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UPDATED - New Dish Pricing Info! | Page 33 | SatelliteGuys.US

UPDATED - New Dish Pricing Info!

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This could well be a solution for me, too!

Even though it is being speculated that it may have a large buy in fee, but as a single unit it could not be as bad as DISH's new "speculated" fee structure that grows with individual boxes. Possibly 8 tuners in one box there is only so much that one can charge for it before it loses value and the want factor. Whereas, DISH can hit us for our individual tuners, which can add up, AND TV's out, even when TV2 is SD, which I think is BS. If they are charging for it I want TV2 to be HD. The other day 1 was playing with my system and see that TV2 is hobbled HD, when you change to "Letterbox" you get the full HD picture but in Mini 16:9 (16:9 reduced to fit a 4:3 frame width) which when changed to "Normal" enlarges the picture and chops off the ends, that 1 bet with the proper firmware update can be HD. The first thing that kept me from leaving DISH was DirecTV didn't have RF remotes, a must for me. Now the do and with the advent of the new Direct box, and their direction of multi in the home concept (not on devices) and level of technology that they are now showing looks to be exceeding DISH. A box possibly with 8 tuners which 1 need especially with fee increases, I want full use of what I am being "taxed" on while Place Shifting is not a priority for me.

I have had my multichannel in-house system since 1992 and am seeing it is what is becoming the thing in new home builds and feel DISH is missing the real boat and cutting their own throats with limiting receivers and the fee increases in the manner that they are being implemented.

My bill may go down, right now. But that doesn't mean the future is safe. DISH's new train of thought and what others are bringing to the table (CES) is now making it possible to really look elsewhere for true value for my money. If not really cool toys.
But if you are willing to bundle you can save a nice chunk of change now from both Comcast and TWC and Verizon and ATT. Saving money by bundling is an easy way to save money and unlike Direct TV who has exclusive content Dish does not have any exclusive content nor do they offer any bundling discounts like the telco or cable companies.

For example how many people have cell phones with ATT/Verizion and have same carrier for home service? I bet lot of the current Dish customers do. How many people have internet access? How many have phone service? depending on the provider you can save between 10-50 a month by combining all those services and buying them from 1 provider vs spreading them out.
prior to Dish raising the price on the leases by over 100% they were cheaper than even the bundled packages as you go with the cheaper provider for TV/Internet/Voip and Cellphone and save money over having one of the bundles.

I will save $53 a month by bundling with FiOS. during months 7-24 on a 12 mo. contract at 2009 prices. Add in another $30 a month mos. 3-6 and another $42 a month equivalent the 1st 3 mos. on a HM HD-DVR and HBO/Cinemax.
I save so much that I can keep a minimum AT100/200 DISH service a while longer so my ETF is less. I could cancel FiOS TV after 6 mos. if I hate their DVR's and still be far ahead. Or get Tivo HD XL for that matter. This while keeping DISH to 'move' for summer baseball [read-no MLB-EI]. I am on a DISH contract through 5/2011 and still switching.
! Read this DISH Network !
You just lost another AEP customer through downgrade, I will revisit this in Sept.

I went to a VZW Wireless store with FiOS kiosk, in person, and got an offer far better than the FiOS mailings. These Plans change 1/17, including 2 yr. $350 ETF's.
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Imagine being the person who dreampt of this abortion and got the employees trained..........

hey it will be awesome. big profits no problems charlie will be so happy....

and see the gerneral unpleastaness here, and downright anger. added to Ds advancing technology and Es prepetually in development receiver.realease delayed again.

must not be happy times in E management:)
Even though it is being speculated that it may have a large buy in fee, but as a single unit it could not be as bad as DISH's new "speculated" fee structure that grows with individual boxes. Possibly 8 tuners in one box there is only so much that one can charge for it before it loses value and the want factor. Whereas, DISH can hit us for our individual tuners, which can add up, AND TV's out, even when TV2 is SD, which I think is BS. If they are charging for it I want TV2 to be HD. The other day 1 was playing with my system and see that TV2 is hobbled HD, when you change to "Letterbox" you get the full HD picture but in Mini 16:9 (16:9 reduced to fit a 4:3 frame width) which when changed to "Normal" enlarges the picture and chops off the ends, that 1 bet with the proper firmware update can be HD. The first thing that kept me from leaving DISH was DirecTV didn't have RF remotes, a must for me. Now the do and with the advent of the new Direct box, and their direction of multi in the home concept (not on devices) and level of technology that they are now showing looks to be exceeding DISH. A box possibly with 8 tuners which 1 need especially with fee increases, I want full use of what I am being "taxed" on while Place Shifting is not a priority for me.

