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Watch Dogs Trailer With Release Date

So... what's up with all the satellite dishes pointed the wrong way in this game? Did Ubisoft miss the memo that Chicago is located in the northern hemisphere?

I thought this game was aiming for realism :P

Watch_Dogs 2014-05-29 04-05-18-97.png Watch_Dogs 2014-05-29 04-10-10-69.png Watch_Dogs 2014-05-29 04-12-04-63.png Watch_Dogs 2014-05-29 04-32-56-24.png Watch_Dogs 2014-05-29 04-39-37-76.png Watch_Dogs 2014-05-29 04-40-13-30.png
Some VERY early impressions of the PS3 version..

First off, once again, why no customizable controls?! I finally looked up as to why this would be, and saw this thread on Reddit, but honestly at this point I just chalk it up to developer laziness and/or ineptitude, and lord knows there's a LOT of instances of that with this game if Youtube is to be believed, but I digress. I'm just not a big fan on the PS3 of having to use the rear triggers for my gun drawing and firing.

May as well start off with the graphics. Overall, when viewed in action on a nice 48" LED the game doesn't look that bad, for the most part. For a last gen game it looks fine. Not as nice as GTA V or TLoU, but nothing that I would call bad. Most of the graphic complaints I have are on other things, such as the weird (or complete lack of) reflections, awkward use of lighting, and textures that just look rather off. And yes, you need to bump up the gamma settings as high as possible to get an enjoyable experience, unless you want everything to look dark.

I still haven't gotten completely used to the hacking mechanic, especially not when it comes to driving, which is also quite annoying. The driving controls are not very tight, and I found myself playing the standard metro style of bumper cars. The main character Aiden also doesn't control very well either, at times feeling like you're navigating a cow. I'll be able to speak to the combat/gunplay later as I saved my game right before a gang infiltration mission. It is slightly annoying that I can't fire from the hip, and also that I need to remind myself to put away my gun after drawing it. You'd figure something like that would be automatic, lest then you start going around and every gets worried and calls the cops as you have a weapon exposed in public. And finally, this game commits the same sin as LA Noire did where foot races are just prolonged borefest where you hold down the run button and watch the distance meter SLOOOOOOOOWLY get smaller and then you can take down the enemy. Seriously designers, you love to use QTEs so much, this is one instance where a QTE would actually be preferred. I'd rather be forced to hit a few buttons in succession as opposed to holding down one for an overly extended period of time.

Overall I'm still optimistic about this game, but I definitely understand at least some of the backlash this game has received. A game that was delayed so much should not be having some of the issues that it has. I wouldn't be surprised if Ubisoft did something like Gearbox did with Aliens: Colonial Marines and just release a massive ~1GB or larger patch to fix all the crazy dynamic graphics problems and tighten things up a bit.
I didn't get too far into the missions last night. I did the first two or three and then decided to just explore the world and get a feel for everything. I just drove around, profiled people and stopped a couple potential crimes. I did a few side missions and had my game invaded by other players twice.

I didn't mind that short multiplayer experience but the first time it happened I had just driven all the way to the starting point for a mission when it popped up on screen that I had been invaded. It seemed like there was no option to ignore this and just do the mission. Like I said, I was still just exploring the world so I didn't mind that much but I can see that getting annoying towards the end of the game.

So far my early impressions are pretty favorable but I haven't gotten very far into the game yet. I don't really understand some of the mechanics yet but I'm sure I'll learn it as I go. One of the early missions made me pick someone up and get them outside a police search zone radius without being noticed by the cops. I failed this about 6 times before I finally passed. There is an option to stop and press circle to hide in your car but it seemed to have 0 effectiveness. Even if I pulled off to an alley and did this the cops would notice me if they drove past.

I finally beat this by just memorizing the route the helicopter and cop cars take. I failed enough times in a row to know that they flew/drove down the exact same roads every time. The way to beat it was to remember where they were going to be and turn at the right corners. That's not exactly what I expect from an open world police chase. They should be using AI to actively search for me, not following a set pattern.

To be fair, this was a strange mission where you automatically failed if your car was seen. They couldn't wait for a car to spot me and react because if they spotted me it was an auto-fail. Other police chases I got myself into felt a little more natural.
Yeah I heard this game pulls that Bullsh!t technique of game overing you if you're spotted in stealth missions. Also as far as the "invasion" thing goes you can turn that off in the options. I did that before I even started playing.
Game is pretty amazing actually, already played it much longer than the last GTA. Best game on next gen consoles for sure.

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I haven't played far enough into this game yet to form a really strong opinion but I'm a few hours in and I like it so far. From what I have seen so far inFamous is still my favorite game on the new consoles and I would still choose GTA V over Watch Dogs. I'm still only about 4-5 hours into Watch Dogs though so it could definitely surpass those games by the time I finish it. I don't expect it to but it's definitely possible.

I will say that this game took a weird trajectory for me leading up to it's release. When it was first announced the hype was unreal. It seemed to be one of the most anticipated new franchises I can remember and people acted like it was enough reason to buy a new console on it's own. I never got that excited by it. I was far more interested in inFamous, Dead Rising 3, and Sunset Overdrive. Killzone was higher up on my hype list than Watch Dogs too just not at the same level as the other 3 games.

