calling roger goodell, fidel is quite an exaggeration. no comparison and don't want to get into that since there's no place for that here. (sonicbabble)
i understand the punishment handed out may be harsh to some, but i find it funny how the commissioner is always made to be the bad guy. who does goodell work for? oh yeah the owners. and it seems that the majority of the owners in the NFL if not all of them like the job he's doing so far since he's still commissioner. the players have an issue well imo they need to look beyond goodell. there was a long investigation into this situation so i'm sure they have a lot on these players that warranted these types of suspensions. starting with vilma who actually put of his own money into this thing. as to ROGER Goodell being in charge of the appeals process well its like you said,the players agreed to this and the owners had no issues with it.
the NFLPA will challenge these suspensions and they should as they have the right to do so. not sure if much will change.....