Opinions wanted from those who swtiched to Dish HD Voom Special Package???
I want to hear from previously happy Voom HD subscribers who have signed up for the Dish HD (Voom special) of two Dish HD 810 receivers and the dish 180 SD package with HD Showtime & HD HBO with the Dish HD Pack of the added 5 HD channels ?? ARE YOU HAPPY WITH IT ???
It seems that it's about $ 75 for the first 6 months and then approx $ 85.00
for the next six months after promotions have ended along with getting the $ 50. sign up free returned the first month and only having to pay for $ 100. second dish added charge ???
I kind of want to hear from the people who signed up and installed this Dish promotion offer .... what are your comments about the dish installation and is the is the HD quality same as when Voom offered those ten HD Channels?
I know there are people promoting Dish HD / Voom offer but I want to read comments from those who have signed up and now use this Dish HD pack with the Dish DH 811 receivers
Tell Me your good and bad stories about what you have experienced ??
I'm thinking about signing up for the Dish HD / Voom offer but "m concerned about installation and setup ... remembering mainly horror stores and personal experiences with Installs Inc.
The Voomster
Being in major depression with out Voom
I want to hear from previously happy Voom HD subscribers who have signed up for the Dish HD (Voom special) of two Dish HD 810 receivers and the dish 180 SD package with HD Showtime & HD HBO with the Dish HD Pack of the added 5 HD channels ?? ARE YOU HAPPY WITH IT ???
It seems that it's about $ 75 for the first 6 months and then approx $ 85.00
for the next six months after promotions have ended along with getting the $ 50. sign up free returned the first month and only having to pay for $ 100. second dish added charge ???

I kind of want to hear from the people who signed up and installed this Dish promotion offer .... what are your comments about the dish installation and is the is the HD quality same as when Voom offered those ten HD Channels?

I know there are people promoting Dish HD / Voom offer but I want to read comments from those who have signed up and now use this Dish HD pack with the Dish DH 811 receivers

Tell Me your good and bad stories about what you have experienced ??

I'm thinking about signing up for the Dish HD / Voom offer but "m concerned about installation and setup ... remembering mainly horror stores and personal experiences with Installs Inc.
The Voomster

Being in major depression with out Voom