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reluctant and uninformed installers | SatelliteGuys.US

reluctant and uninformed installers


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
May 9, 2004
La Crosse, WI
My intent is to ride out Voom until the end and so last Friday I ordered Va Va Voom and I have been enjoying it even if it is costing me another $42 a month. Since Voom is going on like nothing is happening I decided to go for another antenna upgrade to get my NBC local that I don't get with my SquareShooter and is 58 miles away.

I just got off the phone with the installer and he will come out, but claims a new antenna will not work, that it will have to be bigger than I would want and would cause interference with my other locals. He basically tried to get me to go with Dish where he said I would get all of my locals. He said that I was an oldtimer in this area (western Wisconsin) with Voom (since May) and that most of his installs cancel after 3 weeks because they cannot get all of the locals that Voom has promised them. This installer says that Voom only pays him $45 for a call and the the original antennas they provide are such junk that Voom does not even want them back when they do not work because they are only worth about $8. He claimed that an antenna to replace my SquareShooter would cost $145 and that if it needed a rotor that would run another $85 and I would have to turn the antenna everytime I wanted to watch the NBC station that I currently do not get.

This installer tried to tell me that Dish bought Voom and all of its programming. I know way, way more than he does by regularly reading this forum along with AVS for the past 3 weeks and many past months. So this Voom installer is taking the opportunity to talk me out of staying with Voom and to switch to Dish. It is no wonder even with all of its other troubles that Voom is having problems with installers like that, but also, according to this guy, Voom is not good about paying them and because Voom will not provide a good antenna the first time the installer needs to return multiple times to get it right.

So I am all set to have an installer come out on Monday to upgrade my antenna and it appears he is determined to prove to me that it will not work. Frankly, I don't know if it is worth the hassle to fail. If I could get this station, then I could drop cable and save $13 per month. Although if and when Voom goes under I may switch to Charter's hd cable even if it is only 8 channels with HBO and Showtime until the satellite thing get sorted out. But I did learn that you cannot depend on learning anything of value from an installer since they may just be ignorant or uninformed, have other agendas, or are just looking out for themselves.
Given the circumstances on how Voom is keeping us uninformed, I don't know if I blame an installer for looking out for himself.

In the end I would think this entire keeping us in the dark for going on 3 weeks now by Voom would be a PR mistake if but for that fact that most people don't know about it and your average Joe tv watcher does not care. Voom has not cost me anything other than the subcription, but I would be reluctant in the future to spend anything other than that on Voom given the shakiness of its future and its reluctance to keep its subscribers and supporter informed. All of the rumors and speculation are getting very, very old.
Hello elocs,

You might try what some other folks on the forum have done and self-install (or at least purchase) a larger antenna. They're not that expensive ($50-100), and with a small amplifier you can pick up stations from the 58-mile distance you're talking about. You can go the "upgrade" route through Voom, but most people seem to get frustrated with the necessity of multiple installer trips.

If you do eventually cancel Voom you could then use the same antenna for DirecTV or Dish to get HD locals with their boxes too.

I'm lucky: there was a large Channel-Master attached to a rotor installed in the attic of the house when I bought it. I pick up signals from Asheville, NC some 50+ miles away with no problems.

CDH said:
Hello elocs,

You might try what some other folks on the forum have done and self-install (or at least purchase) a larger antenna. They're not that expensive ($50-100), and with a small amplifier you can pick up stations from the 58-mile distance you're talking about. You can go the "upgrade" route through Voom, but most people seem to get frustrated with the necessity of multiple installer trips.

If you do eventually cancel Voom you could then use the same antenna for DirecTV or Dish to get HD locals with their boxes too.

I'm lucky: there was a large Channel-Master attached to a rotor installed in the attic of the house when I bought it. I pick up signals from Asheville, NC some 50+ miles away with no problems.


When it comes to antennas, I am in no way, shape or form a do it yourselfer for crawling around on the roof and messing around. I had been informed by somebody knowledgeable in another forum that it would not be an easy task to get my missing station even though it is receivable in my area. I would need a bigger antenna, probably a rotar, amplifier, and an inline attenuator because it would cause a lot of interference with my other locals. My CBS local is in the same general direction, but much closer and is channel 41 and the missing NBC station is channel 39.

