So, they gave you $150 in credits and thats not good enough for your ST ...I just called the Customer Retention department to see if I could score a deal on Sunday Ticket. Said I wanted to cancel because I can't afford the extra $40 a month for Sunday ticket and cable is cheaper. I have 6 months left on my 2 year agreement and last year paid full price for Sunday Ticket. The most they offered me was $10/month credit for 12 months and $5/month credit for Sunday ticket for 6 months. I went ahead and scheduled a cancellation date for next week hoping they will call me back with a better offer. Otherwise I'll have to call them back and cancel my
Did they give you that, or is that your stated objective?
This will be a long post...Last week I called as I was having trouble ordering a wrestling PPV online which I seem to have almost every time I order two wrestling PPVs in the same month(If I try to order on DirecTV's website unlike normal times it wont let me bill to account. It tells me I have to use a credit card or checking account).(I called a year or so ago & they told it's because my bill was due in two weeks and my bill for that month was over $200, which is it every month. They said they raised the limit. But the problem kept having). So when I called I said my problem, and asked to know when my contract ended. The lady immediately told me she had to transfer me to someone else. So I was transferred and the lady said you had a question about your contract and I said yes as well as ordering a PPV. She told me I was out of contract at the moment. She ordered the PPV for me on the phone & said she would credit the account the $5 fee for ordering on the phone. I told her how I had not even received that month's bill in the mail. She then raised my limit from $200 to $500. She had to do it twice as the first time it did not save. I asked her if I would have the same problem this week when I order another PPV she promised it would not happen ever again. I thanked her. I asked her if she had any deals for me, she said yes. (My bill is usually $211 a month + a $25-50 wrestling PPV. On bill minus the PPV it would read DirecTV Channels $144, DirecTV Equipment $57, & Sports fee/Tax $10).
The deal she offered me & I took included $10 off Sports for 6 months, Save $7 on HBO for 6 months, $15 off Premier for 12 months, Save $7 on Cinemax for 6 months, Save $5 on Premier for 6 months, & save $10 on a Advanced DVR for 12 months. (So $54 off for 6 months, then the following 6 months $25 off awesome deal) She also offered me MLB Extra Innings free for this year or NFL Superticket for this year. I don't care for either but I ended going with NFL, she told me I just have to cancel NFL in January. This is for a 1 year contract. I thanked her.
After I hung up I checked my recent activity on DirecTV's website and saw all the credits issued but saw I was charged the $5 phone fee for ordering a PPV. I called DirecTV back told the guy on the phone that she promised me the phone credit and he gave me the $5 phone credit. I thanked him, he then sent me three DirecTV helpful hints for ordering a PPV online emails.
Today I received my bill in the mail, and went to order the Wrestling PPV for Wednesday morning but if gave me the same message again to order the PPV with credit card or checking account. I could not bill it to my account. I called DirecTV I asked for Tech Support. he guy asked his supervisor and told me there was nothing he could do for me. Asked if I needed any other help, I said no. I recalled DirecTV this time asked for billing the guy listened to me and said it must be a problem with DirecTV's website as he can see my account's limit is set on $500 he transferred me to someone to help with DirecTVs website.
The Lady was from Manila, Philippines. I told her my problem and told her how I keep having multiple problems with DirecTVs website. (One month I went to order a wrestling PPV and the PPV was moved from Monday to Wednesday so I had to order it again and call them to get a credit. They apologized. Two months ago I went to order a wrestling PPV online and the button to click to buy was grayed out. I called DirecTV and the guy on the phone had the same issue so he sent a message to someone and told me to try again in a few days. A few days later I called same problem they told me they could not figure it out. I just ordered it on my DVR instead but I like to do it online so I can watch in whatever room I'm in).
She reset my password online and logged into my account. She could not find where the wrestling PPV was. I tried to tell her and she said she had to Google it. She couldn't find it still, so I told her to use the search button on DirecTV's website main page and type in the name of the PPV. She did and she was the same problem I was having with it not letting me bill to account. She had me replug in the phone jack to my DVR 3 times, still no problem. She tried to change the settings to let me order online still no help. She said it showed my accounts limit was $500 and I shouldn't be having the problem so after over an hour on the phone she ordered the PPV for me and credited my account the $5 phone fee. She told me she was escalating the issue so hopefully I wont have the same issue ever again. She said it must be a problem on DirecTVs website. She thanked me for being so patience, told me I made her day, and told me to watch ch 364 or 379 for something Inspirational. She was very helpful and nice to me. I checked my account online & saw she gave me the $5 phone credit.
Hopefully I don't have this problem again but I doubt it haha. Atleast I got all the credits and lowered my bill for the next year. Very happy about that.
Are u ordering wwe ppv every month ? why not just get the wwe network for way less $9 a month and every ppv is included.. will save an extra $50 on your dtv bill
Posted Via The FREE SatelliteGuys Reader App!
Are u ordering wwe ppv every month ? why not just get the wwe network for way less $9 a month and every ppv is included.. will save an extra $50 on your dtv bill
Posted Via The FREE SatelliteGuys Reader App!
He couldn't schedule an appointment for the Genie install for some reason, so I tried to get him to let me install myself but he wouldn't do it ("the system won't let me"). So, they will call me with appointment time, I assume it'll be quick enough to to switch out the SWM and put in the genie.
the genie + 2 DVR's puts you @ 9 tuners, which requires a dish and/or multiswitch upgrade.
Ask when your contract is up and tell them you need to decide between DirecTV and Dish as they have $49.99/mo for 2 years with all fees included.
Be persistent and tell them you were prefer to stay but you need to "close the gap" and get a price close to dish.
If no interest in Sunday ticket, focus solely on the price.
NEVER trade an HDDVR for a mini!is getting 2 new mini-genies better than continuing to use my HR22-100, and an HR24-200? I am pretty sure I have read on here previously that the HR24-200 is a good, solid unit but is it worth keeping in place of a newer box (mini-genie)?
NEVER trade an HDDVR for a mini!
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