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SKYWAYUSA is a joke

Actually, both are still very active, they're just operating under different names.

You get whatever their commissions are for each sale not 100% of the sale price. I'm going to check with them as soon as I can.
I just spoke to SkyWay USA about their dealer program and 'rotating stock" option.

It looks like you can make $200 per sale/install on your first 10 per month. On 11-100 add another $25.

The $995 is called their Dealer setup Fee.

It includes 3 systems. If you want additional systems in your inventory, they are a one time fee of $250.00 each.

So let's say you want a total of 5 systems in inventory at all times:

$995 (1st 3 ) + $500 (add'l 2) = $1,495.00

Once you sell, install and return the completed paperwork to them, they will ship out systems to you at no cost to you as you install them.

After you sell, install and return the completed paperwork, they ship more systems at no cost to you.

At this point everything you sell during the month NOW has an additional $25 spiff attached.

Let's say you consistently sell 5 a week:

5 X 4.3 weeks (average # weeks in a month) = 22 new customers.

$200.00 X 10 (first 10 Spiff on sales/install customers) = $2,000.00
$225.00 X 12 (add'l $25 spiff on 11-100 customers per month) = $2,700.00

$4,700.00 a month Spiff for approximately 22 hours installation time + travel time.

YEARLY: $56,000.00 on Sales/Installs

All you had to spend to move that much inventory is the initial $1,495.00 ($995 dealer setup fee + $250 each add'l systems).

Also, this doesn't include coop funds, monthly residuals, cash & carry sales or drop ship sales.

Download this PDF for more details:

I hope that helps.
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I assume the customer pays the retailer for the system, installation and that is the money that the retailer collects as the profits. The retailer having to pay for the first systems he gets back from the customers (well most of the money anyways) then instead of getting a commission for the system from the company for those sales the company sends out replacement equipment and the amount collected is the commission. Seems like a pretty simple system.
I assume ....
Well, my question was based upon an assumption too. That's why I asked. Cuz if you click through Order Now on their website, it doesn't seem quite that simple. I see where online purchasers can have up to $373.90 charged directly to their credit card - for equipment/shipping/activation/call waiting gimmick/installation . This money almost certainly goes directly to Skyway, who apparently then turns around and tells you to go install it.

That sounds like a variation on fullfilment to me, except your prepaid hardware is still sitting on the shelf back at the shop. Worse yet, maybe they don't even ship to the customer. What if they just tell you to take your prepaid system off the shelf - and go install this customer? I am having a hard time seeing simple here.

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I also assumed that it would be simple if you did not have to purchase the system after the inital purchase but if you still have to purchase something afterwards then I don't understand how this works unless SkyWay pays the commission.
I found out more today.

1) I was wrong about the shipping schedule. They ship you a system each time you sell/install it. No waiting until the 3rd is sold.

2) You do not collect $$ for the basic installation from the customer. You build their account, SkyWay USA charges their credit card, even for the installation and you will get paid 2 weeks later.

Basic Installation:

System: $149.00
S&H: $49.00
1st Month: $29.95 or higher
Activation fee: $25.00

3) Anything above a basic installation, you collect. It must be documented on the customer (signed) form.

Download this PDF for more details:
I have to tell Skyway why I charged extra on an install and then the customer has to pay $49 for S&H and $25 Activation fee? Skyway charges for the install instead of allowing the installer to collect the money which would be simpler? Why would they do that unless they planned on screwing you eventually? So if the customer complains about something that might not even be oyour fault you have to go out for free and fix it or not get the install money?
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The listed basic Installation is the customer's cost not the dealers. I already said that DEALERS DO NOT PAY ANYTHING after the initial setup! Where did you get that a dealer has to pay for S&H or activation?

I would hope some current dealers or fulfillment folks here can discuss how their working arrangement is going. ANYONE?

We help with a lot of fulfillment for ALL Broadband in a Box partners. Having the customer pay SkyWay USA who turns around and pays you results in far fewer situations, like you so eloquently describe, in the field. When everyone does their job the right way the first time, closes the sale / work order correctly, and makes sure all of paperwork is completed correctly, their bases are covered, this arrangement works extremely well.

