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Post what DirecTV retention offered you!

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I was paying as much as $200 per month (3 tvs), reduced to 2 tvs & got some promos late last year to get the bill down to $150. Decided I would disconnect since they couldn't give me anymore promos to get the bill down to $100. Now 5 days after, with the return boxes here, the come back offers have started to come in, giving me even more than what I was asking for. Too late, I've discovered some viable streaming alternatives which is saving me as much as $80 to $100 per month, and I can disconnect & reconnect these services anytime without a penalty.

I have to call next month and ask to see what deals they have. I'm not bluffing with them . If they don't want to offer me a deal then I'll just cancel . Last time I cancelled they offered me new customer pricing after a day or two.
Being an older customer you will be charged a $10 HD fee, plus if ya want a Dvr its $10 and whole home would be $3. Total $23

New customers don't pay for HD, it's free but they do pay $6.50 for the first receiver where you get it for free, if they want a dvr its a $15 advance receiver fee which includes whole home.
Waiving a $6.50 fee does not justify a $10 fee in my opinion. If Directv would just automatically make the HD free for all customers, that would go a long way toward winning my loyalty.
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So its been 2 weeks and no hr44...I got the return kit within 3 days and called after a week or so and was told the notes showed everything up to escalating to a supervisor for approval of the hr44 but no order yet and it can take up to 3 weeks when requesting a specific receiver. Sounds legit but has anyone else waited this long for a promised upgrade?
This will be a long post...Last week I called as I was having trouble ordering a wrestling PPV online which I seem to have almost every time I order two wrestling PPVs in the same month(If I try to order on DirecTV's website unlike normal times it wont let me bill to account. It tells me I have to use a credit card or checking account).(I called a year or so ago & they told it's because my bill was due in two weeks and my bill for that month was over $200, which is it every month. They said they raised the limit. But the problem kept having). So when I called I said my problem, and asked to know when my contract ended. The lady immediately told me she had to transfer me to someone else. So I was transferred and the lady said you had a question about your contract and I said yes as well as ordering a PPV. She told me I was out of contract at the moment. She ordered the PPV for me on the phone & said she would credit the account the $5 fee for ordering on the phone. I told her how I had not even received that month's bill in the mail. She then raised my limit from $200 to $500. She had to do it twice as the first time it did not save. I asked her if I would have the same problem this week when I order another PPV she promised it would not happen ever again. I thanked her. I asked her if she had any deals for me, she said yes. (My bill is usually $211 a month + a $25-50 wrestling PPV. On bill minus the PPV it would read DirecTV Channels $144, DirecTV Equipment $57, & Sports fee/Tax $10).

The deal she offered me & I took included $10 off Sports for 6 months, Save $7 on HBO for 6 months, $15 off Premier for 12 months, Save $7 on Cinemax for 6 months, Save $5 on Premier for 6 months, & save $10 on a Advanced DVR for 12 months. (So $54 off for 6 months, then the following 6 months $25 off awesome deal) She also offered me MLB Extra Innings free for this year or NFL Superticket for this year. I don't care for either but I ended going with NFL, she told me I just have to cancel NFL in January. This is for a 1 year contract. I thanked her.

After I hung up I checked my recent activity on DirecTV's website and saw all the credits issued but saw I was charged the $5 phone fee for ordering a PPV. I called DirecTV back told the guy on the phone that she promised me the phone credit and he gave me the $5 phone credit. I thanked him, he then sent me three DirecTV helpful hints for ordering a PPV online emails.

Today I received my bill in the mail, and went to order the Wrestling PPV for Wednesday morning but if gave me the same message again to order the PPV with credit card or checking account. I could not bill it to my account. I called DirecTV I asked for Tech Support. he guy asked his supervisor and told me there was nothing he could do for me. Asked if I needed any other help, I said no. I recalled DirecTV this time asked for billing the guy listened to me and said it must be a problem with DirecTV's website as he can see my account's limit is set on $500 he transferred me to someone to help with DirecTVs website.

The Lady was from Manila, Philippines. I told her my problem and told her how I keep having multiple problems with DirecTVs website. (One month I went to order a wrestling PPV and the PPV was moved from Monday to Wednesday so I had to order it again and call them to get a credit. They apologized. Two months ago I went to order a wrestling PPV online and the button to click to buy was grayed out. I called DirecTV and the guy on the phone had the same issue so he sent a message to someone and told me to try again in a few days. A few days later I called same problem they told me they could not figure it out. I just ordered it on my DVR instead but I like to do it online so I can watch in whatever room I'm in).