I intend to ride out Voom until the end and then probably go with cable rather than with something like Dish which this installer is pushing. At this point I wonder if it would be just as well to cancel the upgrade and keep what I have. At least I don't have to rotate the antenna to get a station and the current strength of the ones I do get is 99. It may be best to leave well enough alone.
elocs said:
When it comes to antennas, I am in no way, shape or form a do it yourselfer for crawling around on the roof and messing around. I had been informed by somebody knowledgeable in another forum that it would not be an easy task to get my missing station even though it is receivable in my area. I would need a bigger antenna, probably a rotar, amplifier, and an inline attenuator because it would cause a lot of interference with my other locals. My CBS local is in the same general direction, but much closer and is channel 41 and the missing NBC station is channel 39.

I intend to ride out Voom until the end and then probably go with cable rather than with something like Dish which this installer is pushing. At this point I wonder if it would be just as well to cancel the upgrade and keep what I have. At least I don't have to rotate the antenna to get a station and the current strength of the ones I do get is 99. It may be best to leave well enough alone.

what is the company name that is doing you upgraded antenna?
I have mentioned my antenna upgrade saga on this site before but for what it is worth, I had an installer unilaterally cancel an antenna upgrade without informing me. He cited on the work order "no line of sight", whatever that means. I only learned about this from a CSR in a subsequent phone call. In fact, I am receving and watching several DT stations! My objective with the upgrade was to improve reliability of reception. Your story is a lot worse but it is further evidence of the poor attitude of installers with regard to OTA installations. I still don't have the upgrade - it's been a comedy of errors.

My installer had the same attitude about me getting any OTA channels. He said at my location I would not be able to get any OTA's. I told him to just put the the antenna and what do ya know, I've been getting all of my locals via OTA since day 1 at a 97% signal strength with the small antenna.
Maybe there needs to be some changes made in the training program reguarding the OTA installations?
TYORK said:
what is your zip code?

My zip is 54603. The NBC digital is not even listed on, but is receivable according to them in the downtown of my city. I am beginning to wonder if this reception downtown is as a result of antennas on top of multistoried buildings.

This installer's attitude about Voom is not good now, but it was last May and June when he did my install and antenna upgrade to a SquareShooter.
He did a good job and was prompt in showing up.
Evidently he has not had good experiences with Voom and has had to remove most of his installations. Other than not getting the one station, my Voom has been great. This installer views Voom as a sinking ship and he may be right. In a sense I cannot blame him for looking out for his own interests and also trying to provide his customers with a service to replace what he sees as their failed and sold service.
the problem is his not looking out for his own interest he looking at extra money in his pocket i am sure he get a kick back for ever dish he sell so sure he going to push dish cause he get no kick back from voom .
VOOM Installer from Hades

I ordered VOOM last week and told the CSR that I needed an upgraded OTA and dish (for rain fade)--the Installer came out to get a line of sight and then started getting a little beligerent about the install--I have no idea why. He could see we live in a dip and are 45 miles from the 2 Locals we will get and about 20 miles from the PBS local (but in the opposite direction).

He then tried to tell me that running cable that will be buried later (not by him, but by us) would be $20 extra and I said, no--not if it does not go over 125', which it should not, as our house is only 44' wide and only 40' from where the antenna will go to where it will finally go into the house and then another 40' back through the house to the room with HD tv.

He then changed the original install date we had set for Mar 7 (we needed time to get a HDTV, phone line changed, etc, etc and my husband needed to be here to help run it through the basement) and said --no he could not wait that long and had to do it next week. I said no--that will not work.

He then went into a tirade about how VOOM will be gone in a month--FCC will shut it down and there will be no more VOOM--he wanted to make sure I knew that.

I felt like I should apologize to him for ordering VOOm, which I will never do.

When he left, I called VOOM and explained what happened and they checked and sure enough he did not upgrade me to the better OTA antenna and had changed the install date to Feb 17. I asked them if they knew something I didn't based on his assumptions of VOOM's DOOM. They said they knew of the buy-out, etc, but reading this forum--VOOm in some form will be around.

So, anyway--I hope I can endure this installer's practices and wanted to make sure there would be no hidden extras. The antennas will go on the corner of the house--he said that using a corner brace or bracket would cost me $100--I was surprised--I told him it had to go on the corner as there was no plywood underneath.

I just want to get VOOM installed and am now shopping for HDTV. I am glad there is this forum--if I didn't know better from today's posts, I would have been intimidated by him and cancelled my order.

I don't understand how an independent installer like this can be so beligerent about VOOM--he installs other dishes and it is very strange.

