True enough, the OP was also considering a tripod mounted open face dish though.Hopper is not compatible with any of the tailgater or dome sats.They will allow the use of a Hopper I believe if you own it
True enough, the OP was also considering a tripod mounted open face dish though.Hopper is not compatible with any of the tailgater or dome sats.They will allow the use of a Hopper I believe if you own it
Good point! I've had our Outdoor account all along, and I sometimes forget the limitations for those that don't.DNS is only allowed on Dish Outdoors accounts only..If you have an account at home and add receiver for RV you will not be eligible for DNS..If you have the Dish Outdoors account ONLY in your My Dish account you can simply use Manage Your Locals options on the app and change the zip to the area your located...You can use this option with any receiver as long as it's Dish Outdoors account...
DNS is only allowed on Dish Outdoors accounts only..If you have an account at home and add receiver for RV you will not be eligible for DNS..If you have the Dish Outdoors account ONLY in your My Dish account you can simply use Manage Your Locals options on the app and change the zip to the area your located...You can use this option with any receiver as long as it's Dish Outdoors account...
If you notice my signature listing, I have two Hopper2's and a Joey, all owned by me and listed on my Outdoor account. And the MyDish app works well for me when changing locals with just a couple of taps. I do have one of my Hoppers installed at our family vacation cottage in upstate NY, but Dish does not know that. There is no Dish equipment installed at my billing address since it's a commercial mail forwarding address. That said, I've never tried to get DNS, even back when I did have a 211k. We generally prefer the actual locals for where we are at the time.But you have to have a Wally or 211 to have Dish Outdoors. I have Hopper3 and Joey using a Traveler antenna with DPH42. Been using it for a couple years. Last time I tried to get DNS, was told it was not possible without a Wally or 211.
I travel full time and don't have a fixed home location.
What is DNS?
The website has listings near the bottom of the sat menu for the multi-LNB dishes like the Dish 1000.2 and 1000.4 for the western and eastern arc sats. The skew setting shown is based on the location you enter and the LNB set you select.How do you know what to set the skew? does have an app that works well, albeit a bit pricey. Winegard has a free app that can be used for both OTA and satellite setups that also works well. Both apps have an augmented reality feature that overlays the satellite locations on the camera view for easily finding a clear spot for the dish. I have both apps, and I currently prefer the one from Winegard.Thanks NYDutch. That's a slick app. Is it the one that is $19.99? There seems to be a number of them on the app store
Do you still have to have a Wally to get Distant Network Stations instead of locals? Traveling Full time, and have a Hopper3. Have to chat with support every time I move to get the service address changed. And can't setup timers in advance as the stations change each time I move. Just very annoying.
Hey there tcreek, have you checked out our DISH Outdoor Portal? You can click here: Support for DISH Outdoors Portable Dishes | MyDISH | DISH Customer Support to check out these awesome and convenient features. Manage locals, wake up receivers, and turn disabled ones on as well! Hope this can help make things a lot easier in the future. -Kevin J.
Hey dutch, I've tried several of the apps mentioned and non of them seem to be telling me what skew setting to input into the 1000.2. They all agree on the azimuth and altitude. And the apps work with only a gps signal and compass in the phone. I do see on on my pc down at the bottom the skew angle shown. I just have not seen any of the android apps that show that - just alt & azi. As long as my phone has a good internet connection, I can use the web site. Thanks for the info.
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