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Video Game Deals

If you just go by graphics, more often than not the PS4 will win because it has better hardware and doesn't have the bloated OS constantly running as well. Benefits of a PS4 vs One come down to what you want in a gaming system and what exclusives you want.

I know PS4 should be better in most cases, but I guess it's partly a matter of how much better. Last gen, I remember seeing side-by-side comparisons of multi-plat games on PS3 vs. 360 where the 360 version clearly looked better (partly because the game was designed for that system and ported to the PS3). But then when I fired up the same game in my PS3, I thought it looked perfectly fine. TBH, I'm not really wanting to jump to next (current) gen for the slight graphics upgrade anyway. It's mostly because of the current gen "exclusives" like AC Unity and the nerfing of cross-gen titles for last gen consoles (Madden 15 and Shadow of Mordor). I just don't want a system that's hamstringed out of the box. Though at this point, I find the PS4 even more hamstringed due to missing features.

As far as games go, Sunset Overdrive and Fantasia definitely have my attention. I'm also a bit of an odd duck in that I like fitness games, and PS4 doesn't have any, even announced. While X1 has at least three I'm aware of.

I'd like to hear input from others with both systems, though this probably isn't the best thread for it. Maybe I should start a separate PS4 vs. X1 thread. :devilish
I suppose this is a "deal"..

Walmart is selling CoD: Advanced Warfare a day early, giving 50% more for trade ins towards the game.

LOL some deal, you can probably get $5 trade in for Ghosts or BOII instead of $2.50 :)

This looks like the better deal to me:

Customers are also being offered an in-game exclusive exoskeleton with the purchase of Mountain Dew or Diet Mountain Dew 24-packs and specially-marked Doritos products.
looks like trade-in value for Ghosts for Xbox One is $16.83, so if I'm reading it right they'll give you $25 for it. Not better than Best Buy's $20 + benefits of GCU, but it's decent. That's more than I paid for it.
Walmart is having a "Build you own Xbox One" Bundle. You start with an Assassins Creed Bundle (with or without Kinect) and then add another game and you get it all for $389. So essentially you get an Xbox One with 3 included games for $39 more than just the One (or equivalent Bundle.)

There's another bundle builder that gives you an extra controller, BUT it's more expensive and the games you get to choose from are not as good.
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Walmart is having a "Build you own Xbox One" Bundle. You start with an Assassins Creed Bundle (with or without Kinect) and then add another game and you get it all for $389. So essentially you get an Xbox One with 3 included games for $39 more than just the One (or equivalent Bundle.)

There's another bundle builder that gives you an extra controller, BUT it's more expensive and the games you get to choose from are not as good.

Good deal. Too bad you can't start with the Sunset Overdrive bundle though. A white console, Sunset Overdrive, and the Master Chief Collection for $389.00 would be a pretty good way to get into the new console generation. That being said, I liked Black Flag quite a bit. Black Flag, Unity, and Master Chief Collection included with your console is a pretty great bang for your buck at $389.00 too.

Edit: I just checked it out and saw that MCC isn't one of the options for games you can pick. In that case I would go with the Assassin's Creed Bundle and Sunset Overdrive. There are lots of good choices though. Diablo 3, Destiny, and Shadow of Mordor would all be good places to start.
If only Walmart accepted Amazon gift cards.. :pray

I've been monitoring the Amazon listing for the SU Bundle over the past few days. Only once has it been in stock (by in stock I mean sold at normal price, not inflated by a reseller.) I'm shocked to see how many people are buying this bundle for over $400, upwards of $450.

I'm NOT so surprised to see this:

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As the Walmart bundle deals essentially only add another game for $40, I'm not sure it's worth it if you aren't interested in shopping at Walmart otherwise (for rewards points purposes, rewards credits, etc.), as I'm sure most of those games will be available for $40 or less on BF.
The Walmart bundle deals essentially only add another game for $40. Not sure it's worth it if you aren't interested in shopping at Walmart otherwise (for rewards points purposes, rewards credits, etc.), as I'm sure most of those games will be available for $40 or less on BF.

True. I guess I'm just looking at it as an Xbox One and 3 games for $111.00 less than I paid for the console with no games less than a year ago. Of course, mine did come with a kinect. Ever since Titanfall, Microsoft has been putting out some pretty great bundles and it's not typical to see price drops like this so close to launch.

These $350 bundles are great deals even if it is hard to find the Sunset Overdrive bundle in stock. Hopefully it's not a true limited edition and they are still manufacturing more of them for the holiday run.
True. I guess I'm just looking at it as an Xbox One and 3 games for $111.00 less than I paid for the console with no games less than a year ago. Of course, mine did come with a kinect. Ever since Titanfall, Microsoft has been putting out some pretty great bundles and it's not typical to see price drops like this so close to launch.

These $350 bundles are great deals even if it is hard to find the Sunset Overdrive bundle in stock. Hopefully it's not a true limited edition and they are still manufacturing more of them for the holiday run.

I'm sure MS would like to sell as many SO bundles as they can crank out to close the sales gap with the PS4. I wouldn't be surprised if once production catches up with demand, they keep the deal in place until the next big game release. I personally am leaning toward wanting a Kinect if I get an X1, and I don't think I'd ever want a white console in my HT set up unless I could hide it. In fact, if I were to win the PS4 Destiny bundle, I'd probably sell it and get the standard black or an X1 Unity-Kinect bundle.
I'm sure MS would like to sell as many SO bundles as they can crank out to close the sales gap with the PS4. I wouldn't be surprised if once production catches up with demand, they keep the deal in place until the next big game release. I personally am leaning toward wanting a Kinect if I get an X1, and I don't think I'd ever want a white console in my HT set up unless I could hide it. In fact, if I were to win the PS4 Destiny bundle, I'd probably sell it and get the standard black or an X1 Unity-Kinect bundle.

Normally I would agree with you. Everything in my entertainment center is black so it makes sense to get black gaming systems too. I saw the white Xbox One on display at a local store and it looks really sharp though. I especially like the controller. For the PS4 I prefer the black model but I think I would be happy with either version of the Xbox One.
If I had my druthers I'd choose a black console just because it fits better into my entertainment system, but if I end up with a white one I'll just put it next to my Airport Router so it doesn't feel like an outcast.
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