QC in the field is tantamount to great customer service and dealer relations. Working PrimeStar back in the day, QC was my favorite part of my job. I was in sales. Why? Because extremely happy customers help refer OTHER extremely happy customers.
The $149 price is after rebate too from what I have read and the rebate is $100. I have also read where the installation is also $150. By the time you pay the $150 for the system, $50 for S&H, $25 activation fee, $150 installation, you could get a two-way system installed for about the same amount.
Greg Said: This money almost certainly goes directly to Skyway, who apparently then turns around and tells you to go install it.

That sounds like a variation on fullfilment to me, except your prepaid hardware is still sitting on the shelf back at the shop. Worse yet, maybe they don't even ship to the customer. What if they just tell you to take your prepaid system off the shelf - and go install this customer? I am having a hard time seeing simple here.

My Reply: If you would read the PDF instead of assuming all of this , I believe your understanding of their program would be a whole lot better. Its pretty simple. You move your inventory direct to your customers. Once again, YOU DO NOT PREPAY FOR HARDWARE AFTER YOUR INITIAL SETUP FEE!!!!!!!!

If you do fulfillment, the system is drop shipped to the customer's house. That's why they charge S&H. I hope this clarifies your all's thinking here.

This is starting to remind me of our conversation from a few weeks ago.
This is starting to remind me of our conversation from a few weeks ago.
I know. Very little of what you said then - or since - has made much sense either. When I suggested back then that that you consider another line of work, you hadn't yet revealed your sales background. Makes perfect sense now. Salesmen seldom fare well in technical forums. If you haven't realized it yet, your "Skyway ambassador" posts over at DSLR/Satcom were almost immediately deleted as SPAM.

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I need to rephrase my last comment; this thread is EXACTLY like my last conversation with Greg except I'm not going to go around and around attempting to have a decent, respectable conversation (with merit) him. It’s impossible IMO. Mr. Greg barges in, misconstrues plain English sentences, mishmashes facts, ads his opinions, acts like they are facts and is a rude Internet presence hiding behind a UserName. With an MO of scaring off thin-skinned, lower intelligence, community members away from his vast 38 years of 2way satellite communications experience.

I admit, I have 'sales' experience. I think of myself as more of a problem solver than anything else. I am extremely sorry to see other folks 'chased away' from this community because I was hoping to share and learn and go through the 'daily grind' with as many people here as possible. That's a shame IMO.

I've ALSO managed call centers (technical support, sales, etc.), helped 1,000's of great rural folks with their technical support issues, taught classrooms of techs and been involved with high-end marketing campaigns . I helped write the code for our very first Ethernet firmware DVB release here in the United States back in 2004. I still have a screen shot of that one though it's embarrassing. Over the past 12 years, I've been involved with over 700+ DirectPC and over 12,000 DVB & DVB-S2 installations with 100's of Telco's, ISP's and incredible satellite communications folks. All with dialup return modems on shared satellite capacity and thanks to the arrangement made with EchoStar Fixed Satellite Corp. last year, dedicated bandwidth for increased steady growth for this Low latency, affordable (very), extremely easy to maintain and most importantly, STABLE AND RELIABLE technology.

I admit it everybody. My 18 years in Satellite Communications is only half the time that Greg has logged. I admitted in one of my very first posts here that I am not versed in 2way satellite technology. He can have it. The technology or business plan still doesn't make much sense to me.

Best Regards,
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With an MO of scaring off thin-skinned, lower intelligence, community members away....
Which implies what? that you have thicker skin and are of higher intelligence than the rest of we mere community members?

I am not versed in 2way satellite technology. He can have it. The technology or business plan still doesn't make much sense to me.
An atavism in a gold fish bowl. I rest my case.

Nuff said , you're tactics are crystal clear here once again, move on.

BTW not one of my posts were deleted from DSLR! Here's another case of Greg fabricating reality so that he can feel superior to those of us with lesser knowledge, experience or the 38 years of 2way satellite technology that he's amassed.

I DID notice that they edited 1 or 2 threads/posts of mine though, just like they have here. If that's what you're talking about, yeah. That's cool with me. Its their domains and servers, they can do whatever they want with them and I am happy to be a member of both communities. All I'm doing is trying to help out folks figure out the FACTS throughout all of the misinformation and extreme opinions (especially from you 2way guys) about our technology on these sites. Now, you're MO isn't so clear though I don't have any more time to waste tonight/this morning. I have another 15+ hour work day ahead for me and need some sleep.

