Even though I still have a PS3 and Vita, and would still play good free games on them, I'd almost be willing to sacrifice getting free games on one of those platforms in favor of better PS4 games.
BroForce is pretty fun. I played the free promo they did when they did a shoot off called ExpendaBros and it was enjoyable. Just one of those simple fun blow up everything games.
But yes I agree that GwG has been far superior. PS+ really should try to get some more AAA releases, but apparently publishers just don't want to let their stuff out there for free. I wouldn't be surprised to see Tomb Raider reboot in the coming months to get people excited for the new one that's coming.
PS Plus was much better before the PS4 came out. There were lots of AAA games including high end exclusives like the inFamous and Uncharted games.
Only Infamous 2 and Uncharted 3 have been free for Plus members, but almost every half-way decent SquareEnix game that didn't have "Final Fantasy" in the title has been free for Plus members, including Deus Ex, all the Hitman games to date, all the PS3 Lara Croft/Tomb Raider games, Just Cause 2, Thief, and Sleeping Dogs.
I like how the GOTY edition is actually CHEAPER than the regular one.http://www.greenmangaming.com/warner-deals/
GMG is having a sale featuring WB games. The highlight is probably Shadow of Mordor GOTY for $11.24.
I like how the GOTY edition is actually CHEAPER than the regular one.
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