Go for it. It's one of the funnier games I've played.Another PSN Flash Sale. Movies included this time.
I may finally grab me some Portal 2.
Go for it. It's one of the funnier games I've played.Another PSN Flash Sale. Movies included this time.
I may finally grab me some Portal 2.
Any deals on Civilization: Beyond Earth?
I think that's NOON EST...Just a heads up. That 20% promo code expires at 16:00UTC today whatever that means. They almost always have an active promo though so it won't be the end of the world if you miss it. The game still requires you to activate with Steam even if you buy it from GMG.
You weren't the only one that noticed..Big Sale of the Dead on PSN over the next two weeks. Though I'd hoped to see TWD s2 for Vita, I may grab Dead Nation for Vita at that price. And no, your eyes are not deceiving you. The Sale of the Dead logo is done in the exact same font as the official Sunset Overdrive title. lol
You weren't the only one that noticed..
Deep Silver is having a publisher sale this weekend on Steam. The biggest standout is you can get the ENTIRE Saints Row Franchise for $13.74. That's an unbelievable deal for the complete editions of Saints Row 3 and 4 (it also includes 2 but its such a bad port it's not worth playing.) There's other games from their franchises as well, but for some reason Ride to Hell: Retribution isn't on sale. Can't imagine why.
ARMA 3 is having a free weekend and is also 50% off.
And there's a new Weekly Humble Bundle sale.
Speaking of Influent, it's on sale this week on Steam, as well as all the language packs. So if you want to expand on it's offerings you should get them on Steam.I just grabbed the weekly Humble Bundle. Type Rider looked pretty cool, and I can justify sitting at my home office work desk while playing games like Influent.
Looks like Microsoft is going all in this holiday season. Starting next week $50 off console/bundles until January 3rd, 2015.
...Still no Master Chief Bundle...
If you just go by graphics, more often than not the PS4 will win because it has better hardware and doesn't have the bloated OS constantly running as well. Benefits of a PS4 vs One come down to what you want in a gaming system and what exclusives you want.Even more tempted to switch platforms this gen. Seriously researching the pros and cons of both systems now. I'll be interested to see how the multi-plat releases this fall compare graphically. I'll also need to try an in-store demo of an X1 to see how I feel about the different controller with asymmetrical analog sticks. Not that I couldn't get a PS4 as well down the road, of course, when prices drop and Uncharted 4 comes out.
Limited time offer