Until tomorrow Greg. BTW where do you live? Next time you are close to Louisville KY please call me, seriously, I'd love to buy you a beer or 2 and just chat...

BTW not one of my posts were deleted from DSLR! Here's another case of Greg fabricating reality
Or a case of you re-writing history. You posted that "Skyway ambassador" bit of fluff on March 6th. Copy and paste versions were in Other Satellite forum - broadband community . The one was in SkyWay Experience - Note the place where it says "your moderator at work" - that's where your another pasted copy of your "ambassador" speech was deleted as SPAM. Apparently pride got in the way of common sense, because you then started a new thread "Broadband in a Box (Intro)" - pasting the same "ambassador" speech yet again. That time a moderator deleted the entire topic as SPAM. Sorta hard NOT to know when you've been edited/deleted at DSLR. The server IMs every offender, identifying the specific post/thread with the specific reason that it was moderated. Ooops.....

...misinformation and extreme opinions (especially from you 2way guys)
Out of one side of your mouth you whine ad nauseam about unfair treatment. Out of the other side you're exclaiming Skyway superiority over those nasty old two way systems (and I guess - by association - we nasty old "2way guys" as well), while simultaneously whistling a tune of complete ignorance about two way systems. It boggles the mind that you expect your apples to oranges talking points to be tolerated here - while simultaneously admitting that you've never eaten an orange. I think only one person is missing the irony here. You're trying to sell a Yugo to a room full of Ford dealers - while admitting you've never even driven a Ford in your life. Again - Oooops.

BTW where do you live? Next time you are close to Louisville KY please call me, seriously, I'd love to buy you a beer or 2 and just chat...
I respectfully decline, on the grounds that whatever's wrong with you - might be contagious.

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Greg, I admit to messing up and posting my DVB-S2 Hybrid modem technology INTRO 2X, they deleted it because the 2nd one wasn't needed. Now you are beginning to cross the line here. I'm in business. I show utmost respect to everyone I meet. You are getting to the point that your involvement though appreciated because you do have a lot of experience that I respect, is not doing either of us any good. You're actually starting to creep me out a bit!!! I can take your insults and and your wacked out opinions, no problem. To me you seem to have a bored obsession here and its not healthy sir. Sitting around compiling data on my Internet activities is IMO pathetic. When you start following me to other web sites and start posting links and dates, etc. to said web sites, your MO is becoming incredibly sketchy and I must ask you to desist all of what you are doing, forget about me, your intentions good or bad and kindly GO AWAY PLEASE!!!!

Thanks in advance

When you start following me to other web sites and start posting links and dates, etc. to said web sites, your MO is becoming incredibly sketchy and I must ask you to desist all of what you are doing, forget about me, your intentions good or bad and kindly GO AWAY PLEASE!!!!
If you're "in business", then for goodness sakes - act like it !! I've been on those websites and more - since before you could even spell SKYWAY, so don't give me any of that crap about "following you around". If anything, you're the newbie on MY patch.

There's only one person at fault here. You're the one who made the decision to jump in at the deep end of this pool, with no apparent realization that knowing how to swim is normally a prerequisite. Many of us here tried to throw you a lifeline at first, all rejected by you. I'm starting to run out of metaphors here, but I use them on the off chance that you might understand at least one. Because you clearly didn't grasp the technical rationale we offered. Matter of fact, you pretty much blew off the simply logical arguments too - so I'm resorting to metaphors.

One thing you revealed that may actually have a grain of truth to it though, is that you're apparently not actually drawing a SKYWAY paycheck. I say this - because you're still here. Had you been an actual SKYWAY employee - and assuming the SKYWAY executives even review these primarily two way forums - they'd have gagged you with a cease and desist order weeks ago.

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Stargazer Said: The $149 price is after rebate too from what I have read and the rebate is $100. I have also read where the installation is also $150. By the time you pay the $150 for the system, $50 for S&H, $25 activation fee, $150 installation, you could get a two-way system installed for about the same amount.

Actually, the price is $149 BEFORE rebate. $49 after rebate. Professional installation can be up to $150 yet 90% of the customers throughout our partners have Self-Installed their system to help keep the upfront costs minimal. It comes with everything you need. Tools needed: Phillips head screw driver. wrench/socket set and drill.

Check out what's inside the box HERE

No way is it even close to the price/commitment.
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