I have had my multichannel in-house system since 1992 and am seeing it is what is becoming the thing in new home builds and feel DISH is missing the real boat and cutting their own throats with limiting receivers and the fee increases in the manner that they are being implemented.

My bill may go down, right now. But that doesn't mean the future is safe. DISH's new train of thought and what others are bringing to the table (CES) is now making it possible to really look elsewhere for true value for my money. If not really cool toys.

My setup is not nearly that elaborate, but for me having a multi-tuner DVR that could service all my TV's (4 currently, but would go to 6-8 with this option), watch in HD and be able to watch any recorded programming from any TV would be exactly what I am looking for. Being able to watch Internet-based programming on any TV without the need of a computer being connected is a bonus. I would pay $1000 for such a system. Moxi could do this now, but they seem to be having pretty significant financial problems and fear I would have a $1000 boat anchor before I could recover the cost.

I really don't think Dish's Sling solution is the answer for me, though I still really like Dish's DVRs.
If you hung around here more, you would have learned about it 6 months or more ago. Most regulars here had it taken care of immediately.

I must have missed out on that one. Well every now and then I need to get off Satelliteguys.US and actually watch the HD I'm paying for ;)
Imagine being the person who dreampt of this abortion and got the employees trained..........

hey it will be awesome. big profits no problems charlie will be so happy....

and see the gerneral unpleastaness here, and downright anger. added to Ds advancing technology and Es prepetually in development receiver.realease delayed again.

No Sroke Yet, Bob??
hey that return will cost you at least 30 bucks and perhaps 45 after feb 1st.

15 bucks for each return label.

sure dont call it was only a idea, but dont complain when the fees go thru.

since you choose not to cmplain.

just like people who dont vote and then complain when the new guy elected raises their taxes.........

Here is what dish subscribers are going to do. They are going to tell Dish Network that the have three days to come get their equipment or it is going out on the curb. Many will also NEVER come back after they switch providers because of Dish being greedy wanting a bunch of money just to ship receivers back that do not belong to them. This must be an attempt for them to get customers to stay even after a price increase. Almost seems like blackmail (if you cancel, we will charge you a huge penalty, that just went up, plus a bunch of money to ship your equipment back). Many will say they can't afford to cancel and keep Dish until their contract expires. Dish Network is just trying to cut costs and raise costs. I think they have gone too far this time with charging for labels and charging $25 to cancel DHPP and all these additional receiver fees. This is OVER THE LINE.
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Looks like DISH isn't the only one jacking up prices:
Verizon to double ETFs on FiOS TV contracts

You might think that if only Verizon's FiOS service was available in your area, then life would be nearly perfect. And although FiOS offers some of the fatest internet in the US as well as some of the highest quality HD and a fantastic selection, it isn't all rosy over there. In fact the service has been riddled with billing issues since its launch in 2005 and in order to take advantage of some of the great promotional offers, you're forced to sign a two year contract. Up until January 16th 2010, that ETF has been $179, and according to DSL Reports on the 17th, that fee is set to go up to $360. That's not it though, as Verizon is expected to raise the price of services another $10 or $20 a month. You can of course avoid this by not signing a contract and going month to month, but of course this'll only work out saving you money if you end up canceling, and really if you had fiber to your home do you really think you'd cancel? Us either. Regardless, if you were thinking of switching to FiOS or taking advantage of a new promotion, we wouldn't waste any time getting it before the terms change next week. And as always be sure to read the fine print before signing anything.

Cool, thanks for that. Wasnt showing up in my Offers page on my account yesterday. I previously had this promo last year sometime, wonder if they will let me back into it or not. Guess ill just have to call and find out.

