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Thoughts to Ponder-NFL Edition | SatelliteGuys.US

Thoughts to Ponder-NFL Edition


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 5, 2008
First off, wish all you guys a happy and safe Thanksgiving. This is more of a ramble, I guess and might be out of whack but anyway take a look if you have a chance. Heres some of the things that I would do with the NFL if I had control. Here we go.

1) There should be an 18 game schedule. I think there should be an 18 game schedule because I think the demand is high. I'd like to know why the Thursday night schedule was proposed and granted? Why is Thurs. ok but not adding an extra 2 weeks? Theres no need for Thurs. nigh football. Apparently, you cant even mention to the players about an 18 game schedule. How come nobody batted an eye, when you have to play a regular season game and soon more in London? How come nobody batted an eye when the Bills play a home game in Toronto?

2) NO Thursday Night Games. Like I said theres no need for it. Yes, there have been Thursday night games in the past but when I think NFL, I think of Sunday not Thursday. The only time you play on Thursday is for Turkey Day and thats it. Dont over extend the NFL which what there doing. Hell, I wouldnt shock me if they play every day of the week eventually. You know the old saying "Money talks and you know what walks."

3)Safety helmets MUST BE used by all players. I guess the NFL has adapted a more safe helmet to protect the players. If this works, then all players must wear that type of helmet. If you dont, you get suspended for one game. You dont wear it the next week, you get suspended the next game as well etc. etc. until all these players get the message. I say that because I heard that Ryan Clark of the Steelers was going to wear the helmet tonight but he didnt want to because " it wasnt cool enough" or something to that effect. Wear the safety helmets, period.

4) NO London Games. You want to have an exhibition game there, fine. Have 1, have 2, have 10, I dont care but when you start talking about taking the Super Bowl there, thats over the line. This is OUR GAME. When I mean OUR, I mean America's game. I dont want a franchise there either. Theres no need for it. Leave it in America, where it belongs.

5) Bring back Saturday games. Forget Thursday, bring back Saturday games. Remember the old days of having one CBS and one NBC and then one FOX game on Saturday? Why they got rid of that I'll never know. Have a game on CBS, FOX and NFL Network at 1, 4 and 8pm. Have them up against the bowl games. Why not about 10 people, including yours truly, watches the bowl games anyway.

6)No Less than 4 Late games. One thing I've noticed this year is the lack of 4pm games. I dont know why they dont have more. They should balance it out more. Ex. instead of 8 1pm games today, how about 6 1pm games and 5 4pm games? I just dont like that the variety is gone from the late window. If your not going to show any 4pm games, then why have at all. NFL meant 1 and 4 pm games on Sundays. It should stay that way. Which leads me too...

7)NFL Kickoff begins on Sunday, not Thursday. I dont know about you but I really cant get into the Thursday night opening week game. Have all the games on Sunday instead of having one game on Thursday, well this year it was on Wednesday and then having to wait 3 days for the next game. Week 1 on Sunday should be NFL Kickoff instead of Thursday. Theres only 1 game on Thursday and about 10 games or more on the following Sunday. I think the choice is obvious.

8)Your injured, you dont lose a timeout. I dont know why the team should be penalized when somebody gets injured. Its not the teams fault. I think that injury is part of the game and you shouldnt be penalized by losing a timeout when you need timeouts in the game. I think when you lose a timeout, thats just not fair and puts your team at a disadvantage.

9)Weight limit on offensive/defensive guys. I think a problem with all these injuries is that you have guys 250 lbs., 260 lbs tackling a guy maybe have his weight size. How is that fair that a 250 pound guy tackles or sacks a 165 or 180 lb. QB etc. That might be a hard thing to do but thats an unfair disadvantage. I way, I think 150 or 160 pounds and I wouldnt want somebody who weighs 240 lbs. w/o pads and who's not even a football player tackling me.

10) If you have the ball, its a catch. Maybe its me and Im getting old and grouchy and impatient but Im so sick of these "Did he have posession of the ball and have both hands on it?" Those types of plays happen so often that actually makes the game longer. You hear that call every single game. Hey, look, if the balls in your hands, you know what, its a catch. Its just so uneccessary. It goes on and on. They catch the ball with there hands. If they were catching them with there feet, then I'd have a problem. How can you procure a ball when you a linemen or cornerback hitting at full speed?

