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Where is VOOM's future going to be? | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

Where is VOOM's future going to be?

jagouar said:
the 811 sucks balls.... i would HATE for E* to buy VOOM.

Did you have a 811?
At first(when new) it did "suck balls" but now after all the software upgrades it works pretty damn nice, no more lock-ups if you go from OTA to Sat. (that was my biggest problem with the 811) ,for $99.00 it been a damn nice little unit.
The thought of returning to D* with only 3 (count 'em) 3 HD movie channels is depressing. Right now I am watching the classic film "Blood Simple" by the Coen Brothers; earlier in the week I watched Tim Burton's "Big Fish" and also the award winning version of "Nutcracker". Don't know....too busy enjoying VOOM right now.
This must be how the original purchasers of Betamax and Mac felt. They were winners but before their time I guess. But there is always hope!
I agree ...if VOOm is sold I am going to miss it dearly. Directv is just not the same. Im hoping VOOM sticks around a little while longer. But my guess is that the DVR will never come to be. Or the 70 HD ch's by March. Very sad.
CableVision will keep VOOM...

I voted that CableVision will keep them. Why? If you haven't noticed...other than the broadcast networks, INHDs, HDNets and a few premium movie channels, there really isn't all that many HD channels comparatively speaking. Also, if you haven't noticed...Cable TV has taken the offensive by offering more than double the HD programming of D* and E* along with inexpensive HD DVR rentals. Also, if you haven't noticed...VOOM has a lot of its own HD content (VOOM's 21 Exclusives) as well as the possibility of starting WE-HD, IFC-HD and AMC-HD.

However you may feel about some of VOOM's less-than-stellar HD classics (i.e. Grass Growing HD), you cannot deny they have a handful of keepers like MonstersHD, RaveHD, RushHD, WorldSportHD, Animania, Gallery, Auction (yes, there is a market for the last two, even if they are only filler channels for an HD package). Cable is moving quickly toward HD and would love nothing more than to offer HD context well ahead of E* and D* who current don't have the capacity. They could offer something like this 7 channel package and net $4 per sub x 1 million subs = $48M per year. As D* and E* and Cable come up to speed, it's possible for VOOM to be pulling-in $100-$200 million per year in HD programming fees by selling some of their programming.

Better yet, why not license the HD package mentioned above and bundle it with WE, AMC, and IFC for an extra $1 a month. They now have a potential market of 75 million viewers. The Cable providers would be happy because they would be able to offer plenty of cheap HD programming well ahead of D* or E*, CableVision would be happy because they will now be raking in money and mass marketing their HD programming...all the while treating D* and E* to some Deliverance Style Ned Beatty treatment. :shocked :eek: :p

Selling a subset of their programming could surely be profitable and help subsidize VOOM while they develop and expand their base - just look at the money makers that are WE, AMC and IFC. As time goes by HD will be old-hat and mass market share will keep the VOOM HD channels alive and well...especially if they are strategically and affordable packaged as I mentioned above. If the VOOM Satellite service fails then so be it...however, VOOM is currently doing some very good things with their programming, it will only continue to improve, and they do have a track record of providing successful programming services.

Anyway, Wilt just drop-shipped two new receivers to a local installer. The installer will be out Friday morning to install my new receivers and reinstall my old one. I will be VA VA VOOMING soon. Sorry, but no DOOM & GLOOM in my home!
Any thoughts on Cupertino buying vOom? SJ knows media as no other techie...
Just wanted to see anyone thoughts on that. And no, please don't start an Mac vs. MS discussion...
some observations

1 voom only has around 50,000 subs

2 the eq sucks

3 directv doesnt know they exist

4 charlie could care less

5 bill gates has 51 billion dollars and he could care less

6 do you all really think bill rupert or chuckles care about the voom subs, especially bill?
FreddyvsJasonvsAsh said:
if VOOM folds or is sold are we given a refund if they don't take the subs with it? What happens to us?
if voom folds and you bought a box you could be listed as a creditor but you would have to file a claim and i dont think Voom made any promises as to how long they would have stayed in business. although this is all speculative at this point
riffjim4069 said:
I voted that CableVision will keep them. Why? If you haven't noticed...other than the broadcast networks, INHDs, HDNets and a few premium movie channels, there really isn't all that many HD channels comparatively speaking. Also, if you haven't noticed...Cable TV has taken the offensive by offering more than double the HD programming of D* and E* along with inexpensive HD DVR rentals. Also, if you haven't noticed...VOOM has a lot of its own HD content (VOOM's 21 Exclusives) as well as the possibility of starting WE-HD, IFC-HD and AMC-HD.

