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Opinions wanted from those who swtiched to Dish HD Package??? | SatelliteGuys.US

Opinions wanted from those who swtiched to Dish HD Package???


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jun 21, 2004
SF Bay Area
Opinions wanted from those who swtiched to Dish HD Voom Special Package???


I want to hear from previously happy Voom HD subscribers who have signed up for the Dish HD (Voom special) of two Dish HD 810 receivers and the dish 180 SD package with HD Showtime & HD HBO with the Dish HD Pack of the added 5 HD channels ?? ARE YOU HAPPY WITH IT ???

It seems that it's about $ 75 for the first 6 months and then approx $ 85.00
for the next six months after promotions have ended along with getting the $ 50. sign up free returned the first month and only having to pay for $ 100. second dish added charge ??? :rolleyes:

I kind of want to hear from the people who signed up and installed this Dish promotion offer .... what are your comments about the dish installation and is the is the HD quality same as when Voom offered those ten HD Channels? :yes

I know there are people promoting Dish HD / Voom offer but I want to read comments from those who have signed up and now use this Dish HD pack with the Dish DH 811 receivers :confused:

Tell Me your good and bad stories about what you have experienced ?? :cool:

I'm thinking about signing up for the Dish HD / Voom offer but "m concerned about installation and setup ... remembering mainly horror stores and personal experiences with Installs Inc.

The Voomster :rainbow
Being in major depression with out Voom :(
My Voom to Dish Experience.

I was a loyal Dish customer for 3 years. I had tried to go HD, but the equipment outlay was so high I couldn't justify it for such a small offering of programming. I found this forum in February of 2004 and began considering Voom as a provider. After a much needed 'education" on all things voom from Sean Mota and the gang here at SatGuys, I took the plunge in May. I kept my Dish system running for less than a month after that.

I then enjoyed 11 months of VOOM excellence. I called Dish on April 29th, 2005 to inquire about the "offer for former Voom customers". I was told to call back on the first of May. I did so. I was then informed that I was NOT eligible for the free hardware because I was a former Dish customer, but they would sell me an 811 receiver for $416. I then went to EBAY and bought an 811 for $166. Minutes later I called and reactivated my Dish account, and signed up for the $99.95 61.5 dish addition. I was advised that the switch needed (DP 34?) would be included.

Wednesday a very nice young man from DNS arrived on time and began the installation. He was a little green but very sharp, and worked hard to do things right. In the process he had to change out all my Legacy LNB's and even my SD receiver to make it all compatible with the switch and my upcoming 811. He did so with a smile, no problem. When the CSR got involved it was a different story. The CSR refused to activate the new SD box. She wanted me to RMA my old box and have the SAME MODEL shipped back to me. After about 30 minutes arguing with her, he hung up on her. He called back, got a different CSR, and had me up and running in 3 minutes. I tipped him well.

On Thursday my 811 arrived. Had it up and running, too in just minutes, but authorization was a different story. The first CSR told me she could sell me the HD package, no discounts, and authorize my 811, but I could not get the VOOM channels because I was an existing Dish customer, and VOOM is not offered to existing DISH customers at this point. I tried to explain that I had paid $99.95 for the new hardware just for VOOM, she wouldn't budge. Finally she transferred me to the tech guy to authorize the 811. He did so, signed me up for HD package at half price for the first year, but he must have dropped the ball on the VOOM. I ended up calling again about 30 minutes later to add the VOOM channels.

What I have is the 60 basic channels + all premiums + HD pack + VOOM, I think it is going to cost about $84 a month, plus taxes. The quality is the same, as far as I can tell. It does vary a LOT with content. I miss UniversalHD, and some of the others, but it's the best I can get now. I do like having HDNET.

The biggest thing I learned from this is DON'T ARGUE WITH A CSR! Hang up and try again. Some are idiots, some are pretty sharp. Some can be very helpful. It's the old "Luck of the draw" situation.

Thanks for asking, Voomster, I needed to dump this bucket.

Voomster - I'm not exactly in the same boat you are looking at, but here's what I've seen.

