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Where are my Satellite Guy's gamers at?

Boy that MP must have been REALLY bad for people to dislike it. I mean at this point CoD MP is so formulaic and refined that I think to screw it up you'd have to try something drastically different that doesn't hit the mark. Anyways I'll never know because anyone still playing it now must be at some sort of God like status and I'm not dealing with that when if I wanted some CoD MP I could just fire up Black Ops 1.

Started The Beginner's Guide this morning. I'm interested so far, but we'll see where this goes.

Dumb me forgot that I have a new copy of WWE 2K16 at home now, so I'll probably go back and resume playing the Steve Austin Showcase mode and then maybe try a whole career, something I haven't done with those games in lord knows how long.
So I finished "The Beginner's Guide."

This is another one of those programs that's more of an experience than it is an actual game. The "story" is that Davey Wreden, the creator of the game, is actually showing you a bunch of small games that his friend Coda made some years ago. That's pretty much all I can say without giving away too much. It's very short, as the games are very short and you can easily finish it within about 2 hours.

I enjoyed the "experience" of TBG and recommend that everyone experience it, but at an asking price of $10 for 2 hours it's hard to recommend a purchase. This isn't something like The Stanley Parable or Gone Home, where there are multiple paths and things to discover. Instead, TGB is more like A Bird Story, where the player is ONLY there to move the character from Point A to Point B, with NO deviation or chances of a truly different experience from others. The best I can recommend is to wait for a deep discount or watch a Let's Play of it. Actually I'm willing to bet that eventually this will come up on a Humble Bundle, and you can get it there.
Yeah I thought it was interesting but I definitely didn't enjoy it as much as his previous game, The Stanley Parable.
I'm now one episode away from completing my second complete playthrough of Game of Thrones, the first time I've done side-by-side playthroughs on two saves of a Telltale game (I've replayed other Telltale games, but on a different system several months later).

While GoT does have some of those problems that all Telltale games seem to have to varying degrees (performance/graphics issues, choices that don't seem to matter), this is now one of my favorite Telltale games, being a big fan of the books and TV show.

I didn't know too much about this game going into it to avoid book and TV show spoilers (I only have season 5 left to watch). So I was very pleasantly surprised to see actors for major characters from the TV show lending their voices (I expected it to be more like TWD with little direct connection to the TV show).

And even though the major plot lines are pre-determined, I did enjoy some of the nuances I experienced by making the opposite choice in my second run. Yes, there were some slow moments I didn't exactly relish replaying, but I found the overall experience enjoyable, catching things I missed the first time.

I also commend Telltale for crafting an interlinked story involving multiple characters in all major areas of the GoT world (Essos, the Wall and beyond, King's Landing, the North), which is how of course both the book's and TV show's narratives are constructed.

A season 2 has been announced, so it will be interesting which choices get retconned for the new season and which characters become playable.
I'm especially curious to see whether
Rodrick or Asher comes through, and if Beshka becomes a playable character. Maybe Talia, too. It seems like she was being set up for a bigger role. I could also see Eleana or Gwyn becoming playable. Too bad none of the pit fighters seemed to have survived the sack of Ironrath (I still have yet to see Bloodsong's fate in my playthrough where Asher doesn't kill him, but I'm not hopeful since he does die in the other path, just like Finn dies even if you manage to keep him on your team.)

I'm almost tempted to replay the last two episodes on one of my saves because there is one storyline that would only be possible to see through if I make the opposite major decision at the end of episode five.
In that save, Rodrick earned Eleana's hand in marriage, but I ended up killing Rodrick to save Asher in that playthrough, not realizing Eleana would greet the Rodrick/Asher survivor in the final scene of episode six.
I need to restart that game and actually finish it this time. I played the first 3 episodes as they came out and they decided to wait until the entire game was finished before continuing. Then I played Tales From the Borderlands instead and wanted to give it some time before jumping back into another Tell Tale game.

Now I just have to decide if I should finish it on PS4 or look for sales on the PC version. If performance is anything like Tales from the Borderlands was on Xbox One I would rather move to PC even if that means buying the game again.
I still have my copy sitting on my PS4. I need to get into the TellTale mood. Also I need to watch a primer to remind me what happened leading up to/right after the Red Wedding. Isn't that when the game takes place?
I still have my copy sitting on my PS4. I need to get into the TellTale mood. Also I need to watch a primer to remind me what happened leading up to/right after the Red Wedding. Isn't that when the game takes place?

I honestly can't remember. The parts I saw were mostly a minor family with only small parts having to do with characters from the show/books.
I still have my copy sitting on my PS4. I need to get into the TellTale mood. Also I need to watch a primer to remind me what happened leading up to/right after the Red Wedding. Isn't that when the game takes place?

