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tech left job no reasoning expcept line of sight | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

tech left job no reasoning expcept line of sight

Please reply by conversation.
That "pocket gauge" is an inclinometer. It's what we use, I don't have any issues with using the smartphone apps but I've seen them lie to me and paid the price after I already set a pole.

When I installed my parent's dish down in Florida, i used the app for giggles....Then I checked it with the compass inclinometer.....The inclinometer was more on target. Had I gone with the app, i would have been in a tree on the adjacent property.
A damage claim? Please elaborate....This I gotta see.

Any damage techs do now come out of pocket for the first $500. If somebody sticks a dish and the dish can't be used there the sub can actually call in and have a damage claim submitted
Any damage techs do now come out of pocket for the first $500. If somebody sticks a dish and the dish can't be used there the sub can actually call in and have a damage claim submitted

By "sub" you refer to the "subscriber"?
Normally we see the word "sub" used in context with "subcontractor".
Anyway, who in the hell came up with this idea.
Let me throw this out there...
Let's suppose a tech rolls to an install. The husband is home, wife is not...Hubby sez, "go ahead and put it on the roof, right there"..
Install a success. Later that evening, wife comes home, sees the dish and goes nuclear. She calls Directv and in plain English Slang screeches "you no good SOB's get out here and take that thing off my effing roof and I mean right now!!!"
In the past, the customer would be held liable for any charges to remove the equipment for simply "Changing their mind"...Now according to you, this crazy bitch could actually file a damage claim in which the tech, who did nothing wrong, would be held liable up to $500 of a claim? And possibly lose his job? Who is the crack head who came up with that idea?
Tell you what. With those rules in place, my policy would be if BOTH spouses were not present, they ain't getting no satellite system. Period....Customers MUST be forced to take some responsibility
By "sub" you refer to the "subscriber"?
Normally we see the word "sub" used in context with "subcontractor".
Anyway, who in the hell came up with this idea.
Let me throw this out there...
Let's suppose a tech rolls to an install. The husband is home, wife is not...Hubby sez, "go ahead and put it on the roof, right there"..
Install a success. Later that evening, wife comes home, sees the dish and goes nuclear. She calls Directv and in plain English Slang screeches "you no good SOB's get out here and take that thing off my effing roof and I mean right now!!!"
In the past, the customer would be held liable for any charges to remove the equipment for simply "Changing their mind"...Now according to you, this crazy bitch could actually file a damage claim in which the tech, who did nothing wrong, would be held liable up to $500 of a claim? And possibly lose his job? Who is the crack head who came up with that idea?
Tell you what. With those rules in place, my policy would be if BOTH spouses were not present, they ain't getting no satellite system. Period....Customers MUST be forced to take some responsibility

LOL, union protection anyone?
By "sub" you refer to the "subscriber"?
Normally we see the word "sub" used in context with "subcontractor".
Anyway, who in the hell came up with this idea.
Let me throw this out there...
Let's suppose a tech rolls to an install. The husband is home, wife is not...Hubby sez, "go ahead and put it on the roof, right there"..
Install a success. Later that evening, wife comes home, sees the dish and goes nuclear. She calls Directv and in plain English Slang screeches "you no good SOB's get out here and take that thing off my effing roof and I mean right now!!!"
In the past, the customer would be held liable for any charges to remove the equipment for simply "Changing their mind"...Now according to you, this crazy bitch could actually file a damage claim in which the tech, who did nothing wrong, would be held liable up to $500 of a claim? And possibly lose his job? Who is the crack head who came up with that idea?
Tell you what. With those rules in place, my policy would be if BOTH spouses were not present, they ain't getting no satellite system. Period....Customers MUST be forced to take some responsibility

On the back of our work orders there is a sign off form. If the customer doesn't sign off on it we don't install it. And yes, we have a union, this is directv's newest idea of dealing with loss. Lets make the tech pay for it! Yeah, stupid but that's why we have the sign off sheet. If she decides its not where she wanted, tough. Hubby signed off on it and if you want it moved you will have to pay for it to be moved.
field superviser
will be back Saturday to install after water and electric is located
LOL, union protection anyone?

