If Sadoun can't help..
... if SatelliteAV has discontinued these dishes (worth a call to see if he's got one left in his warehouse) ...
then I'd call up Robby at WSI / Galaxy Marketing in Atlanta/Los Angeles and ask him!
Failing at all that, only then I'd move on...
Let's break this into two problems:
- finding and 8' dish
- ground-mounting it instead of on a
pole in the ground !
I also prefer
some solid dishes to mesh, but we can't always get what we want.
And a mesh that works, is better than a solid that doesn't, any day. - :up -
Some solid dishes can be quite heavy.
So, maybe think about a very light weight mesh?
They are around, close to free for the asking.
But, let's say you run across a solid 8' ChannelMaster (4 molded segments)
Those are outstanding dishes, with some great stories here on the forum!
Or maybe you'll find an 8' spun aluminum like the Birdview or (more rare) Paraclipse Hydro.
I have an 8' spun aluminum perforated one-piece dish that was probably manufactured by DH Satellite, and sold under another name.
very stiff, strong, and light!
So, about that fixed mount, now...
You could probably bolt up some square or round tubing.
Maybe like what you have.. or maybe a different design.
Perhaps you could weld up some tubing or plate to make a nice bottom for a short piece of pole.
I think if you consider all your options and resources, mounting a dish, once you get it, might not be such a big problem at all.
And the guys 'n gals here will probably help you brainstorm a solution, if you ask.