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Is Broadband Reports Down: | SatelliteGuys.US

Is Broadband Reports Down:

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:( :( :(
LonghornXP said:
I've been trying to access for the last several days without luck. Can anyone tell me if they are down. I get 100% loss of packets on a ping test but it seems every site I visit is working just fine.

I just went there withouth a problem longhorn, you might want to try something else in your system, something is wrong, try again, but the site is up for me! :( :( :(
Nope doesn't work here in Internet Explorer nor Mozilla both the latest versions. I might very well have to think about doing a ghost restore. I might reboot my modem first and try my FIOS connection as well. I only use my FIOS connection to work use on a work computer so I don't want to start using it for personal use yet.
Do you have any type of net security software that does auto-blocking by either IP or URL? Have you tried visiting that site directly via their IP addy, or pinging/trace route them to see where you get hung up?
let us know what happens longhorn, sorry friend, sometimes I hate computers, just had my laptop in the family room go kapoop, stupid thing started getting bad files, oh well time to scrub the hard drive and redo windowsxp
I tried rebooting my cable modem and that didn't help. Next I figured I would try rebooting my Linksys router (I've never had todo before) and it seems that every satelliteguys along with many of my favorite sites load quicker and I can now get onto broadband reports now. Funny how a router could slow everything down and stop me accessing several sites.

Wow just did a speed test and my Road Runner is getting 9.4Mbps on the basic 44.95/month plan. I'm sure that would drop down by tonight.
charper1 said:
good job, that was my next idea. do you run your router as a DNS sever for your home/office?

Just as a DHCP server for just my peronal computers. My work computer and laptop are connection to another router provided by the government while that router is using my Verizon FIOS connection. I like to keep both the computers, network and internet connection seperate.
korsjs said:
i know you are not using fios for personnel use, but i can access it with fios.

I know that and I only said that if rebooting both my cable modem and router didn't work because before I'm going to do a restore I would check my FIOS connection to see if it might be a Road Runner issue. I just didn't feel like walking to the entire opposite end of the house and up the stairs.
So i wonder; since you run as a DHCP, as i do, if their IP addy changed and thats why your router would not pass it thru until being "refreshed"?

I can't remember why or who told me, but I was instructed to re-boot my router once per month or so.

If anyone out here can say why this should or more importantly should not be done, I will be glad to hear it because i hate doing it.
korsjs said:
i know you are not using fios for personnel use, but i can access it with fios.

Also how do you like FIOS so far. Mine has been down a few times and had its share of small problems but working fine for the most part. Verizon did give me one heck of a time about not using their router but they ended up caving in on that. Because I have to use VPN in a very secured manner I could use that 2Mbps upload that FIOS provides so I was very much a pain in the arse with Verizon over not using their router/modem.
charper1 said:
So i wonder; since you run as a DHCP, as i do, if their IP addy changed and thats why your router would not pass it thru until being "refreshed"?

I can't remember why or who told me, but I was instructed to re-boot my router once per month or so.

If anyone out here can say why this should or more importantly should not be done, I will be glad to hear it because i hate doing it.

Its very rare and most routers refresh on their own so I'm still not sure why this specific website had problems. You would think if this was indeed so that all routers including yours would have the same problem. I'm also going to check for spyware and such because my Linksys activity lights are going nuts right now without doing much but typing.

Edit..I'm such a dumbazz...My Linksys is going nuts now because I'm streaming a radio station from Napster. That would do it wouldn't it. I thought I was just playing back music.
Ah, good luck! Hope you find nothing, if you know what I mean.

Just saw your edit: LOL, your funny.

pssssst: I do that all the time too.
charper1 said:
Ah, good luck! Hope you find nothing, if you know what I mean.

Just saw your edit: LOL, your funny.

pssssst: I do that all the time too.

Don't we all but I should have noticed it was a radio station because I've never heard the song before so that should have been a big hint. It happened to be a song I liked so I downloaded it.

My rule of thumb is don't do anything big and rash until I check the basics. I'm sure I would have restored everything at least 50 more times in the last 6 months if I was rash about. Some of my problems may have taken my a few hours to click but when it clicked I knew restoring wouldn't fix the click.
LonghornXP said:
Also how do you like FIOS so far. Mine has been down a few times and had its share of small problems but working fine for the most part. Verizon did give me one heck of a time about not using their router but they ended up caving in on that. Because I have to use VPN in a very secured manner I could use that 2Mbps upload that FIOS provides so I was very much a pain in the arse with Verizon over not using their router/modem.

i love it. it has never been down for me or at least when i have been using it and have never seen anything this fast.
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