She reset my password online and logged into my account. She could not find where the wrestling PPV was. I tried to tell her and she said she had to Google it. She couldn't find it still, so I told her to use the search button on DirecTV's website main page and type in the name of the PPV. She did and she was the same problem I was having with it not letting me bill to account. She had me replug in the phone jack to my DVR 3 times, still no problem. She tried to change the settings to let me order online still no help. She said it showed my accounts limit was $500 and I shouldn't be having the problem so after over an hour on the phone she ordered the PPV for me and credited my account the $5 phone fee. She told me she was escalating the issue so hopefully I wont have the same issue ever again. She said it must be a problem on DirecTVs website. She thanked me for being so patience, told me I made her day, and told me to watch ch 364 or 379 for something Inspirational. She was very helpful and nice to me. I checked my account online & saw she gave me the $5 phone credit.

Hopefully I don't have this problem again but I doubt it haha. Atleast I got all the credits and lowered my bill for the next year. Very happy about that.
Hopefully I don't have this problem again but I doubt it haha. Atleast I got all the credits and lowered my bill for the next year. Very happy about that.

im slightly confused why you're trying to order through the website. are you trying to keep open the possibility to watch it on your computer? i dont have my DVR connected to the internet because i live out in the boonies, so doing something like this is beyond me. if you're just watching the PPV on your reciever anyway, it seems like kind of a hassle to go this route.
im slightly confused why you're trying to order through the website. are you trying to keep open the possibility to watch it on your computer? i dont have my DVR connected to the internet because i live out in the boonies, so doing something like this is beyond me. if you're just watching the PPV on your reciever anyway, it seems like kind of a hassle to go this route.

Unable to watch PPV on Computer, I've always done it this way so I can watch on any box in my house. For one, I used to do this for my Uncle who was dying of cancer and towards the end he could not make it into my room anymore. So he could watch it in his own room. Now my grandmother sometimes gets too tired to watch the show, so this way she can record it in her room as well & watch it whenever she wants. I have whole-home DVR so she could just watch it DVR'd from my room but I almost always immediately delete it without thinking when I'm done watching it.
I didn't read the big long post, but most companies have a ppv credit limit, so if you order two ppv's that exceed that limit(UFC, wrestling, sports events in general) then you would see those results. The best way to solve that is by paying for the first event prior to ordering the other.
I was on chat last night with direct . I said I wanted to cancel . They provided me with a number and pin so I could get right directly through to the loyalty department. The august bill will be the last bill I have the 29 credit as a new customer. I was told to wait until that bill generates and then call back.

I don't expect or demand 29.00 again but what offer has anyone received after their first year with direct is up? Sure I get 10 off my 2nd year but with receiver costs and the advance fee my bill is at 98.00.
I was on chat last night with direct . I said I wanted to cancel . They provided me with a number and pin so I could get right directly through to the loyalty department. The august bill will be the last bill I have the 29 credit as a new customer. I was told to wait until that bill generates and then call back.

I don't expect or demand 29.00 again but what offer has anyone received after their first year with direct is up? Sure I get 10 off my 2nd year but with receiver costs and the advance fee my bill is at 98.00.
That is still $13 less than the average customer of DTV.
I was on chat last night with direct . I said I wanted to cancel . They provided me with a number and pin so I could get right directly through to the loyalty department. The august bill will be the last bill I have the 29 credit as a new customer. I was told to wait until that bill generates and then call back.