11)Expand to Los Angeles. Why they are not there yet, I'll never know. Get a team there, in the biggest market in the US and have a Super Bowl. Bring team there, bring one to CT. bring to Vermont as long as its not London. Los Angeles should get preference over London. We can use expansion teams again. From 1995 to the present, we've only had 3 expansion teams. We should have more but I wouldnt take a franchise away only if I had too. In other words, I would have LA start there own franchise, instead of taking the Chargers or Jaguars away.

What do you guys think? Do you think Im crazy or do you agree with some of my ideas. I just think they make a big thing, like London, where there shouldnt be a big deal. You want to grow the game. Lets see some NFL Films stuff. Classic games, classic films, with people who built the league. You know the target audience the NFL gets, Im assuming is 18-34. That means people were not born when "The Catch" happened or "Wide Right in Super Bowl 25" happened. Makes you think, doesnt it?
First off, wish all you guys a happy and safe Thanksgiving. This is more of a ramble, I guess and might be out of whack but anyway take a look if you have a chance. Heres some of the things that I would do with the NFL if I had control. Here we go.

1) There should be an 18 game schedule. I think there should be an 18 game schedule because I think the demand is high. I'd like to know why the Thursday night schedule was proposed and granted? Why is Thurs. ok but not adding an extra 2 weeks? Theres no need for Thurs. nigh football. Apparently, you cant even mention to the players about an 18 game schedule. How come nobody batted an eye, when you have to play a regular season game and soon more in London? How come nobody batted an eye when the Bills play a home game in Toronto?

I HATE the idea of the 18 game schedule ... too many ... as for why the Thursday game was granted, the OWNERS I'm sure, the Owners are the ones that WANT the 18 game so they can make even MORE MONEY, I know they charge full price for Pre Season games which is ALSO Wrong.

2) NO Thursday Night Games. Like I said theres no need for it. Yes, there have been Thursday night games in the past but when I think NFL, I think of Sunday not Thursday. The only time you play on Thursday is for Turkey Day and thats it. Dont over extend the NFL which what there doing. Hell, I wouldnt shock me if they play every day of the week eventually. You know the old saying "Money talks and you know what walks."

I AGREE Entirely

3)Safety helmets MUST BE used by all players. I guess the NFL has adapted a more safe helmet to protect the players. If this works, then all players must wear that type of helmet. If you dont, you get suspended for one game. You dont wear it the next week, you get suspended the next game as well etc. etc. until all these players get the message. I say that because I heard that Ryan Clark of the Steelers was going to wear the helmet tonight but he didnt want to because " it wasnt cool enough" or something to that effect. Wear the safety helmets, period.
These helmets are NEW, anything new is different ... not many players are wearing them yet, but IF it works, I can see them becoming the norm.

4) NO London Games. You want to have an exhibition game there, fine. Have 1, have 2, have 10, I dont care but when you start talking about taking the Super Bowl there, thats over the line. This is OUR GAME. When I mean OUR, I mean America's game. I dont want a franchise there either. Theres no need for it. Leave it in America, where it belongs.


5) Bring back Saturday games. Forget Thursday, bring back Saturday games. Remember the old days of having one CBS and one NBC and then one FOX game on Saturday? Why they got rid of that I'll never know. Have a game on CBS, FOX and NFL Network at 1, 4 and 8pm. Have them up against the bowl games. Why not about 10 people, including yours truly, watches the bowl games anyway.

They don't want to go against College Football, after all thats where thier bread is buttered.
I think they still do have the Sat games, after the College season is over and before the bowls

6)No Less than 4 Late games. One thing I've noticed this year is the lack of 4pm games. I dont know why they dont have more. They should balance it out more. Ex. instead of 8 1pm games today, how about 6 1pm games and 5 4pm games? I just dont like that the variety is gone from the late window. If your not going to show any 4pm games, then why have at all. NFL meant 1 and 4 pm games on Sundays. It should stay that way. Which leads me too...

IF your a west coast team, playing at home, you should play the LATE game and they usually move the Marquee game of the day to 4 as well, sometime they may even move it to 8 !

7)NFL Kickoff begins on Sunday, not Thursday. I dont know about you but I really cant get into the Thursday night opening week game. Have all the games on Sunday instead of having one game on Thursday, well this year it was on Wednesday and then having to wait 3 days for the next game. Week 1 on Sunday should be NFL Kickoff instead of Thursday. Theres only 1 game on Thursday and about 10 games or more on the following Sunday. I think the choice is obvious.