Not in a million years..
DO you have any idea what would happen to the cost of getting ANYTHING done if satellite techs were represented by unions?
Bye Bye free installs, free service calls, etc...Then the silly and archaic work rules. "Sorry , it's going to rain...You'll have to reschedule"..."Oh you have a two story house..We will have to send a helper at an additional cost"...
"time for our coffee break. Union rules"..."Ma'am we will be later than we thought. Union says we have to take lunch"...."Sir, because we are running late and will get there after 5. the union says we can charge you for after hours work"...
"Sir because you want that dish mounted more than 25 feet from your home, we will have to call in for a burial crew. Theirs is a different union and we cannot do their work....Customer asks how long this will take...Tech says" well they are in the middle of a contract dispute and they are on strike. So who knows"..
You think this is being melodramatic?...HA! I once worked in a union paint shop and was told to work slower. I was informed by a another worker that we could not use a 10" finishing knife to do out final mud coat on drywall. GUy said it makes the work go to fast....I quit a couple weeks later. No way was I going to be able to function in a world where mediocrity was an acceptable practice.
On the back of our work orders there is a sign off form. If the customer doesn't sign off on it we don't install it. And yes, we have a union, this is directv's newest idea of dealing with loss. Lets make the tech pay for it! Yeah, stupid but that's why we have the sign off sheet. If she decides its not where she wanted, tough. Hubby signed off on it and if you want it moved you will have to pay for it to be moved.

What do you mean by "we have a union"...?
Not in a million years..
DO you have any idea what would happen to the cost of getting ANYTHING done if satellite techs were represented by unions?
Bye Bye free installs, free service calls, etc...Then the silly and archaic work rules. "Sorry , it's going to rain...You'll have to reschedule"..."Oh you have a two story house..We will have to send a helper at an additional cost"...
"time for our coffee break. Union rules"..."Ma'am we will be later than we thought. Union says we have to take lunch"...."Sir, because we are running late and will get there after 5. the union says we can charge you for after hours work"...
"Sir because you want that dish mounted more than 25 feet from your home, we will have to call in for a burial crew. Theirs is a different union and we cannot do their work....Customer asks how long this will take...Tech says" well they are in the middle of a contract dispute and they are on strike. So who knows"..
You think this is being melodramatic?...HA! I once worked in a union paint shop and was told to work slower. I was informed by a another worker that we could not use a 10" finishing knife to do out final mud coat on drywall. GUy said it makes the work go to fast....I quit a couple weeks later. No way was I going to be able to function in a world where mediocrity was an acceptable practice.

Hmmmm, sounds like typical phrases used every day by Sat techs, Union or otherwise.

You make it sound like Union workers are lazy and don't do quality work ... :(

This is FAR from the truth ...

Then again, you have lazy workers that are Non Union just as much.

Work is a matter of Pride, not weather your in a Union or not.
Hmmmm, sounds like typical phrases used every day by Sat techs, Union or otherwise.

You make it sound like Union workers are lazy and don't do quality work ... :(

This is FAR from the truth ...

Then again, you have lazy workers that are Non Union just as much.

Work is a matter of Pride, not weather your in a Union or not.

Jimbo, I grew up in the most heavily unionized area of the country. I saw first hand the crap these unions pulled. No way would I ever want to become involved with these crooks.
You are correct. Good work IS a matter of pride. One does not need a labor collective to tell people that. All that is needed is the performance.
It just makes me chuckle that there are still those who believe union work is superior to all other work. That's nonsense.
I don't "make it sound" anything.
I quote from first hand experience.
For example, when the painting foreman goes to the electrical foreman to ask if the paint crew can stay late to get finished and the IBEW guy says "no, my guys are going home on time" And because of the stupid rules no one but an IBEW guy could use a f*cuking light switch, we had to leave because the IBEW shut off the lights at precisely 3:30 pm.
When the foreman from the laborers union crew decides that he is not going to send his guys to clean out an area that should have been cleaned out the week before "just because" my fellow workers and I got sent home because we could not paint. And GOD FORBID anyone else beside the Laborers picked up a broom or dust pan. I lost a days pay because of these union tactics. I quickly realized that the union mentality was not for me. Everybody complained about the work even though they were making gobs f money( $16 per hour in 1984). They complained about the work but they knew to the second what time their coffee and lunch breaks were.
Is it any wonder why union representation in the private sector is under 7%(6.6 actually) ?..
Local 135. We are union