However you may feel about some of VOOM's less-than-stellar HD classics (i.e. Grass Growing HD), you cannot deny they have a handful of keepers like MonstersHD, RaveHD, RushHD, WorldSportHD, Animania, Gallery, Auction (yes, there is a market for the last two, even if they are only filler channels for an HD package). Cable is moving quickly toward HD and would love nothing more than to offer HD context well ahead of E* and D* who current don't have the capacity. They could offer something like this 7 channel package and net $4 per sub x 1 million subs = $48M per year. As D* and E* and Cable come up to speed, it's possible for VOOM to be pulling-in $100-$200 million per year in HD programming fees by selling some of their programming.

Better yet, why not license the HD package mentioned above and bundle it with WE, AMC, and IFC for an extra $1 a month. They now have a potential market of 75 million viewers. The Cable providers would be happy because they would be able to offer plenty of cheap HD programming well ahead of D* or E*, CableVision would be happy because they will now be raking in money and mass marketing their HD programming...all the while treating D* and E* to some Deliverance Style Ned Beatty treatment. :shocked :eek: :p

Selling a subset of their programming could surely be profitable and help subsidize VOOM while they develop and expand their base - just look at the money makers that are WE, AMC and IFC. As time goes by HD will be old-hat and mass market share will keep the VOOM HD channels alive and well...especially if they are strategically and affordable packaged as I mentioned above. If the VOOM Satellite service fails then so be it...however, VOOM is currently doing some very good things with their programming, it will only continue to improve, and they do have a track record of providing successful programming services.

Anyway, Wilt just drop-shipped two new receivers to a local installer. The installer will be out Friday morning to install my new receivers and reinstall my old one. I will be VA VA VOOMING soon. Sorry, but no DOOM & GLOOM in my home!
The only problems i see with this theory is Voom has paid someone to show this content on their service, not deliver and sell to another provider. my guess is if voom folds, the providers of all the programs that voom has contracts to show would be voided or negotiated down by the court if it goes that route , as for the ability to transmit this programming from provider to voom to another provider you would have alot of the same issues we all have with directv and echostar , ie each time you send the signal you degrade the pq so we would all be back in the same boat albeit with more compressed hd.
i doubt ccv even owns all of the exclusives my guess is they paid a hefty premium to the provider to have most of the content, we all know they dont own the rights to the movies on monsters, divine etc, they bought the rights to show them x amount of times. all they own is the names of the exclusives although im sure some of the content may have been produced in house
riffjim4069 said:
I voted that CableVision will keep them. Why? If you haven't noticed...other than the broadcast networks, INHDs, HDNets and a few premium movie channels, there really isn't all that many HD channels comparatively speaking. Also, if you haven't noticed...Cable TV has taken the offensive by offering more than double the HD programming of D* and E* along with inexpensive HD DVR rentals. Also, if you haven't noticed...VOOM has a lot of its own HD content (VOOM's 21 Exclusives) as well as the possibility of starting WE-HD, IFC-HD and AMC-HD.

However you may feel about some of VOOM's less-than-stellar HD classics (i.e. Grass Growing HD), you cannot deny they have a handful of keepers like MonstersHD, RaveHD, RushHD, WorldSportHD, Animania, Gallery, Auction (yes, there is a market for the last two, even if they are only filler channels for an HD package). Cable is moving quickly toward HD and would love nothing more than to offer HD context well ahead of E* and D* who current don't have the capacity. They could offer something like this 7 channel package and net $4 per sub x 1 million subs = $48M per year. As D* and E* and Cable come up to speed, it's possible for VOOM to be pulling-in $100-$200 million per year in HD programming fees by selling some of their programming.

Better yet, why not license the HD package mentioned above and bundle it with WE, AMC, and IFC for an extra $1 a month. They now have a potential market of 75 million viewers. The Cable providers would be happy because they would be able to offer plenty of cheap HD programming well ahead of D* or E*, CableVision would be happy because they will now be raking in money and mass marketing their HD programming...all the while treating D* and E* to some Deliverance Style Ned Beatty treatment. :shocked :eek: :p

Selling a subset of their programming could surely be profitable and help subsidize VOOM while they develop and expand their base - just look at the money makers that are WE, AMC and IFC. As time goes by HD will be old-hat and mass market share will keep the VOOM HD channels alive and well...especially if they are strategically and affordable packaged as I mentioned above. If the VOOM Satellite service fails then so be it...however, VOOM is currently doing some very good things with their programming, it will only continue to improve, and they do have a track record of providing successful programming services.

