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SKYWAYUSA is a joke | Page 6 | SatelliteGuys.US

SKYWAYUSA is a joke

Dawson Springs, I believe, is where Broadband in a Box's sister company First Response Group set up the camp site (its actually a temporary mini-city) for all of the the electrical workers after the Ice Storm earlier this year.
Yes. You conveniently ignored the tale I told of the same ice storm (and of several in years past). With all the phone lines down in and out of Dawson - including all the cellphone towers - the only phone service was between local 797 customers. There's no local ISP either, so everybody's out-of-town dialup was down. No DSL either. I already stated that there's no 3G or EVDO.

I don't know that anybody around here actually HAS 1-way satellite - but no dialup means they were down too. But I was up on generator, so many of the neighbors came over to email their ice storm status to distant friends and family. Some town folks even carpooled out to my farm in their 4wd vehicles and did the same.

But let's put all the cards on the table here. Did the First Response Group use Skyway (or any 1-way satellite system for that matter) for this emergency? For any emergency? A yes answer will require proof on your part, because I was down there by the tent too.

NO they have NEVER used our technology.


Did you meet Michael Boone? Charlie? We are engineering a commercial, military grade 'BOX' which is going to be able to be installed by any First Responder in less than an hour. Communications available in less than an hour after a situation like you all had is a big PLUS for everyone. We have as much bandwidth on AMC-15 that anyone would need ON-DEMAND! We're using Prodelin .85 dishes, (now those are sexy), and building all of our hybrid modem technologies in it! Self contained.

The closest thing that I have seen to what I'm talking about is this unit out of England: for campers and satellite television reception.


Its going to be totally different but that gets the point across.

Can you tell me what you thought about the site? I have never been to one yet.
NO they have NEVER used our technology..
Well then. I rest my case - again.

But the question is absolutely begging to be asked. What possible use can your "hybrid modem technologies" be - when there are no phone lines?

The site. Cold, dirty, and it smelled bad. Spartan, but that's to be expected under the conditions. The tent itself was open, mainly there to cover food (often cold) and toilets/showers. Sleeping accommodations (cots) were in a vacant warehouse next door. Many linemen preferred to sleep in their trucks. A number of those who hot-racked in the building, did so because of the American Legion club across the street. Not passing judgment, just passing on observations.

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I understand, they work their tails off, the camp is supposed to help, that's all. I'm sure it was better than nothing at all! They cater many of Michael's altruistic efforts that I have been to, so I KNOW the food was awesome! Lot's of it too, right?

Yeah, the PSTN return solution wasn't what they needed. Its still there as an option for other situations, you never know, you know?

We have a new modem coming out in 30-45 days that will better explain the commercial 'BOX' I mentioned earlier.
I reread much of our conversation from this weekend and all I can say is this: Greg, the more that you post your opinions, the less they are likely to stick.

1) IMO upload speeds on bandwidth testing sites aren't a good indicater unless you conduct a ton of them (and I mean a ton) and compile an average of the the results + we're looking for real time, consistent results here not snapshots like you posted. The results that I have seen due to the complexity of 2Way technology return less than dialup AVERAGES. Answer me again, why would any smart customer would chose a 2way system and a long term contract if they receive NO BETTER than dial up speeds again? The sexiness of a high latency 2Way system gets really old after people realize the speeds that they were promised aren't consistent. Hence my questions in that thread that was recently was closed: why are there so many online communities filled with all of the 'whiners' as you call them which discuss these 'BAD' installs that can't be fixed for some reason???

2) The more you say that I do not know or understand my technology DOES NOT make your opinion any more truer, it actually makes your attempts here to discredit me and my reputation in the industry seem more and more pathetic. Please desist unless you can PROVE your points, OK? Its also quite boring too. You need a new MO IMO.

3) The vast majority of 2Way installations ARE in suburban non-broadband exchanges because these are the areas that can afford the high upfront costs, the high monthly service fees and the high overall maintenance costs on the hardware. It makes sense to me and that is why I assumed you lived up East outside a major city in the first place and couldn't believe that you lived in Kentucky. Rural communities throughout the CONUS are where we are seeing the majority of our new installs and partners come from. Please explain how an average household can afford the costs associated with a 2Way system for all of us without adding outlandish cost comparissons to our services from the Telco's. Be fair here!

With well over 15+ Million homes and businesses not passed by terrestrial broadband services today, I believe that there is more than enough opportunity for us to peacefully coexist in this business (and this message board) without all of snide remarks, rude opinions and verbal assaults on my character/experience, as well as the infighting on this board.