Once it was delayed it seemed like the tide completely turned. The general attitude towards it became more and more negative the closer we got towards launch. It became the game that was cool to hate. People who have never played Watch Dogs are filling comment sections telling everyone not to buy this trash game. I don't get that attitude. There are plenty of games I choose to skip because I don't think they are for me. I don't understand the reasoning behind acting like an expert on something you have never touched and trying to bring it down though.

Strangely, the closer we got to launch the more I wanted to play Watch Dogs. Maybe it's because I skipped most of the early coverage when I wasn't originally that excited for it. I didn't have the hype build up so I wasn't as disappointed when it got delayed and I didn't pay enough attention to early coverage to notice things being changed.

I will say that in my time with the game so far I haven't actually noticed any of the weird physics or glitches from all the youtube videos. I'm not saying they aren't there but I just don't notice them in natural gameplay. If I'm recklessly driving to get away from bad guys I'm not paying that much attention to the pole I bumped. I'm focusing on all the stuff in front of me I'm trying not to crash into and looking for stuff to hack to get the bad guys off my back.
Infamous lost me around when I unlocked neon. Going into every encounter guns blazing was just getting repetitive and tedious even that early in the game. I was so turned off by it that it had made me reconsider going as digital as possible and got my last few games from the store.

Infamous was probably my favorite console franchise last gen, but I expected Second Son to have the stealth options and freedom of movement similar to the Prototype games and it fell short.

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Infamous lost me around when I unlocked neon. Going into every encounter guns blazing was just getting repetitive and tedious even that early in the game. I was so turned off by it that it had made me reconsider going as digital as possible and got my last few games from the store.

Infamous was probably my favorite console franchise last gen, but I expected Second Son to have the stealth options and freedom of movement similar to the Prototype games and it fell short.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

I will say that I do like the stealth slant to Watch Dogs' style of open world gameplay as a nice changeup from the standard GTA style open world gameplay.

I'm not saying stealth shouldn't have been an option in inFamous but I didn't mind the guns blazing approach there. They gave me all these cool powers to beat up bad guys with. For me it was fun enough to use these powers that I wouldn't want to sneak past the fights. You're right though, if stealth is what you want you wont be happy with inFamous.
Yeah, I think that's why Prototype really let the winds out of the sails for Infamous for me, I had a ton of cool powers but I could also infiltrate the base and do things discreetly, as you can in Watch Dogs using cameras, distractions, hacks, etc. Or I have the option to go in literally guns blazing in Watch Dogs, or dropping in and throwing tanks around (if I don't get in it) in Prototype. With Infamous it was consistently 'there's the bad guys, kill them'.

With GTA V I found early on I was growing tired of playing out the story being presented. I never even got to Trevor before I let a friend borrow it and recently got it back and traded it in. Perhaps will give it a shot on PC later when it's released and on sale.

Watch Dogs so far has been a lot of fun, and I'm not even out of Act 1 after ~20 hours played because of how varied and interesting the side stuff is. Whether it's invading a gang compound, playing around in a Spider Tank, evading the police (who are a lot less OP when you have more hacking abilities btw, infuriating at first, signal jammers are awesome) or finding creative ways to destroy an enemy convoy (do I plant IEDs and top it off with a steam pipe or traffic light hack or stand in the middle of the street like the Winter Soldier with a grenade launcher?). All this without even getting into the online component, which is seamless and kinda amazing. Tailing someone and completing it and they never even knew your game? It's not just fun, it's innovative. Very impressed, and it's done a good job of keeping my gamer ADD in check. We'll see if UFC changes that in a couple weeks.
Watch Dogs does sound like my kind of game, combining elements of Deus Ex and Assassin's Creed. Just can't justify a $60 purchase for the inferior PS3 version ATM. Here's hoping for a PS4/Watch Dogs bundle on Black Friday.
I didn't play a ton of the last Deus Ex but a friend who's only put a few hours into WD made a similar comparison this weekend.

Here's a couple of short silly videos. Sony way behind the curve on Youtube integration so you'll have to settle for FB, but nice that the new forum SW will embed them for you:

Don't be a hero.

Perfect Landing
Watch Dogs does sound like my kind of game, combining elements of Deus Ex and Assassin's Creed. Just can't justify a $60 purchase for the inferior PS3 version ATM. Here's hoping for a PS4/Watch Dogs bundle on Black Friday.

To be fair, the PS3 version isn't THAT bad.. yeah it's not the preferred platform but it's not like you're getting a roasted turd. I agree though $60 isn't ideal. Maybe if you can get it for $40 you should look into it.
In case you missed it, they're already planning a Watch_Dogs movie..

I'd bet that Watch Dogs 2 is already being worked on too. I really like some of the games that Ubisoft is putting out but Assassin's Creed is already being annualized and I have a feeling they will try to do the same with Watch Dogs. I think that would be a shame because these big open world games take time. GTA V took 5 years and it showed in how polished that world was.
It'd be cool if they started releasing AC and WD in alternate years. I know it won't happen, but it's impossible for me to keep up. Even though I was buying AC annually at first, I'm now 3 installments behind. I'm really tempted to grab Black Flag on PS3 now for <$20 instead on waiting until I can play the PS4 version.
Almost bought it the other day, but decided to wait for price to drop. I still find it crazy to pay $60 for a game.

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