Has anyone been playing this game and if so is it as good as it looks?
I'm still playing it and I'm liking it so far. I still prefer GTA V and Saints Row the Third when it comes to open world games set in a semi realistic world(i.e. not inFamous or Saints Row 4). Still Watch Dogs is a pretty good attempt for people looking for a big open world game to play on their new consoles. I'm still look forward into putting more time into it when I get home at night.
Almost bought it the other day, but decided to wait for price to drop. I still find it crazy to pay $60 for a game.
Gamefly is really the way to go if you want to play newer games on a consistent basis. Sure, I would rather own than rent but before Gamefly I was buying all the big releases I wanted to play. This easily added up to a game a month if you average it out over the year. I ended up buying a lot of games on day 1 that I couldn't get to for several months because I had too many other games to finish. Even if I wait until they are on sale I would still be paying a lot more than my $15 a month for Gamefly and I don't typically feel the need to go back to a game after I beat it. I still buy the multiplayer focused games that I know I will want to randomly go back to several months down the line.
I can turn around most games in a little over a month and Gamefly helps keep me focused. Instead of starting 4 different games the day they come out and not finishing any of them I tend to focus on whichever rental I have home at the time. This has me actually beating a much higher percentage of the games I play. When I'm waiting for a new game to come I go back and make some progress on the games I actually purchased on sale for my various devices.