I agree again.

8)Your injured, you dont lose a timeout. I dont know why the team should be penalized when somebody gets injured. Its not the teams fault. I think that injury is part of the game and you shouldnt be penalized by losing a timeout when you need timeouts in the game. I think when you lose a timeout, thats just not fair and puts your team at a disadvantage.

That only happens in the last 2 minutes, to prevent fake injuries when people nee3ded a TO is the purpose for it.

9)Weight limit on offensive/defensive guys. I think a problem with all these injuries is that you have guys 250 lbs., 260 lbs tackling a guy maybe have his weight size. How is that fair that a 250 pound guy tackles or sacks a 165 or 180 lb. QB etc. That might be a hard thing to do but thats an unfair disadvantage. I way, I think 150 or 160 pounds and I wouldnt want somebody who weighs 240 lbs. w/o pads and who's not even a football player tackling me.

10) If you have the ball, its a catch. Maybe its me and Im getting old and grouchy and impatient but Im so sick of these "Did he have posession of the ball and have both hands on it?" Those types of plays happen so often that actually makes the game longer. You hear that call every single game. Hey, look, if the balls in your hands, you know what, its a catch. Its just so uneccessary. It goes on and on. They catch the ball with there hands. If they were catching them with there feet, then I'd have a problem. How can you procure a ball when you a linemen or cornerback hitting at full speed?

I agree to a degree, if you actually have possession, yes, it's a catch, the NFL has gotten ridiculous with this, you have to take it to the locker room with out juggling to be a catch

11)Expand to Los Angeles. Why they are not there yet, I'll never know. Get a team there, in the biggest market in the US and have a Super Bowl. Bring team there, bring one to CT. bring to Vermont as long as its not London. Los Angeles should get preference over London. We can use expansion teams again. From 1995 to the present, we've only had 3 expansion teams. We should have more but I wouldnt take a franchise away only if I had too. In other words, I would have LA start there own franchise, instead of taking the Chargers or Jaguars away.
Here, I disagree, I think there are too many teams as it is.
LA has had it's chance already and have teams come and go every 5-10 years, they say theres so much to do out there that the NFL isn't desired, I agree.

I think teams use LA to get what they want, hate owners holding cities hostage.

What do you guys think? Do you think Im crazy or do you agree with some of my ideas. I just think they make a big thing, like London, where there shouldnt be a big deal. You want to grow the game. Lets see some NFL Films stuff. Classic games, classic films, with people who built the league. You know the target audience the NFL gets, Im assuming is 18-34. That means people were not born when "The Catch" happened or "Wide Right in Super Bowl 25" happened. Makes you think, doesnt it?
1. no
The Toronto thing is an agreement...Buffalo to Toronto is what 90 miles?

2. Turkey Day....thats it

4. agreed

5. nah

6. why? Remember one network only gets one game a week so why have multiple games on say CBS when they only have one game that week. The late game goes to the 2 teams playing and the teams who played at noon at home on Fox...
The late game is suppose to be the "marquee game"

7. that goes back to point 2

8. you dont lose one if its legit....its when they fake it

9. huh?

10. College rules. One foot down with possession

11. LA doesnt care about the NFL...the NFL cares about being in LA
1.No thanks.Unless the NFL expands again I see no point to an 18 game regular season.They already make a 16 game season into 17 weeks wit the byes.Not to mention it's hard enough to stay healthy for 16 let alone 18 games.

2.I like the Thursday night games.It does mess with my fantasy teams but I can deal with that.With the Thursday night package NFL network has soared in the ratings.Don't think they'll cancel a huge money maker.

3.Some type of safety helmet is obviously gonna have to be used.I just hope they don't completely ruin the game making it into tag or touch football.

4.Agreed,fans over there barely know when to cheer,and have no clue when to boo lol.They are happy with Futbol.No need for football.

5.Saturday is college day I'm fine with that.

6.I sort of agree there.At least 3 late games would be nice.The reason I say that is it gives viewers more opportunity to watch.Kind of hard to watch 9 games at 1pm.They could spread it out a bit more.

7.Again I like Thursday night football.I wouldn't have any issue with NFL games 5 nights a week but,that's just me.

