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Last & Next Movie Watched

Last: Echelon Conspiracy

Next: Fast & Furious

Netflix actually sent the two new releases this week. Of course I held my movies until Saturday. They started Saturday processing a week ago which screwed getting Watchmen. Unborn and Watchmen are short waits for me with BB and Long and very long with Net.

Last: unborn (yep, it was in my mailbox today when I got home, thanks BB, it was at the top of my netflix list since before it came out, my netflix queue still shows it as a very long wait). As for movie, I almost wish it wasn't here. :( I'm pretty sure it used every american cliche' of japanese horror, but did it haphazardly and was pretty uninspired.

Glad I have instore exchange, cause I am heading to the store right now to get something else to wash the pain out of my eyes! :) (ok, it wasn't that bad, but I love horror and this did nothing for me)
Last: Not BD but I had to watch "Eric Idle Exploits Monty Python". Needed a good laugh. Pathetic when you know all of the songs and lyrics :eek:

Next: Fast and Furious

Last: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Great flick. Best score ever in a western. I was even mildly surprised my wife stayed interested in the movie the whole way through.

Next: ??? I have 2 trade-in mailers, so I'll be heading to BB after work.
Last: Miss March

Thisa movie was crude, tasteless, stupid, and I'm sure there are a whole lot more negative adjectives. I turned it off.

Next: Fast and Furious

No. Glad I didn't.


Yeah, good thing.

On a similar note, we went and saw Saving Abel, Papa Roach, Hinder and Nickelback at the Va Beach Amphitheater last night. Its pretty family orientated, but the bands were dropping f bombs and playing the dirty versions of their songs left and right. It doesn't bother me, but Im really surprised they could with 10% of the attendees appearing to be under 13.
Yeah, good thing.

On a similar note, we went and saw Saving Abel, Papa Roach, Hinder and Nickelback at the Va Beach Amphitheater last night. Its pretty family orientated, but the bands were dropping f bombs and playing the dirty versions of their songs left and right. It doesn't bother me, but Im really surprised they could with 10% of the attendees appearing to be under 13.

I'd be upset if they didn't play the unedited versions. But, I see your point.
Last: Watchmen Directors Cut

Great f'n movie! Some parts were weird, and some were awesome, but it was fresh. Ending was a slight let down for me, but I never read the comic.

Next: Valkyrie

I still have to see Watchmen. But I have read the book, so I know how it will end. ;)

Curious if you like Valkrie. It bored me. Turned it off half-way through.
I didnt watch it all the way either. :)

I dont think it helped that I knew how it all went down, and the movie was just not engaging enough for me to keep going. Whenever its a fact based movie, I try to know nothing about it.

Defiance was good for me, but I had NO idea how it was gonna shake out.
Last: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. WOW JUST WOW! I have this movies on vhs recorded from tv, bought vhs. DVD, Extended cut DVD and now i am complete with Blu RAY!:up
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