*edit* Turns out I cancelled my HBO/Sho 3 month promo at the end of it, which was on 9-22-09. Guess I cant swing this more than likely, at least until March.
keep phone or internet connected or add another fee, for non connection

scotts receiver fee list for easy reference

622, 622HZ, 722, 722k (Dish Duo HD DVR's) $17 Each
522, 625 (Dish Duo DVR's) $17 Each
222, 222k (HD Duo Receiver) $14 Each
322 (Duo Receiver) $14 Each
612 (HD Solo DVR Receiver) $10 Each
512 (Solo DVR Receiver (going to be announced at CES)) $10 Each
510 (Solo DVR Receiver) $10 Each
211, 211k, 411 (HD Solo Receiver) $7 Each
501, 508 (Solo DVR Receiver) $7 Each (I don't believe there is a DVR fee for these)
301, 311, 381 (Solo Receiver) $7 Each

So if i understand correctly, these fees are charged for any receiver IN ADDITION TO ones primary the second and third and so on ...on ones account?

So the primary receiver cost is included in the base package price of

DishFAMILY will be $24.99 with locals included
America's Top 120 will be $39.99 with locals included
America's Top 200 will be $52.99 with locals included
America's Top 250 will be $62.99 with locals included

Plus a $6.00 monthly charge IF the receiver is a DVR

So if i understand correctly, these fees are charged for any receiver IN ADDITION TO ones primary the second and third and so on ...on ones account?

So the primary receiver cost is included in the base package price of

DishFAMILY will be $24.99 with locals included
America's Top 120 will be $39.99 with locals included
America's Top 200 will be $52.99 with locals included
America's Top 250 will be $62.99 with locals included

Plus a $6.00 monthly charge IF the receiver is a DVR


yep plus a account management fee if no receivers are connected to call in. and my source appears to know. scott denies the account fee. and nothing is set in stone

as soon as rates are official consumer reports will run a update on E. A old high school buddy works for them:)

722s are $17 each:(

its a decent deal for one receiver familys, but penalizes heavily multi receiver subs
I will save $53 a month by bundling with FiOS. during months 7-24 on a 12 mo. contract at 2009 prices. Add in another $30 a month mos. 3-6 and another $42 a month equivalent the 1st 3 mos. on a HM HD-DVR and HBO/Cinemax.
I save so much that I can keep a minimum AT100/200 DISH service a while longer so my ETF is less. I could cancel FiOS TV after 6 mos. if I hate their DVR's and still be far ahead. Or get Tivo HD XL for that matter. This while keeping DISH to 'move' for summer baseball [read-no MLB-EI]. I am on a DISH contract through 5/2011 and still switching..

Like I have been saying even tho some people can not grasp the difference between "Saving money" and "Preferring Dish DVR interface" as 2 separate issues. The programing between Dish and all providers out their except small rural cable companies who have limited HD program and Direct Tv who has exclusive content is basically the same. So if you exclude the hardware difference and are willing to compare just on price Dish Vs most of the bundle packages, you can save a nice chunk of change. Then you have to decide if you are willing to pay a premium for Dish DVR. That is no different than comparing a Toyota Corola to Mercedes E Class both will get you from point A to point B difference is one costs $20k another costs $55k. Some people are willing to pay a premium for Mercedes while others are not but both do basically the same thing. That is no different that comparing Dish to cable or telco services.

If you are willing to accept what some consider an inferior DVR menu then you can save between $20-30-40-50 a month by bundling. Personally I would prefer to have the money in my pocket over Charlie's pocket and still at the end of the day be able to watch the same programing.
There is no account management fee. (Unless you are on AT&T)

I am REALLY skeptical that AT&T would have MORE fees for Dish service than Dish themselves, because that would negate the discount you usually get for subscribing to Dish through the phone company! It makes no sense whatsoever. If you don't get a discount, why would anyone want to bundle their service?
I am REALLY skeptical that AT&T would have MORE fees for Dish service than Dish themselves, because that would negate the discount you usually get for subscribing to Dish through the phone company! It makes no sense whatsoever. If you don't get a discount, why would anyone want to bundle their service?
Maybe it is because AT&T wants to sell you a landline. I agree it makes no sense for educated consumers, but you must remember that we are the minority.
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