Really weird. The few times I've lost the report option just rerunning network setup brought it back.
My wife is upstairs watching a show from the downstairs unit via mrv, no problems.
When i tried to watch something that was stored on the upstairs unit on the downstairs unit, I get 4-5 seconds of gray screen followed by "unable to access media"
When I went to send a report, no report option in Misc menu. Went to network and told it to redo the network setup, which reported success. Report option then reappeared in the misc menu.
Report # 20090704-3538
Rebooting the upstairs unit fixed the problem, report was for the downstairs unit.
So the upstairs MRV server went down, but the MRV client was able to pull from the downstairs. Downstairs had the merged playlist, but couldnt play the upstairs content.
Never got the "unable to access media" error before.
I've tried a couple things with this CE to get out of restarting so frequently due to losing MRV server or shared list and I don't know if my results are due to both changes in tandem or individually but anyways I found the STB ports for audio and video had reversed themselves when I got a message that "no audio/video packets received" in the L/R (the STB audio and video ports were swapped on B/R and restarting B/R HR22 reverted them back and got the MRV server up again).
FIRST THING I TRIED (to eliminate possible port errors): So I thought I should go to a "Manual Configuration Type" under "Network Services". (Starting & connecting are two different things and since I have my HR22's connected to each other for MRV, I didn't forward the ports on my router so I get a message that says that Network Services Started but connect test failed error for network services but it doesn't inhibit MRV or DirecTv2PC or even VOD but I did notice that the STB status indicator under "More System Info" remains at 5000 rather the usual increment up on updating that it was doing). I had hoped that would get me out of the usual restarts to get MRV server going again when one goes down but it didn't.
Second Thing I Tried: (System Test via the "Test Connection" link under 'Network" to restart MRV Server) But I did find that if I go to the HR22 that still has MRV playback capability and menu navigate to "NETWORK" then 'Test Connection" and then click "Run System Test" that I can get the MRV server going again with playback on both HR22's without causing list problems. Worked once, I'll try that first when it happens again.
I'll have to try it, because it went out again last night. Receiver was operating perfectly but my wife was getting 503 errors from directv2pc. Worked fine after a reboot.
So it seems to have lasted 2.5 days between download and first failure, but gets hosed daily since then.
I did snoop the network traffic yesterday. Lots of SSDP's (service discovery, looking for new boxes I guess) between the HR20's. Some packets looking for my home theater pc that has viiv and playon running on it, although the computer was turned off. So fairly normal stuff. I'll have to scope a normal MRV network session and then get one again when it fails. I suspect that I wont be able to tell anything from it, as I'm sure the failures are occuring inside the boxes, so all I'll see are non-responses or error packets.
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