I respectfully look forward to your reply.

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Answer me again, why would any smart customer would chose a 2way system and a long term contract if they receive NO BETTER than dial up speeds again?
Despite the fact that this question is without foundation, the actual point has been addressed several times by several members. Repeating a question in hopes of getting an answer you like, usually brings disappointing results. I'm sorry you're disappointed that there are so few answers that support one-way satellite internet over two-way.

why are there so many online communities filled with all of the 'whiners' as you call them which discuss these 'BAD' installs that can't be fixed for some reason???
Asked and answered. You're beading a dead horse.

Please explain how an average household can afford the costs associated with a 2Way system for all of us without adding outlandish cost comparissons to our services from the Telco's. Be fair here!
Asked and answered. Fairly. To equitably compare connection costs, all charges - fixed and recurring - must be considered. And I fairly used dollar figures obtained right off Skyway, Wildblue, HughesNet, and Bellsouth public websites, as well as that dealer brochure you posted. Asking for the numbers again - ain't gonna change'em.

Let me ask YOU one. Despite being repeatedly presented with documentable proof that counters some of your doddering claims, you so often respond with some inane question. And when confronted with a substantive question, your response is often yet another question. To me, it looks like pure deflection. But to be fair, why do you feel your responses are so querulous?

Shakespeare wrote a line in Hamlet that seems quite apropos here: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks".

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While I’ve found the back & forth banter , about SkywayUSA amusing over the last several weeks , I think it’s starting to get pretty silly . Here are some facts from someone in the field .
After 15+ years installing everything from c-band to dtv & dish I began installing skyway systems last Aug.(08). With several under my belt I think it’s fair to say that skyway offers a decent product for the money. Most customers are very pleased with their service- It’s very easy to install (with a birdog)-and I never had to chase down my money.
As for customer or dealer up-front costs , you’re comparing a hamburger to a big mac(the more you spend the more you get)
Tech. support at skyway is awesome. I’ve actually had support members provide cell phone #’s when they knew I was going to be on an install outside of normal hours.
Bottom line skyway is a good one way satellite service for the money.
I’ve done w blue & Hughes net. They’re both good two way systems (one superior to the other) , both can be costly. All I was saying is for the cost to a rural customer where only dial-up is available skyway is a decent product
So. No actual two-way facts to offer then, that can support Thomas's position that Skyway is superior in every way.

Well, thanks anyway.

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I think if someone does not care about gaving or VPN and they want 500 kbps+ then they are better off with HughesNet. If someone is on a budget and has landline service or if someone needs to do gaming / VPN then they are better off with SkyWay. I've heard horror stories about all the satellite broadband companies so none of them are perfect. Most people receive packages instead of transmitting them which is what makes one-way work. There are benefits to each type of system. I think one-way will be a more viable service once the transmit is done some other way (cellular, etc). Eventually something will replace satellite broadband in most areas with other types of wireless technology but for now this is what we have.
Another Skyway USA complaint to the BBB! :)

Skyway is NOT available 24/7. IF they are, why does a recording come on stating otherwise? Also, tech support is NOT available 24/7...unless they recently changed. Maybe they are there playing video games or eating donuts, because they certainly aren't answering calls!

I finally got this BS cancelled after MANY calls that were never returned (the few times I got an answer)

After over 2mths of trying, I filed a complaint w/ the BBB, and someone finally had time to call me! Imagine that! However, they would not issue a refund. They claim they have no record of me calling in Dec and leaving messages to cancel. Well of course not! Why would they admit to that?? It's funny that others had the same issue. I wish I could charge someone for a service and never answer when they call to cancel, and keep raking in the money! (Not really...I would NEVER do someone like that! I actually have morals!)

They are EXTREMELY disorganized. I am an accountant, and I would never have such chaotic invoices and records. The BBB guy forwarded all the invoices to me. They charged my account for things I never should have been charged. Then, I get talked to rudely by some obviously uneducated girl telling me that those charges can't be removed! Well, they certainly were...even though I had to call again and turn into a bitch for a few minutes.
Oh, and someone there also told the BBB rep that I had 2mths left on the contract. It started in 12/07 and just got cancelled 3/09. Can they not add? That's obviously over 1 year. They were supposed to call & explain that one to me, yet no one has called. They asked if I had returned the equipment. I called and left a msg about return call as of 3 weeks later. Why would I need to return equipment that I had to PAY for??
What the H*ll is going on in that place??