I am new to this forum and again, I hope my neighbors ask me about it--I plan to have a VOOM party when this is all done--and then tell them all about it and hope this installer from H----- will find another job!
all you have to do is report this installer to the right people and i can promise that he will treat you better.
elocs said:
My zip is 54603. The NBC digital is not even listed on, but is receivable according to them in the downtown of my city. I am beginning to wonder if this reception downtown is as a result of antennas on top of multistoried buildings.

This installer's attitude about Voom is not good now, but it was last May and June when he did my install and antenna upgrade to a SquareShooter.
He did a good job and was prompt in showing up.
Evidently he has not had good experiences with Voom and has had to remove most of his installations. Other than not getting the one station, my Voom has been great. This installer views Voom as a sinking ship and he may be right. In a sense I cannot blame him for looking out for his own interests and also trying to provide his customers with a service to replace what he sees as their failed and sold service.

from what i can see you need a rotor or a multidirctional antenna
elocs, martin21, mcdeeee, and bookwalk...There are good installers and bad ones, but TYORK is defintely one of the good ones :up , so keep an eye on her posts, because she calls them like she sees them, and gives great advice. She has stepped in to offer help to people in many places. If Installs, Inc. had the kind of quality control across the country that she provides in her neck of the woods, VOOM would have been a whole lot richer and had a lot more subscribers from the get-go! :D I've experienced pretty much everything you have all described, and my number is in the hopper to see which type I get this time! :)

bookwalk, good to see another "gal with gumption" here! We are increasing our numbers!! :D
bookwalk said:
So, anyway--I hope I can endure this installer's practices and wanted to make sure there would be no hidden extras. The antennas will go on the corner of the house--he said that using a corner brace or bracket would cost me $100--I was surprised--I told him it had to go on the corner as there was no plywood underneath.

I just want to get VOOM installed and am now shopping for HDTV. I am glad there is this forum--if I didn't know better from today's posts, I would have been intimidated by him and cancelled my order.

I don't understand how an independent installer like this can be so beligerent about VOOM--he installs other dishes and it is very strange.

I am new to this forum and again, I hope my neighbors ask me about it--I plan to have a VOOM party when this is all done--and then tell them all about it and hope this installer from H----- will find another job!
Thank goodness you didn't let him intimiate you! :D :up You've got the right attitude, just stick to your guns, and I know you will be thrilled in the end! :D

But do you really plan to let this guy back on your property? I don't think I would!! :mad: I'd tell Installs, Inc. and VOOM that I wanted a different installer who was not belligerent and so set on lining his own pockets (probably), and creating doubt and distrust in your choice of providers. :mad:

I had VOOM last summer, but cancelled because I encountered a few installers that tried to give me substitute antennas for the upgrade VOOM had authorized (and were probably lining their pockets with the difference in cost!). The very first installer did not leave me the DVI cables, even though I argued with him because I knew they were supposed to be included whether I set up with them or not. They are worth about $125, I think, and it was widely reported that they were being sold on e-Bay by some installers. He left a mess of boxes and crap on my driveway, and told me I wouldn't be able to get any better reception than he had given me, even with a different antenna, because VOOM was crapola and Dish was easier to install!

VOOM approved me for an upgraded antenna. The first upgraded antenna did not work as well as the initial one, so I told this 2nd installer to put the initial one back, and I would go back to VOOM for a further upgrade. He was a great guy, and after he got through cleaning up after the first guy--re-wiring, grounding, and correctly pointing my dish--I had great satellite reception, and OTA was great, just couldn't always keep the signal (this was still on the initial antenna). Called VOOM again and got approved for a further upgrade.

I had informed VOOM and Installs, Inc. about the first installer, but guess who showed up at my door to do the 2nd upgrade? El Jerko from the initial intall!! I was not a happy camper, but might have let him install it, until I discovered it was not the antenna VOOM had approved. He insisted it was better than what VOOM had approved. Not wishing to line his pockets any further, I invited him to leave and take his antenna with him. He wanted me to sign his paper so he could get paid for the trip. He had never called me prior to the first trip, or to this one. I could have saved him this trip if he had! When I refused to sign and closed the door, he pounded on my door and yelled at me for a couple of minutes before burning rubber out of my driveway. Too bad, so sad... :river :river

After I told VOOM and Installs, Inc. that I never wanted that guy on my property again, I got two further calls from other installers to confirm upgrade appointments, but when I asked if they had the VOOM approved upgrade in their possession, they said it was out of stock or didn't arrive, and the one they were going to bring was better. I told both of them not to come, and I would hold out for the VOOM approved antenna. Eventually it was getting close to when I was leaving the country for a month, and I just cancelled and went back to cable so my dogsitter who would be living in my house could be assured of having reception while I was gone.

