My first impression of Voom's exclusive channels was: too little content spread out on too many channels. This has the perverse effect of making you feel like there's less than nothing on worth watching. When I was on D*, I had like 4 HD channels to flip through, and if I found nothing to interest me, I could get on with my life. With Voom, I have a lot more channels to flip through, and when I still find nothing to interest me, I'm left feeling even worse. I know that's irrational, but I think Voom is failing on understanding viewers' psychology.
I would definitely consolidate ultra and gallery and auction into one channel.
(Btw: Auction? who the *^&! thought this was a good idea? Whate the hell was the thought process here? Ooh, let's make a channel showing pricey collectible 99.9% of the populace wouldn't be interested in, much less afford or buy. Oh and I got news for them: those remaining 0.1% don't watch TV anyway! They're too busy getting their hair done and shopping. If they had an HDTV, it'd be just a plasma they hang somewhere strictly for looks).
Sorry for ranting, but it bugs the hell out of me b/c it seems that Voom cares more about touting "21 exclusive channels" than actually giving viewers something of value. Remember, you can actually do worse than having a channel few or no one watches: by having a channel that makes the viewers say "why am I paying for this ****?" Cable is filled with channels most people don't care about, but you cannot have this with HD because 1) people have higher expectations; 2) it cost more to produce HD and 3) HD uses more bandwidth.
Mark Cuban spends 100M and counting on his Hdnet venture. And it took hdnet a long time to get to where it is. Does Voom plan on duplicating that? They'll burn through their capital and fold first before they can get enough subs. Or does Voom only want to make itself attractive enough for a buyout?
If Voom cares about its customers, it must acquite acquire acquire while it shores up its proprietary content. If it doesn't have enough bandwidth NOW, it must eat its own words and reduce the 21 channels to make room. Once it goes mpeg4 and the content improves, it can spin the channels back out. Even if it can't make any deal, reduce the 21 channels anyway so the viewers won't think it's "wasting" the bandwidth.