DTV is ATSC A/53. It is not a subset of it.Just like Dtv is a part of ATSC,where do you think the DTv came from back in the 1980
A TiVo that does ATSC 3.0 does not exist. Further, because TiVo has done away with video and audio inputs, you probably won't be able to adapt a TiVo to record programming delivered through ATSC 3.0.TiVo
OFDM isn't just the mobile part. ODFM used for OTA broadcast of ATSC 3.0. h.265 is the one and only video compression scheme and without support for h.265 and ODFM, you don't have a device that will handle ATSC 3.0.u are talking about The Mobil part of it now
It does present an opportunity to inform the community on what ATSC 3.0 is and isn't. In that, it may be a useful learning tool even if not everyone is compelled by documented facts.At this pint I think it is clear that nascarken will not convince anyone else----and that no one will convince him.
Well I gess u are rong we have Ben useing ATSC for TV OTA cents the1950,The ATSC you are thinking of is this mobile ATSC,and that is what the FCC is testing to see if it mess is with ,reg TV,broadcasting I hope not or visevers on the mobile part .NascarKen, I must come down strongly with everyone else. The ATSC 3.0 architecture is quite complex. I agree that some of the layers are re-used from ATSC 1.0 and have been implemented. However, in order to display an ATSC 3.0 signal, you need an implementation that meets ALL of the mandatory blocks of the broadcast standard. If you don't have that, you simply cannot receive the signal. At the present time, we are very early in experimenting with adoption of these standards. On small broadcast area is putting out ATSC 3.0 test signals and the only decoders available are professional units that cost well in the 5 figure range.
Come on now mojo,,,,,the trols are geetting parity deep time to get out the boots. For now!!! 3.0,IS mobile thanks and only mobile devices can only receive it ?likely. Feels like a memories_of_mojo moment.
Well I gess u are rong we have Ben useing ATSC for TV OTA cents the1950,The ATSC you are thinking of is this mobile ATSC,and that is what the FCC is testing to see if it mess is with ,reg TV,broadcasting I hope not or visevers on the mobile part .
Me azzzz well no great loss!!!!have a grate day!!!!Again you don't have a clue. The USA used NTSC analog until the switch to digital and ATSC 1.0. See the 1.0 part. It is not compatible with ATSC 3.0 and 3.0 consists of many parts not just possible mobile reception.
Now to add a 2nd annoying person to my ignore list.
That's what sets simple spelling checkers apart from more comprehensive grammar checkers.Now I know without a doubt why spell check was invented.
I've definitively answered this question already. Apparently you didn't get it.OK now ATSC, what's the MHZ;is it low,or hi vhf,or is it UHF ??
I've been amazed in the past few weeks at how many people don't know that OTA TV exists. They know about cable and satellite TV, and now are hearing about TV via the internet, but a friend did a survey here locally in San Francisco and a large number of people didn't know that you could connect an antenna to your TV set and get beautiful HD pictures. (What did they think that tall Sutro Tower was used for?) I think it's time for TV stations to publicize the fact that you can get free TV really easy by simply buying an antenna... or would that upset the cable and satellite operators too much?
Are people in other parts of the country similarly unaware of OTA TV?
Thanks, Dan!larry click on his profile and click on where it says ignore.
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