8.They had to amend that rule because of all the fake injuries.I see no way around it.

9.As Iceberg said,huh?

10.I know it slows the game down but,almost every catch is debatable.As long as they ultimately get it correct I am cool with it.I hate the one foot rule in college.Watching some of the great ones get 2 feet down while holding onto the ball is nothing short of spectacular to me.

11.Poop on LA!
These items are kinda all over the place, but here goes....

First off, wish all you guys a happy and safe Thanksgiving. This is more of a ramble, I guess and might be out of whack but anyway take a look if you have a chance. Heres some of the things that I would do with the NFL if I had control. Here we go.

1) There should be an 18 game schedule. I think there should be an 18 game schedule because I think the demand is high. I'd like to know why the Thursday night schedule was proposed and granted? Why is Thurs. ok but not adding an extra 2 weeks? Theres no need for Thurs. nigh football. Apparently, you cant even mention to the players about an 18 game schedule. How come nobody batted an eye, when you have to play a regular season game and soon more in London? How come nobody batted an eye when the Bills play a home game in Toronto? I think 16 games is enough. Implementing Thursday night games was probably done because it was a decent revenue generator and was easier getting through than adding two more games to the schedule.

2) NO Thursday Night Games. Like I said theres no need for it. Yes, there have been Thursday night games in the past but when I think NFL, I think of Sunday not Thursday. The only time you play on Thursday is for Turkey Day and thats it. Dont over extend the NFL which what there doing. Hell, I wouldnt shock me if they play every day of the week eventually. You know the old saying "Money talks and you know what walks." I have no issue with Thursday night games, except for the caliber of most of the matchups...

3)Safety helmets MUST BE used by all players. I guess the NFL has adapted a more safe helmet to protect the players. If this works, then all players must wear that type of helmet. If you dont, you get suspended for one game. You dont wear it the next week, you get suspended the next game as well etc. etc. until all these players get the message. I say that because I heard that Ryan Clark of the Steelers was going to wear the helmet tonight but he didnt want to because " it wasnt cool enough" or something to that effect. Wear the safety helmets, period.

4) NO London Games. You want to have an exhibition game there, fine. Have 1, have 2, have 10, I dont care but when you start talking about taking the Super Bowl there, thats over the line. This is OUR GAME. When I mean OUR, I mean America's game. I dont want a franchise there either. Theres no need for it. Leave it in America, where it belongs. I watch my NFL games from my living room so where it's played really doesn't affect me. I don't see a Super Bowl being played in London, but you never know I guess...

5) Bring back Saturday games. Forget Thursday, bring back Saturday games. Remember the old days of having one CBS and one NBC and then one FOX game on Saturday? Why they got rid of that I'll never know. Have a game on CBS, FOX and NFL Network at 1, 4 and 8pm. Have them up against the bowl games. Why not about 10 people, including yours truly, watches the bowl games anyway. Saturday games were only the last two weekends, IIRC. Thursdays, are now all season...

6)No Less than 4 Late games. One thing I've noticed this year is the lack of 4pm games. I dont know why they dont have more. They should balance it out more. Ex. instead of 8 1pm games today, how about 6 1pm games and 5 4pm games? I just dont like that the variety is gone from the late window. If your not going to show any 4pm games, then why have at all. NFL meant 1 and 4 pm games on Sundays. It should stay that way. Which leads me too...

7)NFL Kickoff begins on Sunday, not Thursday. I dont know about you but I really cant get into the Thursday night opening week game. Have all the games on Sunday instead of having one game on Thursday, well this year it was on Wednesday and then having to wait 3 days for the next game. Week 1 on Sunday should be NFL Kickoff instead of Thursday. Theres only 1 game on Thursday and about 10 games or more on the following Sunday. I think the choice is obvious.

8)Your injured, you dont lose a timeout. I dont know why the team should be penalized when somebody gets injured. Its not the teams fault. I think that injury is part of the game and you shouldnt be penalized by losing a timeout when you need timeouts in the game. I think when you lose a timeout, thats just not fair and puts your team at a disadvantage. This topic has already been explained here ad nauseum. It does suck when your team is affected, but how else do you stop teams from taking advantage, which is the reason it was implemented in the first place...