After I got back and heard the DVR and whole-house solution was nearing release, I decided to try again...then the bad news came. I said OK, well, if they are still sending a signal after the funding was supposed to run out on 1/31/05, I'll still jump back in. Signal continued, ads increased, buzzing started everywhere, and I got my re-install set for 2/22/05! :D

Didn't know when I set the date whether VOOM would live or die, but was ready to go down with the ship. Now today, we discover the ship is not only still afloat at this time, but if Charles Dolan is half the man I think he is, we may all be getting upgrades to Balcony Cabins!! :cool: :D

Have a great party, bookend!! @party :welcome Vicki
got to go to Illinois to do a service call at Radio Shack but would much rather come to CA so if you find a way for that plane ticket let me know:)
VOOM Install Info on their Website?

Hi--glad to hear all the help/feedback on this issue--I have called VOOM and have the install for Feb 21 or Mar 1--they have no other installer listed in our area--so my husband and I will hopefully fend off any further VOOM attacks.

Is there somewhere on VOOM website that details all of the installation details--what is and is not included, etc? I thought I found it once, but can't again

Thanks for any help to prepare for this install. So far, we have a LOS from the corner of our house--we want it mounted on the corner, because we have the strongest support there--our house does not have plywood underneath the siding beyond the corner--but he will not do a corner brace because he says that is extra--I'm thinking he thinks I am asking for a non-penetrating corner install.

What are my options on the corner install--also for future changes in the dish size (although, a few feet from this is a perm install of a 30" AMC 6 dish for our C-band internet--could that be converted at a later date for the future of VOOM?)

Also on the OTA--I don't know which antenna he is bringing, but I told him that 2 stations are southeast and 45 miles away and the other one is 20 miles away and northwest--what OTA should be installed that could get BOTh of them, if possible? He kept telling me I can't get all 3--only the ones to the southeast, since the OTA has to be installed close to the DISH itself, but I asked him to put the DISH on the corner of the house, so that nothing would obstruct the northwest access of the OTA--how can I convince him to do this?

Thanks and can't wait for my VOOM Party!

I may even post notices at my local HDTV dealer!
Yes, all the info you need is on here. Hopefully, ILLA, will see your post and point you in the right direction. A few days ago he did for someone else awaiting an install.

You'll love VOOM.

Still enjoying VOOM (since Dec. '03) under cloudy (of course) Seattle skies, Gill
bookwalk said:
Hi--glad to hear all the help/feedback on this issue--I have called VOOM and have the install for Feb 21 or Mar 1--they have no other installer listed in our area--so my husband and I will hopefully fend off any further VOOM attacks.

Is there somewhere on VOOM website that details all of the installation details--what is and is not included, etc? I thought I found it once, but can't again

Thanks for any help to prepare for this install. So far, we have a LOS from the corner of our house--we want it mounted on the corner, because we have the strongest support there--our house does not have plywood underneath the siding beyond the corner--but he will not do a corner brace because he says that is extra--I'm thinking he thinks I am asking for a non-penetrating corner install.

What are my options on the corner install--also for future changes in the dish size (although, a few feet from this is a perm install of a 30" AMC 6 dish for our C-band internet--could that be converted at a later date for the future of VOOM?)

Also on the OTA--I don't know which antenna he is bringing, but I told him that 2 stations are southeast and 45 miles away and the other one is 20 miles away and northwest--what OTA should be installed that could get BOTh of them, if possible? He kept telling me I can't get all 3--only the ones to the southeast, since the OTA has to be installed close to the DISH itself, but I asked him to put the DISH on the corner of the house, so that nothing would obstruct the northwest access of the OTA--how can I convince him to do this?

Thanks and can't wait for my VOOM Party!

I may even post notices at my local HDTV dealer!

don't know why he would not put is on the corner should be ok if is soild. as far as you antenna most install come with the wingard sensor II you would have to call voom for a upgraded antenna but not sure they will give it to you for 1 station i would have to see you zip code to know what is available to you. but voom would have to be the one to approve the upgraded antenna.

Crap antenna installed

Set to get installed Feb 21st

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