Mike A said:I have a Phillips 708 and still no upgrade. My next scheduled call is tomorrow (Sat 2 AM) so if I do not have it when I check Saturday AM, I'll force another call. I haven't wanted force a call during week because if the upgrade hits I'll lose the ability to watch TV in my den during the upgrade (wife would be real unhappy).
My HDVR2 got the upgrade last nite or early today and did the same thing. The upgrade resets your settings back to the factory defalt settings, thereby wiping out your fav channels list. The channel you were viewing and couldn't change was the last channel the tivo was on before the upgrade. You have to go back and reset them. Try it and I bet it works unless D* killed your card for that unit after you called them. Whoever you talked to at D* should have known this. I'm 1/2 way between Balt. and DC. upgrade area wise.nectarologist said:I received the upgrades on the 2 units I have (NY area). One went fine (model SD-DVR40) the other (DVR2, i think?) was OK but when I use the chanel up or down button the banner comes up just as if I were pushing the info button (and the chanel doesn't change). I went up to advanced customer support & they are sending me a reconditioned unit w/ a 90 day warranty since they couldn't correct the problem.
I have to give a thumbs-up to customer service, they were excellent (as I always find them). I switched to D* from Cable a few years ago due to crummy customer service & have kept D* b/c they are great in that respect.
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