I don't expect or demand 29.00 again but what offer has anyone received after their first year with direct is up? Sure I get 10 off my 2nd year but with receiver costs and the advance fee my bill is at 98.00.
After my first year was up, I called to downgrade from Select to Family, and I also asked if they had a promotion for HD Free For Life so I could get rid of the $10 per month Advanced Receiver HD fee. I was offered $10 off per month for two years with a two year commitment, and I agreed to that. However, after I was placed on hold, there was some kind of problem on Directv's end, and the CSR could not apply the credit as it was originally offered. Since she had already agreed to give me the credit, she said they had to honor it, so she gave me the entire $240 credit up-front. Since the credit was not applied the way I originally agreed, there is also no commitment associated with this credit. I also had some $5 per month credits left, so now with Family ($29.99 per month), Advanced Receiver HD ($10 per month), and sales tax on the Primary Receiver fee, my entire Directv bill has been covered for more than six months. The CSR also said that I am free to call back and ask for additional credits toward the Advanced Receiver HD fee after the credit balance on my account is used up.
Had a great experience today...was going to cancel and switch to optimum but the rep kept me talking and I let him just to see where it would lead and I ended up with Showtime for 4 months, nfl sunday ticket free with 1 year contract, an hr44 genie being shipped with a return box for the old receiver, and a total of $32.00 in credits for 12 months...I've been with Dtv for 10 years and they've always seemed to come through depending on who you get on the other end.

Just called to actually cancel, and got offered the same deal. The only difference is I have a tech coming out with the 44 to replace my 34, free of charge. I was really calling to cancel, and the rep just wouldn't let me leave.
Just called to actually cancel, and got offered the same deal. The only difference is I have a tech coming out with the 44 to replace my 34, free of charge. I was really calling to cancel, and the rep just wouldn't let me leave.
Welcome ..... back ?
Did you also get the $32 p/m for 12 months deal that Wyatte got ?

32 dollars off would be AWESOME ...
I called to cancel service a month ago with directv. I had been a customer almost 4 years, but I had 3 months remaining on my agreement.

The lady I spoke with was very nice, just as every experience I've had with directv. She asked why I wanted to leave, I explained the dish anywhere was huge for me to watch the Rockies and Broncos games locally. The NFL ticket does me no good since I live in my home market.

She understood and said she could offer me $30 off per month for 12 months with the NFL Sunday ticket max for free and 3 months of all movie channels if I agreed to a 1 year agreement.

Good offer, especially if I wasn't in my home market. I declined and cancelled the service.

Now I will say this.. Directv was good to us, very good customer service and quality. We left because dish had the hopper with sling integrated and plus the NFL red zone channel. Our bill will also be about 15 bucks a month cheaper. If we ever moved out of the state, we would return to directv for the Sunday ticket.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks Jimbo, never actually left though. Yes, I got $30 off per month, Sunday ticket free, and Showtime free for 4 months. A free service call with a note on my acct that I am to get a HR44 to replace my HR 34. I just couldn't refuse that offer. I am also still getting $10 off my package for another 12 months. She was basically trying to match the price I was going to get with Dish, which she came very close. Needless to say, I was very happy to resign with them for another year.
I called in the other day, but never threatened to cancel service. I told the rep I wanted to remove Showtime, and she asked why I was wanting to remove it. I told her that I was trying to reduce my bill some, and that I decided to remove Showtime to do that because the only thing we watched on it was Nurse Jackie which was no longer being shown. She didn't make any attempt to talk me out of removing it, but did tell me that if I ever decided to add it back I would have an offer available to me to get it half price for a certain amount of time. She then said she would check and see if any other offers were available for me. She offered me $20 off per month for a year if I agreed to a 1-year contract. I'm not planning on dumping DIRECTV, so I told her that would be great. So - my bill is now $33.99 less per month.
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I just called the Customer Retention department to see if I could score a deal on Sunday Ticket. Said I wanted to cancel because I can't afford the extra $40 a month for Sunday ticket and cable is cheaper. I have 6 months left on my 2 year agreement and last year paid full price for Sunday Ticket. The most they offered me was $10/month credit for 12 months and $5/month credit for Sunday ticket for 6 months. I went ahead and scheduled a cancellation date for next week hoping they will call me back with a better offer. Otherwise I'll have to call them back and cancel my
They must be wising up to people just trying to get it free. Normally, they don't make the good retention offers till about a week after the account is cancelled.
3 years ago when I cancelled they didn't make their first offer until the day after the cancellation, they cancelled me at midnight on a Friday, and called me on Sunday to see what it would take to "come back". I didn't understand that logic except they must have assumed I was bluffing, because by then it was too late.
I have a relatively simple goal when I talk to them.... want to go wireless on my clients for free. A quick chat online told me the receivers are free but I'd have to pay $99 for the bridge. I'd like my free upgrade to be free.
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