I had Voom, never had DISH (former C-Bander). Signed up the middle of April so didn't get quite the same promo that is offered now (not quite as good) for the 180 package (first 3 mo. same price as the 60 package rather than the $19.95 or whatever deal that is now offered), 6 mo. of the HD pack for free, and the lease on the 942 ($250 to get in the door). This was also before the Voom10 deal was announced.

I used a local DISH retailer to support the local economy and also to know where the installer lived, if you know what I mean :) . I got installed on 4/27 and was up and running in about 90 minutes including the install of a Dish500. Then the news on Voom broke and I called my retailer back and he agreed to come back out and get me set up for that as well, and honored the DISH promo price. Got the 61.5 dish set up and he used the retail line to activate the Voom channels in about 5 minutes.

As far as PQ goes, I believe the SD channels are more consistent, and in general better than what we got from Voom, especially when they were messing with the encoders. The HD channels are close enough to the Voom PQ that I'm not worrying about it. HD OTA PQ is the same - very nice. The DVR rocks and works as advertised with only a few bugs that are not showstoppers and are being worked on by Dish.

I would say the best decision I made was to go with a local retailer to get personal service and a place to call back to if trouble. I'm very happy and also no longer worry if I'm still going to have service down the road like we had to go through with Voom (but bless their hearts for giving it a run!).

Also initial impressions are that the 61.5 setup with the DISH receivers (at least the 942) is not as prone to rain fade as was the case with the Voom dish/STB, even though I had a 24" dish.


I just got back from vacation and fired up the Voom receivers. All work for OTA. Next step was to give Dish a call and re activate my account which was in "Mothballs" at $5 per month since going Voom last October. I have been a Dish customer for 8.5 years so guess they like me as a long term cash cow. No problem getting things up and running with the phone call. I already have the Dish 61.5 sat setup from before so no re wiring needed. The CSR flipped the switch on the America's 180 and the HD pack and I am back in business. The CSR quoted me a $5 pre month charge for the HD pack. This is half what I was paying before for the package.

As a side note, or question. Someone posted above that the 811 will not work with the Legacy LNB's and equipment. I have a Model 6000 and just bought a 811 which has not arrived yet. Will I be able to hook the 811 in with my current hardware or is there hardware incompatibilities I am looking at?
I just had Dish hooked up Saturday--but with the 942. PQ acceptable on SD (better than VOOM) and HD about the same as VOOM--have yet to watch all of the channels to evaluate that further.

Other issues: My OTA works better--I have the Voom OTA coming directly into the 942, which powers the OTA, so, instead of 3 OTA channels, I now get 5--but we moved the OTA up on the chimney and definiltey DO NOT diplex the OTA cable with the DISH incoming leads--a separate cable directly from the OTA to the 942 is what works--however, no programming info for 4 of 5 OTA's--have to call about that.

Other Problems: Caller ID quit working. Dish Tech Support impossible to get into--gave up and hoping to try another time. Manual for 942 very poorly organized and confusing--very difficult to follow the directions on basic procedures.
bookwalk said:
I just had Dish hooked up Saturday--but with the 942. PQ acceptable on SD (better than VOOM) and HD about the same as VOOM--have yet to watch all of the channels to evaluate that further.
I am hoping for improved PQ on the HD channels. VOOM was very good, but it can certainly be better.
Other issues: My OTA works better--I have the Voom OTA coming directly into the 942, which powers the OTA, so, instead of 3 OTA channels, I now get 5--but we moved the OTA up on the chimney and definiltey DO NOT diplex the OTA cable with the DISH incoming leads--a separate cable directly from the OTA to the 942 is what works--however, no programming info for 4 of 5 OTA's--have to call about that.
The VOOM/Motorola 8-VSB module was a solid and reliable tuner. Your gains in reception are probably due to removal of the diplexer and added antenna height.
Other Problems: Caller ID quit working. Dish Tech Support impossible to get into--gave up and hoping to try another time. Manual for 942 very poorly organized and confusing--very difficult to follow the directions on basic procedures.
My 942 should arrive any day now and my install is schedule for Thursday. I loved VOOMs Caller ID feature and hope the 942 works equally well. I wouldn't worry too much about the 942 documents - the receiver is new and will probably be well documented and posted on the E* website as soon as they work out a few more bugs and add features.
As a side note, or question. Someone posted above that the 811 will not work with the Legacy LNB's and equipment. I have a Model 6000 and just bought a 811 which has not arrived yet. Will I be able to hook the 811 in with my current hardware or is there hardware incompatibilities I am looking at?[/QUOTE]


