I'm all for nuclear. It irks me when people say noo-kya-nur. That's not political.
Why would someone put backup generators ON THE BEACH?!!! TMI, Chernobyl. You thing someone would learn something.
Why didn't the USPS capitalize on being an ISP? The dial-up modem decimated their industry over night. That's not political. And my pastor agrees.
I can't really see semi's dragging a trailer full of batteries down the highway to power their rigs. Get your doubles endorsement guys. Maybe you can get lumper pay while you wait for it to charge.
Biodiesel. Great idea. In Orlando. Disney puts waste oil containers at your restaurant and auto service centers.
They make and run their vehicles on biodiesel that they make there. Is that unpopular? Eat more wings!
I got a lot of "yeah buts" from my friend. He burns firewood. A triaxle of logs is dropped off in his back yard.
Gas for the chainsaw. Oil for it too. Cut the logs to length......they hit the dirt. And tack on chains and sharpening too.
Change the oil in the splitter. Gas for it. Pick up the cut chunks and split them. Pick them up and spilt them into quarters. Then pick the pieces up, load them in the wagon. Go stack 'em up. Do it all over again. After you mow the yard, dodge rain storms.
During the winter you have to trudge outside. Bundle up. Go grab an armload, two. You picked up that wood HOW many times? Fourty-'leven?
Hey Teddy? Ever think of getting a pellet stove? At first. Unpopular subject. "What ya' gonna' do when you're 70"?
My 'droid out of the pocket. Calculator opened up. What's a triaxle cost, delivered? How much gas and oil do ya think you used? How much time did it take to do? You have to clean the flue how many times? That means you have to shut the stove down, right? What about if you and the wifey wants to go away shopping for the day?
Let's go to the pellet stove place. Just ride with me. Spin one up, put a few in the cooler.
Ted has a pellet stove now. Once unpopular, not political, and not so religious now as when he dropped a log on his toe or ran the saw into a staple from eons ago.
You got 'ole Seth all fired up.
Oh. The Flatlanders. That's what we call the hunters from the city. They were sleazin' into my dad's wood stack at night and helping themselves. 5-6 chunks and tracks across the snow.
Very unpopular with him.
So he grabs a very special chunk of wood. Cores one end and drills it deep. Packs that baby with black powder. Crafted a matching plug and planted it in. And stripped the bark to make it obvious to him. SOMEONE had a very unpopular day. That piece of wood came up missing. That's about the time I got him a tree cam. His wood pile didn't mysteriously dwindle at night any more. Flatlanders!
Whew. That was fun. Thanks for the invite. Hate me yet?