General Technical Bulletin 02/01/05 For Motorola VOOM STBs
This problem requires a software fix.
As of 02/01/05 @ 19:42 I am still operating under SWv 7.33. It is hoped SWv 7.34 is intended to address the issue. I am not targeted at this time.
Recent FCC mandates effective 02/01/05 have required OTA stations to change program channel paradigms. This will impact your Motorola VOOM receiver as it did mine.
As program channel paradigms are changed by stations the STBs are unable to recognize or deal with new instructions so they simply state there is no usable signal.
For days I have been unable to receive the ABC affiliate in my area. I spoke with an engineer and when informed of the problem he returned the program channel paradigms back to the original schemes. This is a temporary fix and must be addressed by VOOM.
If for some reason you do experience a channel loss for an extended period time check to see if you have SWv 7.34. If you do have SWv 7.34 and continue to experience channel loss call VOOM support and explain what is happening.
Then call the station(s) and ask for engineering. Inquire if they are operating at full or reduced power. If the station is running at full power ask if the have modified the program channel paradigm as directed by the FCC. If the answer is yes ask if they will temporary return to the standard codes until your STB operator can update tuner software.
This will in no way impair the stations operation, at this time, to change channel paradigm operation back to the old scheme. However, a software fix must be in place ASAP to meet FCC guidelines.
This problem is not limited to Motorola VOOM STB. It also impacts certain Samsung STBs as well.
I have notified VOOM call center as to the problem. As to whether it is addressed by SWv 7.34, we'll simply have to wait and see.
This problem requires a software fix.
As of 02/01/05 @ 19:42 I am still operating under SWv 7.33. It is hoped SWv 7.34 is intended to address the issue. I am not targeted at this time.
Recent FCC mandates effective 02/01/05 have required OTA stations to change program channel paradigms. This will impact your Motorola VOOM receiver as it did mine.
As program channel paradigms are changed by stations the STBs are unable to recognize or deal with new instructions so they simply state there is no usable signal.
For days I have been unable to receive the ABC affiliate in my area. I spoke with an engineer and when informed of the problem he returned the program channel paradigms back to the original schemes. This is a temporary fix and must be addressed by VOOM.
If for some reason you do experience a channel loss for an extended period time check to see if you have SWv 7.34. If you do have SWv 7.34 and continue to experience channel loss call VOOM support and explain what is happening.
Then call the station(s) and ask for engineering. Inquire if they are operating at full or reduced power. If the station is running at full power ask if the have modified the program channel paradigm as directed by the FCC. If the answer is yes ask if they will temporary return to the standard codes until your STB operator can update tuner software.
This will in no way impair the stations operation, at this time, to change channel paradigm operation back to the old scheme. However, a software fix must be in place ASAP to meet FCC guidelines.
This problem is not limited to Motorola VOOM STB. It also impacts certain Samsung STBs as well.
I have notified VOOM call center as to the problem. As to whether it is addressed by SWv 7.34, we'll simply have to wait and see.