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HR2x & R22 CE Release 7/3 v.032F | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

HR2x & R22 CE Release 7/3 v.032F

ID: 20090704-2666
Models: Server & Client both HR20-100

This is a good one.

Basement Server, LivingRoom Client: In Playlist, basement's recordings are listed twice. So, one movie recorded in the basement shows up on the upstairs receiver as two instances of the same movie. I can play each one seemingly independent of one another (if I watch 5 mins of one, back out and look at the playlist, one is new and I can "resume" the other). And yes, I've verified two recordings don't really exist.

Swap locations (Basement Client, LivingRoom Server): LivingRoom's recordings actually show times FOUR! So, If I have one show recorded once in each location, viewing the basement's playlist shows 5 recordings of that show (once locally, 4 remote). WOW. Some of my series recordings show 26 recordings in the folder

Doesn't appear to be affecting disk space, and looks like it only applies to recordings that existed before this CE.

I had that problem with CE x327 and had to restart both my HR22's to get correct shared list.
A while back when MRV first came along in the CE, maybe between the first and the third week, I saw an advisory where if you turned MRV on and off a few times that playlist entries might be duplicated.

If all y'all arent manually restarting it, [erhaps its restarting on its own a few times as a result of some sort of issue?

I tried a few MRV on/off at the MISC menu last night when I had some issues, and I ended up with an empty playlist, with 46% used, but that resolved itself after a few minutes.
I had that problem with CE x327 and had to restart both my HR22's to get correct shared list.

That did it. Sometimes I get so excited to find/report an issue I forget to attempt the obvious :rolleyes:. Probably still worth noting, though.
That did it. Sometimes I get so excited to find/report an issue I forget to attempt the obvious :rolleyes:. Probably still worth noting, though.

There's more than one of us that keeps posting MRV problems whether or not a working work-around exists; we're hoping that MRV will be the next priority for CE fixes & tweaks. It's a great feature to have but hasn't improved much on Ethernet connections since it was released in CE.

Some have justified their opinions of the future of MRV being through SWM switch via the Coax which has been showcased to retailers outside of CE. Some interesting exchanges on the subject were posted previously and here also:
1. Guide and menu speed are still slow in this release

2. Still getting breakups when using MRV with a WIRED connection.

I think MRV still needs a lot of work.
Report #:20090705-4269

1) After watching and then deleting a recorded show, the cursor returns back to the top of the Playlist instead of where the cursor previsosly was.
2) Very very very slow remote response and guide scrolling (gets worse with every CE)
3) When the screen saver is on, it flashes between the screen saver and the paused image of what you were watching. It's pretty bad and could give someone a seizure.

Very disappointing.
I seem to be missing some of the trick play features we had before. My HR22's have a tendency to skip to end of recording while trying to skip forward at 30 second intervals as if the DVR thinks I'm holding down the skip button. That's been hit or miss with CE's but very bad with NR. Anyway, I liked the trick play better when holding the skip button would jump to markers set at 15 or 30 minute intervals because it seemed to have less tendency to skip to end.

Another thing I've noticed with this CE, while streaming a HD MRV (wired Ethernet), I can skip 5x at 30 second intervals in succession without hardly any jitter or splat of video which seems to occur occasionally when letting it stream with or without skipping past buffer. IMO the splats are not buffer related if I can do that with consistency. I just tried that with both HR22's and both were able to do this and only once did I see a splat but it occurred just after multiple attempts to see if 5xskipx5 would destabilize the playback. The splats still occur consistently during normal playback. Maybe what MRV is lacking at this point is dropping or timeout of MRV server and prioritizing of MRV streams.

My remote lag is not worsening as some have experienced but it seems at times to faster or slower. I was close enough to it earlier when it seemed not to be responding to a remote command and I heard a lot of chatter activity from HDD (neither of my HR22's are modified but are using standard as-equipped HDD). Appeared to be some kind of updating scheme it was doing before it got around to my request.

And like many have reported, I usually end up having to restart one or the HR22's after loading CE due to MRV not functioning on one DVR. And maybe the next day I have to restart one of them for same reason. It's usually the HR22 that's working properly that requires the restart to get both HR22's back in MRV sync with shared list and or playback.

