I understand why Nick had to go out and earn money this week playing on the streets, someone has to bring home the bacon in that house
...I hope he cleaned up!

Looks like mine shipped out this morning from PA!
Mine moved to the Memphis FedEX air center this morning.
Yup, mine too. Made it to the Blues City. But not singing the Blues this morning.
Here's a collection of reviews. Still wish someone would comment on the speaker..
New iPad Meta-Review: 4G and Retina Really Are That Great
Doesn't work with Australian LTE?? Blasphemy!
The flip side to that though is that our apps are going to be larger. I realize that it's a necessary evil, but given the fact that I got a 16GB version I'm a little worried about not being able to have all the stuff that I want. Looks like I'll have to be more selective about what apps I get and also be more vigilant about getting pictures and videos off the pad to conserve space. Luckily I got 50 GB of free storage via box so that should help with that. Also, while I do use my pad to watch a lot of stuff, most of it is on Netflix or streamed through my network, so I don't plan on downloading many (if any) storage hungry HD videos.One of the nice things about the new iPad is that a lot of apps are getting re-done for the retina display, and in some instances, getting some nice improvements - for example the Kindle App got a thorough re-do, and is very nice. So can't wait to read books on it with the retina display.
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