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The only thorn in my side about Sky Angel | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

The only thorn in my side about Sky Angel

keep in mind that sky angel's audience is rather specific-one CAN believe whatever they choose, but if they tune into a channel aimed at a specialized audience, don't be surprised at what is showing....being bothered finding that sky angel produces a program that is anti evolution makes about as much sense as being shocked that one might find video of naked women on extasy...
TNGTony said:
"The word "theory" when used in a scientific context does not make the process less real. It means we haven't figured out all the variables. It is a specific scientific term for a defining a process with TANGIBLE available observations. It is a word that is often misused and widely misunderstood.

Speaking of tangible, available observations...

Do you believe that if enough monkeys sat at typewriters
for long enough that (eventually) the entire works of Shakespeare
would be created? Do you believe in random chance?

Try this experiment:

It works on distributed computing and anyone can participate simply by
pointing their web browser to the following URL.

Why? It has to do with proving the absurdity of random chance.

A Java program starts up that runs for as long as you keep the web page open. You can run it in the background while you do other things.

If Tony and our other friends get a better result than what is already there, then, it can be submitted.

Best of Luck.

Dave M
"God Wrote a Book" by James MacDonald.

The book, of course, is the Bible, and because God is its author, it's the most important work ever written. Millions across the world agree with that, yet many believe it only conceptually, doubting that the words of the Bible are in fact the very words of God.

Pastor James MacDonald addresses today's disturbing trend away from taking God's Word seriously. He clarifies the misconceptions that surround the infallibility, reliability, and historicity of the Bible and explains why he believes it is the inspired Word of God, how it originated, what the Bible is good for, and its benefits to us. Written to believers and non-believers who have questions, this book on the Good Book has the answers.
Tony, you are a believer in Christ correct? I assume you believe that Christ died and was bodily resurrected correct? According to science it would be impossible for a person to come back to life. Most of the Bible has been prov-en by archaeologist to be historically accurate and their has never been any finds that could disprove the historicity of the Bible, what makes you believe that the first 11 chapters of Geneses is just allegory? If you read it at face value their is nothing to indicate that it is not historical. I believe in a God who made a perfect world without death or suffering, he made man with free choice, it is only through sin the result of a bad choice that this world became corrupt and brought forth death and suffering. If evolution is true, their is either no God or God made an imperfect world and God created death and suffering, if this is true why did Christ have to come to this world and die for are sins if we were originally made this way?
I'm looking into getting SkyAngel and came across this forum during my research. While this topic did not help me decide whether to get the product or not, I found it interesting.

After reading through, it appears that the general area of contention stemmed from an original post that questioned the validity of a program that aired claiming that evolution is against creationism.

Couple of thoughts. The bible clearly states that a rainbow is a symbol from God. The bible also clearly states the purpose of the rainbow. Now here we are a few thousand years later and supposedly much more intelligent, and we have scientifically figured out how the rainbow is actually created. Physics not being my strongest talent, I seem to remember that it is the passage of light through water in this instance. However, just because we now know how it is done, does not mean that God is not the one doing it. One part requires knowledge of science, the other part requires faith in the reason behind it. A non-believer will see the rainbow and realise there is water up there in the atmosphere. A believer can have the same realisation, however s/he can also praise God for what He has done.

I do believe evolution exists. I studied biology in school and have read some texts and I tend to agree that it exists. However, as a born-again Christian I do not believe that this is how we came to existence. The big bang may have happened ("let there be light"), however this cannot be proven one way or another. Whether you believe we got here by evolution or by being created requires faith, even if just a small part. The theory of evolution was really brought to the fore-front by Darwin. This is the same man coincidentally that changed his mind before his death, stating that "step by step science leads us through the theory of evolution until we arrive at the door of creation".

For example, take the Bombardier beetle. This little thing has it's own built-in flame thrower for self-defence. It has two 'tanks' within it's body, a mixing chamber and all of the other necessary bits and pieces that allows it to store hydrogen and oxygen and to safely bring the two together at a point where it can control an external explosion. Imagine trying to evolve this. Everytime it makes a mistake it blows itself up!! Does this mean that evolution does not exist? No it emphatically does not.

