It would be nice to have more videos on Rave Video Mix. Right now the Concerts are taking up to 22 hours per day. It would be cheap to intersperse a wider variety of videos, possibly in themed blocks.
With DVR around the corner, it would make sense to have a 2-hour block devoted to pop and 1-hour blocks for alternative, rock, country, and R&B. These could all happen out of primetime so that they would not interfere with those wanting to watch the same four concerts each evening.
Like the movie trailer idea, this is cheap content with high impact. If VOOM showed six hours of videos (in HD, nonetheless) per day, they would have surpassed MTV (which shows few videos these days.
With DVR around the corner, it would make sense to have a 2-hour block devoted to pop and 1-hour blocks for alternative, rock, country, and R&B. These could all happen out of primetime so that they would not interfere with those wanting to watch the same four concerts each evening.
Like the movie trailer idea, this is cheap content with high impact. If VOOM showed six hours of videos (in HD, nonetheless) per day, they would have surpassed MTV (which shows few videos these days.