I am assuming we lost a lot of channels due to this snow storm. Dish and LNB are clear. Anybody else out in Cincinnati Ohio. This will be the first outage since we got on the Eastern Arc. Could be in for a long night.
Question if Dish adds HD next week and my Dish is covered in snow
with no signal, would I have to wait tell the next day for the new
channels to get to my Dish Network receivers?
I am not getting anything here in St. Louis with an EA dish!Actually I am getting my OTA and E* provided locals -- but nothing else. When I run the test I get three red boxes with white Xs in them instead of the normal green boxes. I never had issues like this through all the years I was with D*. Needless to say I am VERY upset! I was happy with the switch to E* -- that I made a year ago tomorrow -- but if E* cannot fix this from happening then I will have no choice but to leave them.
FYI, my dish is on the room two stories up so I have no access to it. And like I said, D* equipment never had this kind of issue with snow -- so IMO E* needs to fix it and fast!
This type of snow will mess with any sat provider.I am not getting anything here in St. Louis with an EA dish!Actually I am getting my OTA and E* provided locals -- but nothing else. When I run the test I get three red boxes with white Xs in them instead of the normal green boxes. I never had issues like this through all the years I was with D*. Needless to say I am VERY upset! I was happy with the switch to E* -- that I made a year ago tomorrow -- but if E* cannot fix this from happening then I will have no choice but to leave them.
FYI, my dish is on the room two stories up so I have no access to it. And like I said, D* equipment never had this kind of issue with snow -- so IMO E* needs to fix it and fast!
I keep hearing that, but I still find it hard to believe since I had D* for 7 years and we had plenty of snows just like this here in STL and I never had this issue. We aren't due to see the sun until Sunday so I'm worried I'll be without all day & night tomorrow. I've already missed two movies I was recording tonight and am setup to record two more tomorrow -- and my penny Cinemax runs out in just a few days.This type of snow will mess with any sat provider.
I found another E* user in STL who says all his stations are fine. Hmmmm....
Well, Virginia is getting it A LOT worse than St. Louis. If I lived there I could understand the outage -- but we maybe have an inch or two on the ground (so this is a fairly weak storm even for STL).
Obviously that page is using a different transponder or transponders than the one on which you found a good signal. The last time I ran that test this evening, I saw a red box w/white X on 119 and a yellow box on 110 and 61.5. (I never before saw boxes with yellow.)When I do System Info it stills shows all three sats as red with a white X -- even 61.5 that shows a good signal on the Point Dish page.
Note: The storm itself is not likely blocking your reception. Check your dish itself, and if it's covered in snow you need to wipe it off to regain reception. If its on the roof, you can also try spraying it off with a hose if it's not too cold out. These warmer weather storms with the heavy/wet snow are the worst since it clings so well to everything - including your dish.
Question if Dish adds HD next week and my Dish is covered in snow
with no signal, would I have to wait tell the next day for the new
channels to get to my Dish Network receivers?
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