Great.. so we all get to DL it at the same time, and hopefully GMG will be good and provide me with my code in a timely manner..
Great.. so we all get to DL it at the same time, and hopefully GMG will be good and provide me with my code in a timely manner..
Well a few minutes ago I received my keys from GMG and put them into Steam and now my computer is preloading them now. The download is 33.7 GB. Also, just as a little humble brag, thanks to my 100Mbps speeds, assuming no hiccups this whole thing will download in about 45 minutes.So basically if you have a key you may as well enter it now so the preload can begin.
Of course now it's annoying because I feel like a boy on Christmas Eve with my present waiting under the tree but I can't open it until tomorrow. Much like Christmas though I'll be heading to bed early so I can get up early and get it fired up.
Of course now it's annoying because I feel like a boy on Christmas Eve with my present waiting under the tree but I can't open it until tomorrow. Much like Christmas though I'll be heading to bed early so I can get up early and get it fired up.
You may as well sleep in. If the countdown clock on the store page is correct the game doesn't unlock until the store updates at 1:00PM ET tomorrow. It won't effect me since I wouldn't be able to play until after work anyways but but it's kind of sh!tty considering most games have midnight digital releases these days. I'm guessing they are unlocking it at midnight for console gamers too.
Well I tried out Arkham Knight this morning, and I guess the best thing I can say is that my experience was different than most, in that it wasn't complete sh*t. For those that don't know, it appears that the majority of PC players aren't having a good time with AK. On Steam, the game has a 32% positive rating (and I read they disabled comments because of the onslaught) and the PC Master Race subreddit has a thread full of people just complaining about how awful the performance is.
For me, the game ran just fine. To be fair, I didn't have a FPS counter going while I was playing, but I only experienced a few hiccups here and there, mainly while driving, but they weren't enough to really distract me. The game looked nice with the settings I enabled. I turned on as high as I could, although I didn't bother with all the Nvidia "special" settings like realistic rain or fog. And no, I didn't unlock the frame rate because I wanted to see if the game would even run in the first place, which it did.
As far as the actual game, it's basically Batman but bigger. Fighting is fun as it's ever been, and the new driving stuff is okay. I like the shooting sections better than the actual driving, and I do wish they had found a way to implement the old school Batmobile as opposed to the mobile tank they copied from the Nolan movies. Also, as others have mentioned, I find it more fun to get around the city using my grappling hook and gliding as opposed to driving. I haven't had a chance to try the new stealth combat sequences yet.
Overall I enjoyed the hour or so I spent with AK. I am surprised to read how many issues people are having. My video card is on the higher end of the spectrum, but to read about people with 970/980 cards having problems is quite disconcerting. I don't doubt that Rocksteady will work to make things right for PC users, and at least as of now I don't regret my preorder.
king3pj you may be in for a bad time. It looks like AK is having numerous issues with SLI cards..
Looks like some of these can be avoided, but it's annoying that someone could spend upwards of $1k in their video card setup and they have to deal with this crap.
- [SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Heavy flickering occurs in game after Alt+Tab if SLI is enabled. [200116723]
- [SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Severe stuttering seen, especially in indoor scenes, when the game is running at 4K resolution and NVIDIA Gameworks settings are turned on. [200116722]
- [SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Random flickering occurs in the game if SLI is enabled. [200116717]
- [GM206, SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Stuttering occurs and performance drops after shadow quality settings are toggled. [200116694]
- [GK180, SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] When SLI is enabled, a crash points to ntdll.dll shortly after the game is exited. [200116717]
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