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tech left job no reasoning expcept line of sight | Page 3 | SatelliteGuys.US

tech left job no reasoning expcept line of sight

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They ain't gettin' no satellite system...If this is how non-union workers act I would like a Unionized shop please...

I wish this non union tech took as much pride in his communication on a public message board as he supposedly does in his work. I guess I'm just being a pinky ring wearing thug though.

Oh gee, mr let me take a statement out of context..
Hey genius. I did this stuff for 12 years. I have been in customer service most of my working life. If I have any faults they are that I care TOO MUCH.
So please, go take your gung ho union crap to someone who cares.

A Union guy doesn't ever work OT ?
Thats a laugh . we got guys that work OT every week.
SAaying that they can't do thier job because they won't stay late ...

You OBVIOUSLY were in the WRONG Union ...

Also, if your Non Union guys would WORK they wouldn't be falling being and having to work OT.

See, just because your Non Union also doesn't mean that YOUR work gets done ANY better than the Union guy.

See, TWO can play that game.

I never stated nor implied that union people never worked overtime. It was in this particular incident, they did not. Funny thing was, the IBEW as I found out later from a friend who was IBEW, all they had to do was make a phone call to ur office, get authorization to pay the IBEW the 4 hour minimum and VOILA!!! The lights stay on and we got to finish. The IBEW guys had a bug up their ass because our local ( Local 9) a few years back did not support an IBEW job action. In other words, the IBEW did not get their "tribute" from the Painters and Finishers..The thing with the laborers was just a cluster. Those guys were just slow.
Ain't gonna happen. With these companies obsessed with doing anything and everything possible to maintain any scrap of a customer that they can, they'll do anything including placing any and all liability squarely on the technician's shoulders. It is common knowledge to a lot of people that satellite and cable companies are the easiest to wring damage claims from. They are the fastest to settle and they ask few questions. All you have to do is make the claim, snap a few bogus pictures, have your 'contracting' brother make the 'repairs', and submit the pictures to your service provider's damage claim dept. BAMMMM! Cash in your pocket. The prevailing opinion is that it's easier to replace a technician than a customer.
I'm living in a world of common sense. To the satellite world that is a parallel universe.

A Union guy doesn't ever work OT ?
Thats a laugh . we got guys that work OT every week.
SAaying that they can't do thier job because they won't stay late ...

You OBVIOUSLY were in the WRONG Union ...

Also, if your Non Union guys would WORK they wouldn't be falling being and having to work OT.

See, just because your Non Union also doesn't mean that YOUR work gets done ANY better than the Union guy.

See, TWO can play that game.
JImbo....The paint shop I worked for WAS union. Local 9 of the Painters and Finishers..New York City.
BTW, we wanted to get the job done so we could go to another one that needed to start right away. It was the type of job that if we did this one we'd get a lot more from this vendor.
I never stated nor implied that union people never worked overtime. It was in this particular incident, they did not. Funny thing was, the IBEW as I found out later from a friend who was IBEW, all they had to do was make a phone call to ur office, get authorization to pay the IBEW the 4 hour minimum and VOILA!!! The lights stay on and we got to finish. The IBEW guys had a bug up their ass because our local ( Local 9) a few years back did not support an IBEW job action. In other words, the IBEW did not get their "tribute" from the Painters and Finishers..The thing with the laborers was just a cluster. Those guys were just slow.

Hmmm, that's not how it sounded a few posts back ....
Not in a million years..
DO you have any idea what would happen to the cost of getting ANYTHING done if satellite techs were represented by unions?
Bye Bye free installs, free service calls, etc...Then the silly and archaic work rules. "Sorry , it's going to rain...You'll have to reschedule"..."Oh you have a two story house..We will have to send a helper at an additional cost"...
"time for our coffee break. Union rules"..."Ma'am we will be later than we thought. Union says we have to take lunch"...."Sir, because we are running late and will get there after 5. the union says we can charge you for after hours work"...
"Sir because you want that dish mounted more than 25 feet from your home, we will have to call in for a burial crew. Theirs is a different union and we cannot do their work....Customer asks how long this will take...Tech says" well they are in the middle of a contract dispute and they are on strike. So who knows"..
You think this is being melodramatic?...HA! I once worked in a union paint shop and was told to work slower. I was informed by a another worker that we could not use a 10" finishing knife to do out final mud coat on drywall. GUy said it makes the work go to fast....I quit a couple weeks later. No way was I going to be able to function in a world where mediocrity was an acceptable practice.

Do you get a lunch break?
What's wrong with a helper on a two story house? Is the installers safety worth a installed Dish?
Do you go up on roof's when it is raining?
At your place of work, do you give your pay pack if someone buy's a product or service and then decides they don't want it?
Do you drive to your job, only to find out there is no los, and don't get paid for your time?

Sounds to me like the installers could us little representation. Why shouldn't they be able to make some money out of a business that makes it hand over fist?
Hmmm, that's not how it sounded a few posts back ....

