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Xenforo Upgrade | Page 20 | SatelliteGuys.US

Xenforo Upgrade

Why not? Likes are likes, right? Besides, the pit is a very small group of people who post there anymore

Because people's political rantings have no relationship to their technical credibility. This is Satelliteguys and politics shouldn't have anything to do with credibility here.

IMHO 'The Pit' is a huge waste of time.
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I missed day 1 ...
I think I started 2004 or '05.
Scott's got you covered, just hover over your Avatar:
Screen Shot 2019-11-21 at 08.13.32 .png
Or, in the "Scott's been a Busy SatelliteGuy Admin" category, click on the downward carat (v) under your Avatar to expand your stats:
Screen Shot 2019-11-21 at 08.24.41 .png
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Hey Scott, the only easy way to go to the last post of a thread was the last post time and date on the far right of the forum lists which isn't there any more. Is there a way you can make it easy to click on something to go to the last post of a thread? Thanks.
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Reactions: charlesrshell
Hey Scott, the only easy way to go to the last post of a thread was the last post time and date on the far right of the forum lists which isn't there any more. Is there a way you can make it easy to click on something to go to the last post of a thread? Thanks.

I haven't changed anything there. And still see them.


It looked like what you posted until just before I made the first post about it. About the time the Sidebar button showed up.
I have a question is the side bar going to stay on the right side or is it going to go back to the left or is there going to be a choice setting, I don't like it on the right it just seems strange to me I guess.
On the right now due to ad problems if it is on the left. :) Scott said:

"I moved the sidebars back to the right as one of the ad agencies contacted me and said I may have trouble with them on the left as a drop down can block any ads on that side. And I got to be honest, it looks cleaner on the right to me... and I was a big fan of having them on the left for all these years."

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