I played around with the captioning features and I have to say that either method is a vast improvement over D***Net's Vip722. Shortcuts and automatic turn-off/on when selecting captioning method is a nice touch & window closing automatically is a generation ahead of my experience with the other guys. Plus I noticed that even during Wimbledon interviews that even though I saw a lot of lag in dialog updating in captions, it continued to caption the comments despite going to commercial so conversation could be read if missed in audio.
BTW I was monitoring my switch earlier and when the MRV splats occur, there is a loss of transmission from the MRV server. So its not something on the network or playback side, the server is just pausing for a very short period of time. Somethings not being buffered enough on the sending side or the box goes out to lunch for a moment doing something else.

Folks on the "other site" are reporting boatloads of MRV issues, and all of the prior issues are apparently still with us.
That did it. Sometimes I get so excited to find/report an issue I forget to attempt the obvious :rolleyes:. Probably still worth noting, though.

Well, I THOUGHT the reset took care of it, but the problem returned tonight. Really annoying.
I concur with the above posts, lots of little niggly things going on with MRV . Don't know what is sent in the report so don't know if it's worth sending when there is no major issue. If I am watching a show via MRV and I get an occasional break up, if I send a report at the end of the show will it indicate the occasional breakups?
I seem to be missing some of the trick play features we had before. My HR22's have a tendency to skip to end of recording while trying to skip forward at 30 second intervals as if the DVR thinks I'm holding down the skip button. That's been hit or miss with CE's but very bad with NR. Anyway, I liked the trick play better when holding the skip button would jump to markers set at 15 or 30 minute intervals because it seemed to have less tendency to skip to end.

My mistake on the missing trick play feature; it's holding down the FFWD & RWD arrows that causes the skip to next marker in buffer or recording playback.
Another thing I've noticed with this CE, while streaming a HD MRV (wired Ethernet), I can skip 5x at 30 second intervals in succession without hardly any jitter or splat of video which seems to occur occasionally when letting it stream with or without skipping past buffer. IMO the splats are not buffer related if I can do that with consistency. I just tried that with both HR22's and both were able to do this and only once did I see a splat but it occurred just after multiple attempts to see if 5xskipx5 would destabilize the playback. The splats still occur consistently during normal playback. Maybe what MRV is lacking at this point is dropping or timeout of MRV server and prioritizing of MRV streams.

And like many have reported, I usually end up having to restart one or the HR22's after loading CE due to MRV not functioning on one DVR. And maybe the next day I have to restart one of them for same reason. It's usually the HR22 that's working properly that requires the restart to get both HR22's back in MRV sync with shared list and or playback.

BTW I was monitoring my switch earlier and when the MRV splats occur, there is a loss of transmission from the MRV server. So its not something on the network or playback side, the server is just pausing for a very short period of time. Somethings not being buffered enough on the sending side or the box goes out to lunch for a moment doing something else.

Folks on the "other site" are reporting boatloads of MRV issues, and all of the prior issues are apparently still with us.

Well, I THOUGHT the reset took care of it, but the problem returned tonight. Really annoying.

It would appear that these problems are all related to same issue; a momentary loss of transmission that causes a multitude of problems. I'm wondering if DirecTv is aware of that fact but is continues to release CE's with the same defect for testing but will clean it up in NR? Maybe hiding the polished version from the competition

I would like to know a little more of our purpose in reporting defects because a few of us, myself included, are banging pretty hard on that one drum and that could be counter productive to the purpose of this thread. And I dislike reporting non-issues and wasting engineers' time sorting through useless information. On the other hand, if these posts are productive, it would help to know that also.
I'm wondering if DirecTv is aware of that fact but is continues to release CE's with the same defect for testing but will clean it up in NR? Maybe hiding the polished version from the competition

I think they're well aware since the problem has been reported for ~3 weeks now.

Considering there were no MRV fixes specified in this weeks CE and that they've already announced DLB in their monthly magazine, that this NR will have DLB but not MRV.