All of my equipment is Legacy. In fact, I did nothing to the Voom dish except route the Dish 500 cable to it's switch. My 811 works just fine with it and the new Dish 500 Twin Legacy that I installed.

811-$125.00 (used), second hand Dish 500 including twin LNB-$50.00. My experience was good. AT60, 6 mos. free HD pack, $5.00 Voom 10, Waived reactivation fee because I'm a former Dish Network sub. Did not opt for the premiums, I'm hoping they offer them a la carte in the future. But I do fear that when theyn add more HD, it's going to cost us.

After I posted my first impressions of the 942 Install Saturday, I found that Dish had set up my billing wrong and NOT given me the $19.99 Dish madness special--it took at least 2 calls (3rd to the local retailer) to "try" and get it straightened out. Instead of my owing $10 on the first bill, they had me owing $37 and I found that I cannot rely on one phone call to assume everything is fixed--but need at least 2 or 3 follow-up calls to track what's happening.

PQ on local fox (via satellite) was NOT very good--that is irritating as my husband loves to watch "24"--it is the poorest PQ I have ever seen and will try to get my Pansat 2500 to get a better feed of a local Fox station. I am also going to pursue a waiver with my local Fox Station--I cannot even get their analog signal, so even if they up the digial signal by July 1, it will still not get to me.

I am disappointed not all 21 Voom channels on and don't really care for the 10 they put up to appease HD lovers.

Still want Start HD and Universal HD!!!!!!!
I was installed on Friday May 6th. Installer looked professional with this Dish truck and shirt, however he was really in a hurry and had to redo a number of things including bad cable crimps. He got hung up on the switch check, he must have redid connections for over an hour alone.

I had ordered a 942 and 811 receivers. Since the install was Friday night (finished at 9:00PM), I didn't have a chance to look at anything on Saturday. On Sunday.......oh my ..... had major problems with the 942. Couldn't receiving anything from the 110 satellite and the PG comes from that bird. I had no problems with the it seemed.

Anyway I spent a hour or so with E* CSR check everything and he surmised that there was either 1) a bad cable crimp..2) a bad cable ... 3) a bad switch... or 4 ) a bad 942.....huh....

The earliest an E* tech can be assigned is next Monday the 16th. I did get half of a month refund but the 942 is useless since it can't get a guide.

Now on to the 811s....they seem like a nice box but....there is less than a 48 program guide...difficult to plan your recording. Also even though it outputs on all ports, it doesn't do this in a native fashion. The Voom box did this correctly and so does my Samsung D* receivers.

PQ on the Voom 10 doesn't seem as good but the regular SD programming and volume seem ok. A good benchmark for me is SCIFI, it was very soft and the volume low on Voom. On E* it is fairly sharp (for SD) and the volume is just fine.

Anyway maybe next week I can get to enjoying this system once the cable issue is fixed.

Thanks for the update. I was never really satisfied with how Voom rebroadcast the SciFi channel for the same reasons you identified.

One thing I'd like you to update us on, is when the 942 is up and working, how does it look. Sounds like the 811 receiver is reasonable good, but I'd like to hear your comments on how the 942 performs.
My first time with Dish. I came over because I could get 10 of the original 21 VOOM channels which makes the price worthwhile to me. There's so much programming on just those channels alone! Dish has some neat features but I need to get more familiar with it first. Meantime, I'm enjoying VOOM again!

Any way to reactivate OTA after kill signal?

E* is now part-owner of Voom 21HD channels

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