What we need to be careful of is that we have clearly proven that evolution occurs, but we have not, and will not prove that evolution is how everything came into being, and that it occurs in every living object, or that it is constantly occurring.

One other comment, on the soap bubble experiment. Carbon dating often times uses a mother-daughter relationship. I.e. we look at that makeup of the object we are trying to date and compute the quantity of the daughter atom to the mother atom. We then use the algorithm that states the rate of change from mother to daughter to figure out how old the object is. The assumption made here however is how much daughter was present at the very beginning. It has also proven very inconsistent. Tests were conducted on a rock that was pulled from a specific layer in the earth and was therefore already aged to a known year. Multiple tests were performed and the differences in results varied from 10 years 10 10 million years!

I know this post will not answer all of the questions, but as Christians we do not need to argue about these things, they are inconsequential! What matters is whether you are heading to heaven or hell. Only you and God know the answer to that question. Once we get there, He who has knowledge higher than ours will surely show us how it was all done!

As a side, but connected note, Tony, don't have a problem with SkyAngel for airing this show. Like it was mentioned by someone else, you wouldn't be upset to see a naked woman on some adult channel, even if we disagree with it. Look at the "whole" picture of what SkyAngel is doing.

In His grace,

m_fez said:
.......After reading through, it appears that the general area of contention stemmed from an original post that questioned the validity of a program that aired claiming that evolution is against creationism........

.....However, just because we now know how it is done, does not mean that God is not the one doing it. One part requires knowledge of science, the other part requires faith in the reason behind it. A non-believer will see the rainbow and realise there is water up there in the atmosphere. A believer can have the same realisation, however s/he can also praise God for what He has done.......

Welcome fez!

Great post.

ABSOLUTELY!!!! This is exactly the point that I originally tried (and I guess failed) to make. Because one thing exists, does not mean that the other doesn't. Because one thing is correct, does not mean that the other isn't.

My original issue is that the program in question says something to the effect "creationism and the litteral 7-day reading of the Bible is correct because evolution hasn't answered all the questions yet." Or worse yet, "the litteral interpretation of the Bible is correct because evolution is dead wrong and here are some misrepresented, manufactured and half-explained-half truths to mislead you into the wrong conclusion about the science used." The latter is the most UN-christian thing out there. And as I said before, even the most fervant supporter of the litteral interpretation of the Bible, INTERPRETS the Bible him/herself at one point or another. They may resort to going back to the original texts and retranslating the words, but then they are INTERPRETING what the original words meant. Best example...the KJV says "Thou Shalt Not Kill". The original text has later been retranslated to say "Thou Shalt Not Murder". So...which is correct. The original translation or the new translation? Whatever the answer, it is the INTERPRETATION of the reader.

Anyway, for the REAL purpose of this forum, if you have any questions about Sky Angel or just want some info about the service, just ask away.

I know this forum has been slow, (all but dead) but it is here to keep questions and comments about Sky Angel out there without being mixed in with Dish Network issues.

Thanks for the post.

See ya
I was at Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas today having lunch at a deli on the property. I was having a discussion with a coworker about Televangelist, particularly the ones that seem to have the biggest ego, and ask for cash, such as Benny Hinn. We were discussing the investigations into his miracles etc, when suddenly Joni Lamb came up to our table and told us she knew the various people we were discussing. Man that was weird. She was very nice, but my first thought is that this Televangelist was staying at Atlantis Resort who's main income is the Casino. A pretty secular location to be vacationing at for a high profile person of GOD. I will give here credit for approaching us when she overheard our conversation. I would also dare to guess that the majority of the members of her congregation couldn't afford a trip to Atlantis on vacation. I work for one of their larger vendors on the property, and I know for a fact tha a night there would run well over $300 per night easy. Meals are ridiculous. God is good.

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