The announcement for DLB is in this months directv magazine, so I'll also bet that next week will be an NR candidate and it'll be out by the end of the month with MRV requiring the MRVCLIENTON keyword to activate it.

At least I HOPE the NR has MRV in it. Directv has done the hokey pokey with features before.
Just like the last 2 weeks, by today (monday) afternoon MRV quit working. Surprisingly consistent at about 2.5 days between download and going belly up.

When I hit play it gave me a gray screen for a long time and then said something about "receiver upstairs is not responding". Funny thing is I was on receiver 'upstairs' trying to pull a show from 'downstairs'.

I turned MRV off on 'upstairs' using the misc menu and then turned it back on and hit 'ok'. It then went into "please wait" and hung there for ten minutes until I RBR'd.

MRV from downstairs to upstairs still didnt work, so I rebooted the downstairs box.

Then it worked.

So whatever is happening hoses both boxes. The sender appears to lose the ability to send (although the merged playlist is still there on both boxes), and something bad happens to the receiver that eventually causes it to turn goofy.
Report #: 20090706-3159

Getting terrible audio dropouts on HD programming.
Slow guide scrolling.
Real Slow Sidebar loading.

I will be reverting back to national as the audio drops are annoying. :)
A few hours after I rebooted the HR20-100's, both lost the merged playlist. I rebooted both and recycled power on all the networking gear from the cable modem on back. Took about 5 minutes after the HR20's restarted before the merged playlist was rebuilt. Lots of network activity. Both HR's verrrry slow. Then they were fine after that.

Funny, just looked at the switch status and although theres no MRV or other explicit network stuff going on with either receiver (they're both turned off in fact, not even being watched), theres one heck of a lot of activity going on. Every few seconds theres a chatter between boxes, between the boxes and the router, boxes and the other two computers that are in use, and to the internet.

Less than 4-5 seconds between chats.
Can anyone help me here? I am runing the X32F CE software on both my HR20 and my HR21, but I can bot get the MRV to working. Eventhough on both recivers it says Multiroom DVR is on on both recivers and they are both setup on the network and the DOD workes on both. How do I get MRV to work?
did you do a keyword search for 'mrvclienton'? Supposedly you dont need it anymore, but I've seen a few people say it didnt work until they did it.

Go to 'search for programs', then 'keyword search', put in 'mrvclienton' and wait for the search to time out.

Then see if you have it.

Other thing to check is to look into the network setup and see what info is in there. If its 169.x.x.x addresses, the boxes arent seeing your DHCP server and may not be configuring themselves correctly.
Can anyone help me here? I am runing the X32F CE software on both my HR20 and my HR21, but I can bot get the MRV to working. Eventhough on both recivers it says Multiroom DVR is on on both recivers and they are both setup on the network and the DOD workes on both. How do I get MRV to work?

did you do a keyword search for 'mrvclienton'? Supposedly you dont need it anymore, but I've seen a few people say it didnt work until they did it.

Go to 'search for programs', then 'keyword search', put in 'mrvclienton' and wait for the search to time out.

Then see if you have it.

Other thing to check is to look into the network setup and see what info is in there. If its 169.x.x.x addresses, the boxes arent seeing your DHCP server and may not be configuring themselves correctly.

In addition I would add IMO there's a consensus that a restart on both DVR's is required to get MRV going initially. Once you get it going, you still have to restart frequently due to a timeout that inevitably occurs in a couple of days. MRV is a great feature but it still seems to be in its initial rough draft CE release with few improvements and its major issues still in need of fixing. You can expect to see "unable to view media" on one or both DVR's, loss of shared list, loss of list, loss of audio, or no audio/video data packets. You'll also notice that playback through MRV yields a lot pixelization splats on video and sometimes both audio and video. These splats occur every 5 to 10 minutes even on wired Ethernet connections and also needs to be remedied by CE fix.

If you continue to have problems getting it going, do the keyword search on MRVCLIENTOFF then k/w search MRVCLIENTON then k/w search IAMANEDGECUTTER then restart (same for both DVR's). Good Luck.
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