So, is that what, about $130k per day, give or take?
I'd like to make that kind of dough per day...
Yeah, they should make money off of Dish subs, but they make nothing off of cable or OTA viewers. Ridiculous.
So, is that what, about $130k per day, give or take?
I'd like to make that kind of dough per day...
Well if this means Dish will be saving money on one less contract with a company, does that mean that we can expect a price drop in February?? HAAAAA. Sarcasm of course. I don't care how many contracts Dish decides not to re-sign I'm betting on at least a $10 bump this year. Probably $15-20 for HD.
This could be true, but maybe not. Running fiber optic cable to all major cities will happen soon, but expanding to all locations will take several years, and during that time the satellite and cable providers will be improving their product also. Ultimately, it will probably be possible to have a small, self contained antenna (dish) built into all new homes that will be able to pick up all satellites in the sky and differentiate the signals automatically by subscription status.
The satellite will probably look like a small, multi-faceted 12 inch diameter globe with 2 to 3 inch concentrator panels for pickup. If the satellite companies are smart, they will standardize their signals so that "one globe fits all" will lead to easy multi-sat, multi-provider subscription with some of it a la carte. The connections from such a globe/antenna could be contained in a 1000 line fiber optic cable from the globe to the receiver(s) used by the customer or even to the electrical system of the house. By simply plugging your receiver into your wall socket, you could have immediate access to essentially all channels available in your sky.
The business model would be the major constraint to operationalizing this concept, with companies like Young wanting 30c per subscriber per month for retransmission of their government subsidized monopoly.
Can I send money to invest in this idea?
Alternatively, checks may be made out to Robert A. Heinlein Registered American Holdings, and abbreviated as R.A.H. R.A.H.
As much as I like Heinlein (my sixth grade teacher was his neighbor), checks should be made out to Arthur C. Clarke Estate, because he invented the communications satellite.
Dish doesn't give me their HD channel, couldn't care less. I get the HD channel OTA.
Limited time offer