I've been trying to access www.broadbandreports.com for the last several days without luck. Can anyone tell me if they are down. I get 100% loss of packets on a ping test but it seems every site I visit is working just fine.
LonghornXP said:I've been trying to access www.broadbandreports.com for the last several days without luck. Can anyone tell me if they are down. I get 100% loss of packets on a ping test but it seems every site I visit is working just fine.
charper1 said:good job, that was my next idea. do you run your router as a DNS sever for your home/office?
korsjs said:i know you are not using fios for personnel use, but i can access it with fios.
korsjs said:i know you are not using fios for personnel use, but i can access it with fios.
charper1 said:So i wonder; since you run as a DHCP, as i do, if their IP addy changed and thats why your router would not pass it thru until being "refreshed"?
I can't remember why or who told me, but I was instructed to re-boot my router once per month or so.
If anyone out here can say why this should or more importantly should not be done, I will be glad to hear it because i hate doing it.
charper1 said:Ah, good luck! Hope you find nothing, if you know what I mean.
Just saw your edit: LOL, your funny.
pssssst: I do that all the time too.
LonghornXP said:Also how do you like FIOS so far. Mine has been down a few times and had its share of small problems but working fine for the most part. Verizon did give me one heck of a time about not using their router but they ended up caving in on that. Because I have to use VPN in a very secured manner I could use that 2Mbps upload that FIOS provides so I was very much a pain in the arse with Verizon over not using their router/modem.
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