The Telltale game starts at the Red Wedding (you're outside with the other North bannermen). You really don't need to know much else from the TV show/books other than
Joffrey getting killed at his wedding feast, Margery then being betrothed to Tommen, Daenerys being poised to attack Mereen, and Ramsey Bolton wreaking havoc in the North.
Everything else happens independently of the main storylines of the book/TV show. You were more in the dark playing Tales from the Borderlands without having played through the entire story of Borderlands 2. Of course, as with TftB, you'll appreciate the references and Easter eggs more if you are more thoroughly immersed in the world.

Regarding performance issues on PS4, I didn't really have any problems until the final episode, where there was a bit of lag/split second pause after executing an action in a quicktime event.
So I just finished episode six of GoT, and an important sequence plays out completely different depending on a choice made at the end of episode five, so it might be worth a rewind to the final scene of episode five, which is only an hour and fifteen minutes long anyway. You'll know what choice I'm talking about when you get there.

EDIT: It might also be worth noting, there are 10 recurring characters (plus a few one-offs) I'm aware of that can be alive or dead at the end of the game depending on choices made throughout.
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So I just finished episode six of GoT, and an important sequence plays out completely different depending on a choice made at the end of episode five, so it might be worth a rewind to the final scene of episode five, which is only an hour and fifteen minutes long anyway. You'll know what choice I'm talking about when you get there.

EDIT: It might also be worth noting, there are 10 recurring characters (plus a few one-offs) I'm aware of that can be alive or dead at the end of the game depending on choices made throughout.

I almost jumped into this over the weekend but I decided to try to finish Uncharted 2 instead (I failed). Part of me wants to keep looking for a GoT sale on Steam even though I own it on PS4 and have already played the first 3 episodes. It's been so long since I played that I'm going to be starting over anyways and I'm sick of Tell Tale's performance issues on consoles.

Well.... I was planning on checking this out tonight but I may end up holding off another day to let the launch day hype die down a bit. I only have 2 or 3 chapters left in Uncharted 2 so I suppose I could wrap that up instead.

Unfortunately, this has become normal for major online releases. Publishers just aren't willing to dedicate enough servers to the launch day rush when they know they will probably never have that many people trying to play at once again. If this keeps up for more than a couple days it could tank their player base just like what happened with The Master Chief Collection.

Say what you will about Activision but Destiny had a surprisingly solid launch for a massive game that requires a constant internet connection. Maybe this came from experience with years of massive COD launches that are also typically pretty solid from day one.

I did play a few hours of The Division last night. I was happy to see that the servers seemed rock solid, even in prime time on launch day. From what I read, it seems like the problems were pretty much resolved about 40 minutes after the midnight launch. The game performance was also good considering I had to rollback from the Game Ready drivers designed for The Division.

One thing I already like better than Destiny is that they seem to have a good matchmaking system. Players of similar level can seamlessly jump in and out of your session for any mission. Like Destiny, the game is meant to be played in groups. Unlike Destiny you can still play in groups even if you don't have a friends list full of people playing the game. I don't think many PC players have an active friends list on uPlay since everyone uses Steam for most of their games so this is pretty important.
Yeah my copy is coming later in the week from Gamefly for the One. Good to know people can join games easily because my friends list is very small (as has been proven numerous times when I try to play with someone other than King) and I don't think ANY of them will have a copy of The Division anytime in the near future.
Had driver problems too but just had to unplug one monitor and run the install again, having it do a clean install.

Played The Division 12 of the first 24 hours. A lot of fun but a little tired of running place to place, need to use fast travel smarter. Done with my binging, but will certainly plug away a few hours a night as it slips into my usual rotation in the evenings. Great game.

Yeah, the initial server problems seemed to be mostly confined to the first 40 minutes or so, few issues since and nothing as widespread as that first bump.
In case people were wondering what I was referring to when I said "Time Sink.."


Yeah I decided to finally undo one of my gaming wrongs and actually play the ENTIRE Mass Effect Trilogy from start to end (with one character though.) I'll be trying with a new Renegade Adept. I was inspired when I had to (unfortunately) put Star Wars: The Phantom Menace on for my kids to watch and I thought "Man, I feel like playing KOTOR again." But then I thought about it more and decided "Well, I could get a similar experience playing Mass Effect and I have yet to beat that, so why not?"

FYI if anyone else is interested in the game it's $10.19 for a limited time at Gamestop. Bear in mind they take a rather long time to generate a key. I mean I'm used to 10 minute turnaround times with Amazon but this took nearly 3 hours. Yes yes, first world problems I know.
In case people were wondering what I was referring to when I said "Time Sink.."

View attachment 114886

Yeah I decided to finally undo one of my gaming wrongs and actually play the ENTIRE Mass Effect Trilogy from start to end (with one character though.) I'll be trying with a new Renegade Adept. I was inspired when I had to (unfortunately) put Star Wars: The Phantom Menace on for my kids to watch and I thought "Man, I feel like playing KOTOR again." But then I thought about it more and decided "Well, I could get a similar experience playing Mass Effect and I have yet to beat that, so why not?"

