for content now.
Hello all.
My 1st post and 1st ce download for my new HR21-700. 0x1fe added a few nice menu enhancements compared to my previous National version (0x18a). Online scheduling is very cool.
Seemed to download & install fine, except DOD is seemingly less functional than before... now when I select it in the menu, nothing happens... no beep, no more window saying "coming soon," nothing. I do have network/internet connection and have successfully activated DOD through 1 800 #. Do I need to wait, or should I try to download & install again?
Thanks in advance
Three brand new members & CE users!
: to Satelliteguys!
Niteflyr - read the thread about activating VOD, that is probally your problem - provided you did the download last night. It is only availabe from 11pm to 2am EST.
Limited time offer