9)Weight limit on offensive/defensive guys. I think a problem with all these injuries is that you have guys 250 lbs., 260 lbs tackling a guy maybe have his weight size. How is that fair that a 250 pound guy tackles or sacks a 165 or 180 lb. QB etc. That might be a hard thing to do but thats an unfair disadvantage. I way, I think 150 or 160 pounds and I wouldnt want somebody who weighs 240 lbs. w/o pads and who's not even a football player tackling me. Half his size?? You are watching NFL games, right??

10) If you have the ball, its a catch. Maybe its me and Im getting old and grouchy and impatient but Im so sick of these "Did he have posession of the ball and have both hands on it?" Those types of plays happen so often that actually makes the game longer. You hear that call every single game. Hey, look, if the balls in your hands, you know what, its a catch. Its just so uneccessary. It goes on and on. They catch the ball with there hands. If they were catching them with there feet, then I'd have a problem. How can you procure a ball when you a linemen or cornerback hitting at full speed?

11)Expand to Los Angeles. Why they are not there yet, I'll never know. Get a team there, in the biggest market in the US and have a Super Bowl. Bring team there, bring one to CT. bring to Vermont as long as its not London. Los Angeles should get preference over London. We can use expansion teams again. From 1995 to the present, we've only had 3 expansion teams. We should have more but I wouldnt take a franchise away only if I had too. In other words, I would have LA start there own franchise, instead of taking the Chargers or Jaguars away. Why the big push for expansion teams?? Don't you think the talent pool may already be watered down a bit?? Relocation to LA, sure, but not an extra team.

What do you guys think? Do you think Im crazy or do you agree with some of my ideas. I just think they make a big thing, like London, where there shouldnt be a big deal. You want to grow the game. Lets see some NFL Films stuff. Classic games, classic films, with people who built the league. You know the target audience the NFL gets, Im assuming is 18-34. That means people were not born when "The Catch" happened or "Wide Right in Super Bowl 25" happened. Makes you think, doesnt it?
1. No
2. No except Thanksgiving! ...
4. No!
5. As stated above, Saturdays are for college football and catch up with family time.
6. See Icebergs post
7. See Icebergs post
8. " ""
9. No
10. Let the people on the field rule, not some dork in a booth... crosses the line it's a score, ditch replay except for coach challenges.
11. failed several times...
First off, wish all you guys a happy and safe Thanksgiving. This is more of a ramble, I guess and might be out of whack but anyway take a look if you have a chance. Heres some of the things that I would do with the NFL if I had control. Here we go.

1) There should be an 18 game schedule. I think there should be an 18 game schedule because I think the demand is high. I'd like to know why the Thursday night schedule was proposed and granted? Why is Thurs. ok but not adding an extra 2 weeks? Theres no need for Thurs. nigh football. Apparently, you cant even mention to the players about an 18 game schedule. How come nobody batted an eye, when you have to play a regular season game and soon more in London? How come nobody batted an eye when the Bills play a home game in Toronto?

Shouldn't this be question 1, 2 and 3?

2) NO Thursday Night Games. Like I said theres no need for it. Yes, there have been Thursday night games in the past but when I think NFL, I think of Sunday not Thursday. The only time you play on Thursday is for Turkey Day and thats it. Dont over extend the NFL which what there doing. Hell, I wouldnt shock me if they play every day of the week eventually. You know the old saying "Money talks and you know what walks."

Shouldn't this be in the above question?

3)Safety helmets MUST BE used by all players. I guess the NFL has adapted a more safe helmet to protect the players. If this works, then all players must wear that type of helmet. If you dont, you get suspended for one game. You dont wear it the next week, you get suspended the next game as well etc. etc. until all these players get the message. I say that because I heard that Ryan Clark of the Steelers was going to wear the helmet tonight but he didnt want to because " it wasnt cool enough" or something to that effect. Wear the safety helmets, period.

Ryan Clark is cool.

4) NO London Games. You want to have an exhibition game there, fine. Have 1, have 2, have 10, I dont care but when you start talking about taking the Super Bowl there, thats over the line. This is OUR GAME. When I mean OUR, I mean America's game. I dont want a franchise there either. Theres no need for it. Leave it in America, where it belongs.

I have no problem with games in London, they still show the games on T.V.