FYI if anyone else is interested in the game it's $10.19 for a limited time at Gamestop. Bear in mind they take a rather long time to generate a key. I mean I'm used to 10 minute turnaround times with Amazon but this took nearly 3 hours. Yes yes, first world problems I know.

I bought the trilogy on PC a long time ago even though I had already played all 3 games on PS3 with a single character. I find myself wanting to do exactly what you are doing all the time. The problem is that new games continue to come out so I never actually get to it. Maybe I will be able to make the time after tax season finishes up.

I'm sure you already know this but Mass Effect 1 is a very different game than 2 and 3. ME 2 and 3 streamlined a lot of things to make the series more accessible. Some people loved that change and some fans of the old school Bioware games hated it.

I strongly preferred the streamlined approach in 2 and 3 so ME 1 can be a bit of a slog to get through. I still recommend getting through it just because the story is really good and I think playing that first makes 2 and 3 even more enjoyable.

Wellll now all I want to do is go home and play Mass Effect. Thanks a lot.
Wellll now all I want to do is go home and play Mass Effect. Thanks a lot.
You're welcome.

Yes I'm aware of the differences between 1 and the rest of the series. I actually had it when it came out for the 360 but I grew bored of it quickly because it just felt like an elaborate KOTOR mod with the DnD style combat and a few differences. I really didn't have any interest in 2 since I didn't beat 1 but when 2 got raving reviews and I saw how much they fixed I threw it into my GF queue on the Monday before it came out at about 9:30am and it shipped out at 10 (seriously, I've never seen such a quick turnaround.) After that I was hooked on the series.

I do have to say that after playing it for about 10 minutes that GodDAMN the graphics have not aged well. The hair looks especially atrocious, which isn't helped by the fact that my character has long female hair. And all the low res stuff just is such an eye sore. Yes I realize the game is nearly 10 years old but it is rather unsettling. Still, I'd argue it has better mouth movement than The Division does.
You're welcome.

Yes I'm aware of the differences between 1 and the rest of the series. I actually had it when it came out for the 360 but I grew bored of it quickly because it just felt like an elaborate KOTOR mod with the DnD style combat and a few differences. I really didn't have any interest in 2 since I didn't beat 1 but when 2 got raving reviews and I saw how much they fixed I threw it into my GF queue on the Monday before it came out at about 9:30am and it shipped out at 10 (seriously, I've never seen such a quick turnaround.) After that I was hooked on the series.

I do have to say that after playing it for about 10 minutes that GodDAMN the graphics have not aged well. The hair looks especially atrocious, which isn't helped by the fact that my character has long female hair. And all the low res stuff just is such an eye sore. Yes I realize the game is nearly 10 years old but it is rather unsettling. Still, I'd argue it has better mouth movement than The Division does.

There seem to be quite a few Mass Effect 1 mods on Nexus. I haven't had time to look through them all but I would bet that there are a good chunk of them devoted to improving the graphics.
You're welcome.

Yes I'm aware of the differences between 1 and the rest of the series. I actually had it when it came out for the 360 but I grew bored of it quickly because it just felt like an elaborate KOTOR mod with the DnD style combat and a few differences. I really didn't have any interest in 2 since I didn't beat 1 but when 2 got raving reviews and I saw how much they fixed I threw it into my GF queue on the Monday before it came out at about 9:30am and it shipped out at 10 (seriously, I've never seen such a quick turnaround.) After that I was hooked on the series.

I do have to say that after playing it for about 10 minutes that GodDAMN the graphics have not aged well. The hair looks especially atrocious, which isn't helped by the fact that my character has long female hair. And all the low res stuff just is such an eye sore. Yes I realize the game is nearly 10 years old but it is rather unsettling. Still, I'd argue it has better mouth movement than The Division does.

If you are playing through the entire series, to really do it right, I highly recommend playing with all DLC characters and playable DLC packs, especially Arrival, Stolen Memory (Kasumi), and Price of Revenge (Zaeed) for ME2 (the latter two may be in the trilogy); and From Ashes (Javik), Leviathan (for Reaper backstory), and Citadel for Mass Effect 3. The only DLC that's not necessary for furthering the story is Omega, but it was an immensely enjoyable side-story all the same. Because of his arrogance and aggressive style, Javik would be a great companion on a Renegade run. Some of the best lines in the entire series come from him.

I still hope to complete my Renegade playthrough of the trilogy some day. I've only ever done a Renegade playthrough of ME1, so I would have that character and not need to replay ME1.
I agree the extra DLC helps things but unfortunately that ain't all cheap. I think I'd be throwing down about $100, and for some stupid reason they don't have all the stuff right on Origin. Instead you need to go through the Bioware Social Network. Luckily 1 has all the DLC thrown in and I'll consider it for 2 & 3. The DLC for 2 was really good IMO and I didn't get all of it for 3. I find it odd that they never bothered with a Season Pass. Seems like Mass Effect would be the perfect candidate for a service like that.

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