Anyway, Wilt just drop-shipped two new receivers to a local installer. The installer will be out Friday morning to install my new receivers and reinstall my old one. I will be VA VA VOOMING soon. Sorry, but no DOOM & GLOOM in my home!
To just make a point only 25 thousand or so people were convinced up to this point to keep voom, way too low and the numbers that uninstalled make the cost per customer so prohibitive no one that owns cablevison stock could be happy. the only happy people were i would say and this is only a guess 75 percent of the subscribers and the dolan family , they thought they had a winner but in my experience i never imagined them truly making it as a stand alone provider. the market is saturated with providers and all are doing an ok job, wether they are doing it well or not can be debated but we all know Voom didnt handle this well from the beginning. Loads of HD what a concept, but it has to be delivered in a relable and cost effective fashion, as for selling programming which programming do they own ?? their exclusives are just channels not the programming itself. they dont own the rights to resell their programming that lies with the owner of the product. iw ish voom would have made a better effort to fix all of the issues but i cant say i am surprised at all of the controversy surrounding this company. who knows what will will happen but i hope the hd channels survive and in a better run environment they might have a chance. ;)
if i had to pick a winner in all this i would have to say it is installs inc, they made more decisions about the customer than the owner of the product did.
As for the subscribers out there who have had success with voom, i just wish there could have been more of us and this debate would have been a moot point.
DarrellP said:
At least if E* buys them, I can bitch about PQ issues and someone will listen.

Yeah right, Darrell. What world do you live in. Let's see PQ on D* and E*. oh yeah, they really listen to us. Why is it that both are worse than vOom. (Except for HDNet on E*) And I am sure someone has complained to them about that. At least, I did...... Oh, and I can compare. I had/have them all 3......
I complained about sparklies on E* by emailing and they fixed it in two days.

How long have the parklies been on VOOM? Or the mosquito noise?

At least E* has a department to address PQ issues and immediately fixes it, V* relies on the VP of engineering for the Cablevision corporation to finally acknowledge an issue.
MarcelV said:
Yeah right, Darrell. What world do you live in. Let's see PQ on D* and E*. oh yeah, they really listen to us. Why is it that both are worse than vOom. (Except for HDNet on E*) And I am sure someone has complained to them about that. At least, I did...... Oh, and I can compare. I had/have them all 3......
I am not talking about SD programming, I watch HD only. I raised a major stink with Dish about 3 months ago because HDNET & HDNET Movies was going downhill faster than a skier out of control and they responded immediately, even giving me 2 personal contacts: 1 is a VP for PQ and the other a compression engineer.

I am in constant contact with these guys if there is even a burp in the PQ and if you have Dish, check out HDNET, it is looking better now than it ever has. I agree Dish could give a rat's ass about SD, all of it looks like crap.

I don't know what you are talking about comparing E* & V*, but the channels I get in the Dish HD Pack are tons better than the same channel on V*, which is: TNTHD, ESPNHD and DiscoveryHD. I don't have the Plus Packs so I can't vouch for the Movie channels.
DarrellP said:
... the Dish HD Pack are tons better than the same channel on V*, which is: TNTHD, ESPNHD and DiscoveryHD. I don't have the Plus Packs so I can't vouch for the Movie channels.

I am not sure what you're watching, but DiscoveryHD has much more pixelation on E* than on vOom, especially with fast moving video. Same story on ESPNHD. But color balance is better on E* on any of the three channels you mentioned, I will give you that one.
I don't see Voom lasting as a seperate entity. The ONLY thing they lead in is HD programming, and that is pulled back a bit since most other aspects are so far behind or so low quality. Only the most DIEHARD HD fans care much about Voom, and out of these forums, I don't think there is a big enough demand (at least maybe not yet) for Voom's HD offerings.
voomster2 said:
So are you saying that Wilt hasn't been helpful at all?
I haven't heard any posts about Wilt getting involved in the PQ end of things. I think Voom's hands are tied until they get more transponders and bring the new encoders online, or at least that's what I want to believe. If they start playing the D*/E* game and start cramming more channels and not improving PQ, I will drop them like a hot potato. I could care less how many channels of HD they have, if some of the channels don't look good, what's the use? :confused: I really want them to fix EquatorHD, that is the type of programming I really like to watch but on my system, it is unbearable to watch this channel with the skeeter noise so rampant.

You guys really need to pay me a visit and compare the difference between HDNET/HDNET Movies and Voom, it is shocking. :shocked

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