5) Bring back Saturday games. Forget Thursday, bring back Saturday games. Remember the old days of having one CBS and one NBC and then one FOX game on Saturday? Why they got rid of that I'll never know. Have a game on CBS, FOX and NFL Network at 1, 4 and 8pm. Have them up against the bowl games. Why not about 10 people, including yours truly, watches the bowl games anyway.

A lot of people watch bowl games, more than 10.

6)No Less than 4 Late games. One thing I've noticed this year is the lack of 4pm games. I dont know why they dont have more. They should balance it out more. Ex. instead of 8 1pm games today, how about 6 1pm games and 5 4pm games? I just dont like that the variety is gone from the late window. If your not going to show any 4pm games, then why have at all. NFL meant 1 and 4 pm games on Sundays. It should stay that way. Which leads me too...

I don't like 4PM games, I'm sleeping by then.

7)NFL Kickoff begins on Sunday, not Thursday. I dont know about you but I really cant get into the Thursday night opening week game. Have all the games on Sunday instead of having one game on Thursday, well this year it was on Wednesday and then having to wait 3 days for the next game. Week 1 on Sunday should be NFL Kickoff instead of Thursday. Theres only 1 game on Thursday and about 10 games or more on the following Sunday. I think the choice is obvious.

We already covered Thursday night games above.

8)Your injured, you dont lose a timeout. I dont know why the team should be penalized when somebody gets injured. Its not the teams fault. I think that injury is part of the game and you shouldnt be penalized by losing a timeout when you need timeouts in the game. I think when you lose a timeout, thats just not fair and puts your team at a disadvantage.

Only in the last two minutes of the game.

9)Weight limit on offensive/defensive guys. I think a problem with all these injuries is that you have guys 250 lbs., 260 lbs tackling a guy maybe have his weight size. How is that fair that a 250 pound guy tackles or sacks a 165 or 180 lb. QB etc. That might be a hard thing to do but thats an unfair disadvantage. I way, I think 150 or 160 pounds and I wouldnt want somebody who weighs 240 lbs. w/o pads and who's not even a football player tackling me.

The smaller guy runs faster, what you want is discrimination.

10) If you have the ball, its a catch. Maybe its me and Im getting old and grouchy and impatient but Im so sick of these "Did he have posession of the ball and have both hands on it?" Those types of plays happen so often that actually makes the game longer. You hear that call every single game. Hey, look, if the balls in your hands, you know what, its a catch. Its just so uneccessary. It goes on and on. They catch the ball with there hands. If they were catching them with there feet, then I'd have a problem. How can you procure a ball when you a linemen or cornerback hitting at full speed?

I just don't understand this one at the end of the question.

11)Expand to Los Angeles. Why they are not there yet, I'll never know. Get a team there, in the biggest market in the US and have a Super Bowl. Bring team there, bring one to CT. bring to Vermont as long as its not London. Los Angeles should get preference over London. We can use expansion teams again. From 1995 to the present, we've only had 3 expansion teams. We should have more but I wouldnt take a franchise away only if I had too. In other words, I would have LA start there own franchise, instead of taking the Chargers or Jaguars away.

Vermont and Connecticut has a team, the NEW ENGLAND Patriots.

What do you guys think? Do you think Im crazy or do you agree with some of my ideas. I just think they make a big thing, like London, where there shouldnt be a big deal. You want to grow the game. Lets see some NFL Films stuff. Classic games, classic films, with people who built the league. You know the target audience the NFL gets, Im assuming is 18-34. That means people were not born when "The Catch" happened or "Wide Right in Super Bowl 25" happened. Makes you think, doesnt it?

Dude use spell check.
1) There should be an 18 game schedule.
I agree. It will happen shortly after the owners remove 2 preseason games, as allowed by the CBA. The NFLPA will then eagerly add 2 more weeks to the season to replace 10% of in-season revenue lost. They already paniced and borrowed from future revenue to increase the cap this year... can only imagine what they'll do if they see a significant decrease in players' salary pools coming.
2) NO Thursday Night Games.
I disagree, they've been fine, some of these matchups look better when they were scheduled months ago.

3)Safety helmets MUST BE used by all players.
'Safe' helmets are always being studied and trialed... Vick was wearing one last season when he was concussed.

4) NO London Games.
There won't be a franchise there, but I expect they'll regularly play in London. Ideally when they go to 18 games I hope every team plays in neutral stadiums twice a year. Mexico City, Toronto, other pseudo-NFL venues around the country. Could probably even get venues bidding for the opportunity to host a game.