So if you are unionized, how is it that your employer can get away with a $500 cap on liability just because the dish might be "in the wrong place"?
I worked all those years and not once did I ever see a tech get charged a dime unless it was gross negligence. In which case the tech got canned and the company's insurance carrier negotiated a settlement.
Tell you what. With those rules in place, my policy would be if BOTH spouses were not present, they ain't getting no satellite system. Period....Customers MUST be forced to take some responsibility

Ain't gonna happen. With these companies obsessed with doing anything and everything possible to maintain any scrap of a customer that they can, they'll do anything including placing any and all liability squarely on the technician's shoulders. It is common knowledge to a lot of people that satellite and cable companies are the easiest to wring damage claims from. They are the fastest to settle and they ask few questions. All you have to do is make the claim, snap a few bogus pictures, have your 'contracting' brother make the 'repairs', and submit the pictures to your service provider's damage claim dept. BAMMMM! Cash in your pocket. The prevailing opinion is that it's easier to replace a technician than a customer.
They ain't gettin' no satellite system...If this is how non-union workers act I would like a Unionized shop please...

I wish this non union tech took as much pride in his communication on a public message board as he supposedly does in his work. I guess I'm just being a pinky ring wearing thug though.
Ain't gonna happen. With these companies obsessed with doing anything and everything possible to maintain any scrap of a customer that they can, they'll do anything including placing any and all liability squarely on the technician's shoulders. It is common knowledge to a lot of people that satellite and cable companies are the easiest to wring damage claims from. They are the fastest to settle and they ask few questions. All you have to do is make the claim, snap a few bogus pictures, have your 'contracting' brother make the 'repairs', and submit the pictures to your service provider's damage claim dept. BAMMMM! Cash in your pocket. The prevailing opinion is that it's easier to replace a technician than a customer.

" it's easier to replace a technician than a customer." = WORDS TO LIVE BY! Make yourself valuable.

Jimbo, I grew up in the most heavily unionized area of the country. I saw first hand the crap these unions pulled. No way would I ever want to become involved with these crooks.
You are correct. Good work IS a matter of pride. One does not need a labor collective to tell people that. All that is needed is the performance.
It just makes me chuckle that there are still those who believe union work is superior to all other work. That's nonsense.
I don't "make it sound" anything.
I quote from first hand experience.
For example, when the painting foreman goes to the electrical foreman to ask if the paint crew can stay late to get finished and the IBEW guy says "no, my guys are going home on time" And because of the stupid rules no one but an IBEW guy could use a f*cuking light switch, we had to leave because the IBEW shut off the lights at precisely 3:30 pm.
When the foreman from the laborers union crew decides that he is not going to send his guys to clean out an area that should have been cleaned out the week before "just because" my fellow workers and I got sent home because we could not paint. And GOD FORBID anyone else beside the Laborers picked up a broom or dust pan. I lost a days pay because of these union tactics. I quickly realized that the union mentality was not for me. Everybody complained about the work even though they were making gobs f money( $16 per hour in 1984). They complained about the work but they knew to the second what time their coffee and lunch breaks were.
Is it any wonder why union representation in the private sector is under 7%(6.6 actually) ?..


A Union guy doesn't ever work OT ?
Thats a laugh . we got guys that work OT every week.
SAaying that they can't do thier job because they won't stay late ...

You OBVIOUSLY were in the WRONG Union ...

Also, if your Non Union guys would WORK they wouldn't be falling being and having to work OT.

See, just because your Non Union also doesn't mean that YOUR work gets done ANY better than the Union guy.

See, TWO can play that game.
Please reply by conversation.


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