I do not need your help Mr Broadband guy. I actually have some sense. I RARELY ever downloaded using the service. I used it 95% for web searching and emailing. There was NO EXCUSE for the service I received. It frequently disconnected, was not much faster than dial-up, and it was certainly not because of downloading songs or playing videos, nor was it my phone connection.

Unless you PERSONALLY, have experienced using the Skyway service or dealing with the ridiculous "tech support" (which is mainly just the 2, or is it 3 now, customer service folks), then you really can't give an opinion.

I am happy now with my AT&T wireless card. Yes, it costs more each month, but you get what you pay for!

As for the SKYWAY owners, I would be EMBARRASSED for people to know I owned such an incompetent, greedy company with so many rude, uneducated, unreliable employees. Note, I said MANY, not all. It's just a shame that people are allowed to get rich at the expense of fooling others, especially the vulnerable ones.
Thank you for you message NCSBelle,

1) I never stated that were open 24/7. They are open 7 days a week, 9am-11pm Mon - Sat and 10am-9PM Sunday EST.
2) I'm sorry that you had problems. Q: do you have call waiting? Just from what you mention, getting kicked off and slow speeds, that sounds like a similiar situation that I have helped many people with and so would their tech support folks, did you ever talk to someone about your technical issues you explained in your post?
3) There is no reason that you should have had trouble getting through then and NOW, unless you had called during the ice storms that hit the Southeast and Kentucky pretty bad recently. Everyone had difficulty communicating.
4) Yes I have 8 years of experience helping folks and other businesses with this technology.
5) I'm that glad you found a terrestrial service that you like. Many rural folks aren't as lucky and that is why IMO this technology is the value leader in the business as well as the most reliable.

Take care.

800 761 9149
Indivdual siting needs and satellite internet consultation

I know a lot of this discussion has focused on Skyway as a cheaper alternative. I am in a different situation. My husband and I are professionals and wanted high speed internet that works. We paid quite a lot to get Wildblue going 3 years ago, and it has been terribly slow most of the time. I don't know how much of this is the dish being installed at the bottom of the roof, whether there were trees in the way, and the local fog. But I often had no connection on sunny days as well as foggy days, lots of dropped connections. Increasingly, the days when it was running well were the exception rather than the rule. Time is money, and I got tired of spending so much time on the phone with Wildblue, and the problem not really getting fixed. We bought the best package Skyway has to offer, and it is working great. I hope it continues this way. I don't think that there is one satellite internet company that works best for rural folks everywhere. I think the topography, potential installation sites, customer needs, weather, and location in relationship to the various satellites make the difference on which is best.

Given the cost of installation and long-term contracts, I think there is a market for professional consultation from those with expertise in the various systems with no vested interest in one company or the other. Someone who could look at line of site, knows potential problems related to topography and weather, and could give an opinion on which satellite internet company would work best, if any.

Is this at all realistic?

Given the cost of installation and long-term contracts, I think there is a market for professional consultation from those with expertise in the various systems with no vested interest in one company or the other. Someone who could look at line of site, knows potential problems related to topography and weather, and could give an opinion on which satellite internet company would work best, if any.

Is this at all realistic?

Absolutely. It's called a site survey. Skyway of course doesn't offer the service unless you pay for the professional install and/or prearrange a survey yourself. Might even be an additional charge, but that I can't say for sure. Hughesnet, Wildblue, iDirrect - Starband too I think - are supposed to automatically perform a site survey before the equipment even comes outa the box.

But that's where the human factor enters the picture;
a) most new customers are clueless
b) some installers take advantage of that.
As a result, some of the lesser installers skip the site survey part - throw the system up - and hope for the best. I feel that's what happened with your WB system. Too bad there was nobody smart enough in Wb tech support to pick up on that for you. But to be fair, it's your responsibility to address line of site issues that crop up after the trial period.

The smart ones do NOT buy satellite internet from an online source. They find a local or area dealer/installer, and work through him - starting with the site survey. Online sellers send in some travelling installer, and usually seller nor installer is ever seen or heard from again. Local guys on the other hand - well, you know where they live.

Until Skyway get's rid of the 3 stooges in charge they will always be sub-par at very best. I feel sorry for Dwayne and Michael as they are both oblivious to the internal idiocy that goes on there.
Skyway Rebate

Have had Skyway for 8 months now, was promissed a rebate (100.00) never got it.. The Quest phone #'s they were using pulled out of our area so I had to get 3rd party dialup..Skyway said my monthly bill would be reduced to 26.95 per month becaus of this.. NONE of this has happened, and I think my dial up was almost as fast.. and heavens forbid trying to use it when it rains.....
There has to be something that can be done!!!


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