ekgermann said:Van Wert, OH. SD-DVR80 and it auto restarted on its own with the update. Woo-hoo! Now does anyone know if the upgraded DVR's support LBA48 so I can put a 400GB harddrive in it?
MattJ2124 said:Youngstown, OH Still no upgrade, I also forced the call several times, even tried dialing a Columbus OH number long distance just to see if I could get it, still no go for me....
cr0mag said:Can you imagine how anxious we're all going to be when we have HMS installed and we're waiting for updates to that thing? sheesh!!!
Damn Dirty Ape said:When you guys are speaking of "forcing the call"...
I have a phone and connection menu that tells me when it last called in, when it will next and has options "test call", "change options" "update now"..
I'm presuming that "update now" = "forcing the call", correct?
All I'm getting is dialing...connecting...negotiating.. downloading (about 5 seconds), then loading.. succeeded.
On the same screen it shows "software 3.xx.xxx.x".
This is where the update would come in, correct?
Philips 708 I think it is.
rad said:The software is already on your harddrive, the phone call only tells the box when to activate it. On my box SD-DVR40 the option was 'Make daily call now' to 'force' a call, the update now that you mention sounds like the same thing. When the call in is told to activate the upgrade the status message will change to restart required, after the reboot the new code would be ready.
Damn Dirty Ape said:So it's already on my drive? When did it arrive, and why would'nt it activate immediately upon download?
Jackm said:I recently purchased a new Direct TV Tivo - my next scheduled call out is tonight - but how can you find the software you currently have? I almost think I saw somewhere listed software 6.1 and some other numbers - but now I can't find where I saw it. I use to have Dish - and a 721 - but alot of problems with it. So far Direct is great...Thanks for the help.
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