That's the way it happened. I didn't think ALL of the details were necessary. The fact that the electrician's foreman refused was enough.
Anyway. I have some more labor union PITA stories that will make you want to tear out your hair.
Stuff that is just not all that important but the unions blow out of proportion.
Do you get a lunch break?
What's wrong with a helper on a two story house? Is the installers safety worth a installed Dish?
Do you go up on roof's when it is raining?
At your place of work, do you give your pay pack if someone buy's a product or service and then decides they don't want it?
Do you drive to your job, only to find out there is no los, and don't get paid for your time?

Sounds to me like the installers could us little representation. Why shouldn't they be able to make some money out of a business that makes it hand over fist?
I took lunch on the fly. I hated stopping and sitting. I ate between jobs. I would rather get done earlier and get to do what I wanted. In summer I was usually found on the golf course after a day's work. But to answer directly, yes, I had a lunch break. And all the other breaks I wanted to take.
Don't need a helper. Unnecessary. If one needs a helper, they are in the wrong type of work. Do it yourself or go work in a department store.
Roof in the rain? Sure. I had the roof shoes. Would I bolt a dish to a roof while it was raining? No. That's stupid. The pitch patch won't stick.
Did I go onto roofs? Only if it was less than an 8/12 pitch. I found another way to get it done if the roof was steep.
No.. ONce the receivers were activated, the job was paid no matter what the customer did. Did I ever have a guy cancel during the install? Never. I made sure the meeting of the minds resulted in a "go" before I took so much as a tool off my truck.
No LOS, Customer No show cancel....Of course there is no pay. I was a contractor!
"Sounds to me like the installers could us little representation"...HUH? I don't understand that.
Look, the last thing I want is another group of people looking over my shoulder. One( employer ) is enough.
Labor collectives blow HARD.
Unions cut both ways. I was a union shop steward/asst steward for over 20 years in the Post Office. I considered the union a necessary evil. Management would consistently ignore the contract. Carriers would consistently ignore the work rules. Neither side was right or wrong all of the time. It was an open shop, but there were non union carriers that would whine and gripe about management and expect me to do their bidding! There were carriers that were union that expected me to cover their ass every day because they were lazy.
That's the way it happened. I didn't think ALL of the details were necessary. The fact that the electrician's foreman refused was enough.
Anyway. I have some more labor union PITA stories that will make you want to tear out your hair.
Stuff that is just not all that important but the unions blow out of proportion.

So, because an Electricians boss said they couldn't work OT one time with you, they are all lumped into one group of BAD guys because they are Union ?
So, because an Electricians boss said they couldn't work OT one time with you, they are all lumped into one group of BAD guys because they are Union ?

No...I never stated nor implied that.
I used this as just one example of union stupidity.
I stated earlier, I had many experiences dealing with unions that would leave one tearing out their hair.
Here's one...I was installing computer terminals at the Asbury Park Press in NJ...Normally, we'd pull all the necessary telco cable from the telephone room to the other end, hook everything up, test it and done.
Because the APP was a union shop, we were not permitted to terminate any of the cables we pulled. In fact there were people in the building that once they found out we were not union, started giving us a hard time. One filed a grievance. Can you believe THAT?!
Anyway, the union guys took their sweet time getting the wortk done that we could have knocked out quickly. The Newspaper management was pissed at US!!!! Surprise!!! Does anyone really think the management was gonna piss off the union people and risk a rulebook slow down or some other BS job action because the proper ass kissing did not take place?
No, WE were the scapegoat. That was the LAST job in a union building we ever bid. We turned them down out of hand.
We did our work TO A TEE...And the union effed it all up for us.
Anyway, I hold a very low opinion of labor collectives based solely on my personal experiences which were virtually all negative.
Who cares about this Union talk? This was about a lazy tech who should be unemployed at this point. Pathetic.

Sent from my Galaxy Note II
Who cares about this Union talk? This was about a lazy tech who should be unemployed at this point. Pathetic.

Sent from my Galaxy Note II

You don't know that. Just because the customer had Dish does not mean he has LOS for Directv. They point at different satellites. It could be the case but we don't know.

As to the original poster, you won't get a supervisor on the 2nd visit either. They just tell you that, it will just be another tech. The people on the phone have no clue if you can get LOS, they tell you anything to get you to sign up. They will tell you anything to keep you from canceling. They will make another appointment to have an installer come out and climb up a snow covered icy roof, if you say you want to cancel. Even though it is against Directv rules to get off your ladder to install a dish, and you can be terminated for doing it. Like I said the people on the phone will tell you anything.
I don't know what? The guy left said nothing left his stuff and hasn't been heard from since? He shouldn't be employed. Thanks.

Sent from my Galaxy Note II
Some techs will blow off a hard install & call nlos to get out of it even if there is an open window. It's a sad truth.
Some techs will blow off a hard install & call nlos to get out of it even if there is an open window. It's a sad truth.

Yep have rolled on a many like that. Last tech said NLOS. I get there and not a tree or building in site(well you know what I mean). I just shake my head.
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