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New Batman Game leaked, to be announced today. | Page 6 | SatelliteGuys.US

New Batman Game leaked, to be announced today.

I never browse Steam forums for support like that simply because I know that if any such news were to be released, it'd be picked up by the many news sites that I frequent. Still, whoever did that deserves treatment like this:

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Yahtzee has released his review of Arkham Knight (Obviously he reviewed the PS4 version) and he made this funny yet actually accurate point about Scarecrow


In other news, while us PC users wait for Rocksteady to give us a game that brings them less shame than Rosemary bought the Kennedy clan, console users will be happy to know that the first DLC entry will be released July 21st, or the 14th if you have the Season Pass.

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Hopefully that won't be the case. I feel like it's pretty hard to know when something will be fixed. There could always be a breakthrough that speeds things along. I'm hoping that the time frame they were talking about is more of a worst case scenario. At the very least they better start releasing some patches soon. Even if it isn't fully where they want it to be they could give us access to the improvements they have already made before they release the game for sale again.

It does make sense that EB games would want to send the PC copies back to the store and I'm surprised that didn't happen a long time ago. WB was holding their cash and games they couldn't sell were taking up storage space in their stores. Sending the games back fixes both of those problems.
I'm the opposite. It's always in the back of my mind just because this is such a cluster-f*ck. Seriously, I don't see myself buying a WB/Batman game ever again due to this travesty. I actually really want to play this game because I really enjoyed it when I played it, but what's the point knowing the game will be fixed?

And FYI, Monday will mark the 2 month anniversary of the PC version being pulled off of Steam. Also I see no mention of any sort of retribution that WB/RS plans on making for us PC gamers. At first I was pining for the Season Pass for free, but quite frankly all the DLC they've been releasing has been mediocre at best.
I'm the opposite. It's always in the back of my mind just because this is such a cluster-f*ck. Seriously, I don't see myself buying a WB/Batman game ever again due to this travesty. I actually really want to play this game because I really enjoyed it when I played it, but what's the point knowing the game will be fixed?

And FYI, Monday will mark the 2 month anniversary of the PC version being pulled off of Steam. Also I see no mention of any sort of retribution that WB/RS plans on making for us PC gamers. At first I was pining for the Season Pass for free, but quite frankly all the DLC they've been releasing has been mediocre at best.

I think they will almost definitely offer the season pass or another WB game for free. They know how bad they f'd this up.
Looks like that long awaited patch of Arkham Knight for PC may be almost here. A "beta" of it was apparently accidentally released to a few users, and some tried it out. Apparently it had more graphics options and much better performance.

If we ever get through that mission in Gears I'm actually starting to look forward to playing Arkham Knight again. I've been putting a lot of hours in to shooters lately so it will be nice for a change.
Speaking of Gears, last night I actually had a dream where I was in a small room with guys who had shotguns, and the shotguns looked very similar to the ones from Gears. I guess now it's seeping into my dreams, although I'd expect more that the sniper rifle would have been the weapon of choice.

And in case you were wondering, I was able to take them down, with their shotguns. Yes, this was a DREAM
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"The Patch" is finally live. It's getting mixed reviews. Some have noted that it gives significant performance boosts while for others it makes the game literally unplayable, in that it keeps crashing.

I'm going to wait until they're "done" patching before I jump back in. I just got Phantom Pain in and Super Mario Maker is arriving on the 11th, and goddamn I will die before I let that f*cking theater section beat me and king3pj in GoW..
"The Patch" is finally live. It's getting mixed reviews. Some have noted that it gives significant performance boosts while for others it makes the game literally unplayable, in that it keeps crashing.

I'm going to wait until they're "done" patching before I jump back in. I just got Phantom Pain in and Super Mario Maker is arriving on the 11th, and goddamn I will die before I let that f*cking theater section beat me and king3pj in GoW..

I want to give it a shot because I am actually kind of excited to jump back into that game again. If things aren't running perfectly for me it won't take me long to give it up and wait for another patch though. I definitely want to finish Gears before I get wrapped up in something else and Taken King will be stealing a lot of time starting on the 15th.

Unless I can actually finish Arkham Knight before Taken King I'm not sure I even want to start it. The problem there is that Taken King could easily keep me busy until Fallout 4 hits. It may be quite a while before I have time for Arkham Knight.
I'd say you just wait. This is just one of NUMEROUS patches that need to come out, not to mention PC is behind in terms of DLC releases, which you're entitled to because of your Season Pass. And Fallout 4 will keep you occupied for a while, not to mention other games coming out in the Xmas season. Hell I'd say just wait until 2016 to play. Yeah it sort of sucks to have to wait a half a year to play a game, but at least then you'll get what could loosely be called a "complete" version.
I'd say you just wait. This is just one of NUMEROUS patches that need to come out, not to mention PC is behind in terms of DLC releases, which you're entitled to because of your Season Pass. And Fallout 4 will keep you occupied for a while, not to mention other games coming out in the Xmas season. Hell I'd say just wait until 2016 to play. Yeah it sort of sucks to have to wait a half a year to play a game, but at least then you'll get what could loosely be called a "complete" version.

That's probably what will happen unless I squeeze it in before the big fall games hit. I mentioned Fallout but that's just one of the games I want to play this Fall. There is also Mad Max, The Uncharted Collection, Halo 5, Black Ops 3, Star Wars Battlefront, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Just Cause 3, and Rainbow Six Siege. I've been waiting for a good price on Dying Light since February and I plan to restart Tomb Raider when it goes free on Games With Gold too.

There is no way I will get to even half of those games this year. My wallet couldn't take that and even if it could I wouldn't have the time. Still, Arkham Knight is something I was excited about for a long time. I will get to it and it's DLC content at some point. It sucks that I couldn't play it when it came out and there weren't a million other games being released at the same time.

Edit: I just read the patch notes. SLI support is one of the things singled out for future patches. That right there is enough to tell me that the game isn't ready for me yet.

When the game first launched I had terrible framerate drops with SLI enabled. The game actually ran better when I disabled one of my 970s. It still had hitches from time to time but it was much better in general.

Edit 2: The game still hasn't been made available for sale again either. Not only that but they had the gall to say this without even mentioning any offers for people who dealt with this crap for over two months.

"We would like to thank everyone for their patience and invaluable feedback," the statement said. "We'll provide ongoing updates here as they are made available. In the meantime, please enjoy the game with the latest patch"
Well I was in the mood for something besides a shooter tonight so I decided to give the latest patch a try even though the SLI fix isn't available yet. With SLI disabled and my second 970 set as a dedicated Physx card the game ran great for me. I'm really liking what I've seen so far. It's just a shame it wasn't like this at launch.

They have fixed the dumb fps cap and added the high texture settings that were missing when the game launched. It really does look great. The only setting I turned off was the Nvidia Gameworks interactive fog. When I had this on FPS dipped to a low of 47 even though it averaged around 70. With it off FPS averaged around 80 without any major dips. All other settings were maxed including the rest of the Nvidia Gameworks settings.

With two 970s I hate to have to turn down any settings but I don't see Nvidia's fancy fog as a huge deal. Owner's of AMD's highest end cards aren't able to use any of the Gamework's settings so they can't be that essential.

To be fair, the game was totally playable with the fog on. The dips were very rare but you do notice the stutter when they happen. I'm sure I will be able to turn it back on once the SLI patch hits since I'm running almost everything off only half of my total GPU power right now.

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