5) Bring back Saturday games.
Wouldn't mind this, for some reason I just can't get into CFB, as much as I like the NFL.

6)No Less than 4 Late games.
This is just a quirk of Thursday night games and the locations of the remainder of games I believe.

7)NFL Kickoff begins on Sunday, not Thursday.
Unless this means it will kick off on the Sunday before the usual Thursday, then I agree. If it means I have to wait a few more days, no!

8)Your injured, you dont lose a timeout.
As long as players can drop and claim injury to stop the clock, this will have to be the rule within 2 minutes.

9)Weight limit on offensive/defensive guys.
Just don't think this is feasible. You can do things to get around big guys, and teams with lean lines have advantages/disadvantages also.

10) If you have the ball, its a catch.
I think the rules now make a lot of sense, and remove the judgement calls. I'd rather have the 'complete the act of the catch' rules rather than a ref going with his gut. All judgement calls where possible should be removed from the game.

11)Expand to Los Angeles.
This will happen when it makes sense to, I think they're getting there.
One issue with expanding to just LA is that you then wind up having an odd number of teams (33) so you would then have to additional teams as well to balance things out, especially if the schedule goes to 18 games.
How come nobody batted an eye, when you have to play a regular season game and soon more in London? How come nobody batted an eye when the Bills play a home game in Toronto.

I agree with no games in London. I'm not even sure anybody in London knows how to play American Football, never mind having NFL games play over there. As for Buffalo and Toronto, again as Iceberg said the 2 cities are only 90 miles apart. It's not flying they're flying across the pond in that case. I mean if you want to hear a semi-crazy idea here it goes: How about the NFL merging with the CFL to create the NAFL? (North American Football League) I don't think both countries would support that due to a number of factors. (Heck probably some people in this country don't even know that Canada has a football league.)
I agree with no games in London. I'm not even sure anybody in London knows how to play American Football, never mind having NFL games play over there. As for Buffalo and Toronto, again as Iceberg said the 2 cities are only 90 miles apart. It's not flying they're flying across the pond in that case. I mean if you want to hear a semi-crazy idea here it goes: How about the NFL merging with the CFL to create the NAFL? (North American Football League) I don't think both countries would support that due to a number of factors. (Heck probably some people in this country don't even know that Canada has a football league.)

I understand that but Buffalo Bills fans still lose a home game at there stadium. If your a Bills fan, are you going to travel to Toronto for a home game?
1 - 16 games is plenty, and works out fairly mathematically. The secret to the NFL is that it is the only sport that leaves you wanting more.
2 - The point of Thursday night is that you take a crap game that maybe 10% of the country would get it it was in the Sunday mix, and nationize it. Doesn't really hurt anybody, as long as they do it fairly (every team has to play one). Personally, I prefer college.
3 - Football is a dangerous game. All who love it must reject and revile the washed up old-guys who are suing out of greed. Reject these greedy losers, 100%. Don't want to play? Don't. Tell me your plan be, which often involes "do you want fries with that?".
4 - Be happy with the USA and that of Canada where the sport is relevant. Euros don't get the NFL, and Americans (rightly) revile soccer. That is how it is. English people eat blood pudding, drive on the wrong side of the road, and call a railroad tie a "sleeper". Move on.
5 - Agree. Once the college season is over, have a game on Saturday.
6 - I prefer early games, but I live in the east. If I lived out west, I would want more 4 games.
7 - Agree. Actually, why not have a single national game, involving the Super Bowl champion, on Saturday night.

9 - Get the HGH out of the game. That is the issue.

11 - Don't expand, anywhere. 32 is perfect. Overexpansion dilutes the product. Move Jacksonville, or Nashville, or some other AAA city's team.
I understand that but Buffalo Bills fans still lose a home game at there stadium. If your a Bills fan, are you going to travel to Toronto for a home game?

wonder how many Totonto-ians travel to it works the same
again its 90 miles we're talking about....not say 250
Yeah, Bills are known to have a lot if Canadian fans.

Yes, there have actually been some complaints from their fans just across the border (Fort Erie, Niagara Falls, etc) about (a-boot) moving the games further away from them to expensive Toronto. Prices in Buffalo are less, even for Canadian fans.

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