Amazon has matched the deal, for the digital version. The physical copy is cheap as well.I just found out that although it wasn't listed in last Tuesday's weekly deals for PSN, the Nathan Drake Collection is only $28.79 (for anyone). That price may disappear when the store updates today, however.!/
Woot has some console games for cheap.
Speaking of Woot, you can get a refurbished WD 1.5tb External USB 3.0 HDD for $49. I'm thinking about getting this because my Xbox One's 500 GB drive isn't really doing it for me anymore. I guess I could just be more vigilant in deleting games that I'm not playing anymore, but then I have to deal with constantly downloading/installing stuff as well.
Ubisoft is having a President's Day sale today on uPlay.
There are actually some decent deals on Season Passes and such. Hell you can get the Complete Edition of Assassins Creed 4 for $7.50. Yes, that includes the season pass.'s-Creed-IV-Black-Flag-Uplay-Gold-Edition
Expect some other sales to come out today. Best Buy is having a President's Day sale.
I'll be picking up a copy of WWE 2K16 today myself.
Limited time offer