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AMIKO - Mini HD 265 - Streaming? | SatelliteGuys.US

AMIKO Mini HD 265 - Streaming?


New Member
Original poster
Dec 27, 2007
Let me apologize ahead of time if I missed a post describing my question. I searched and did not find anything on it in the forum. I was wondering if there are instruction on how to use the Mini HD 265 streaming options/IPTV/m3u lists.
I am replacing my parents old pansat and bought the Amiko for Galaxy 19w and wanted to provide them with additional channels (via internet) but I am a bit stuck on how to go about it.

Thank you in advance.
This is something I have never tried out on this receiver. My internet being traditional satellite, I knew it would not work very well. Maybe someone else has used this receiver for that and can help you out. I hope later this year I can get more familiar with it.
Basically, you make a file named "webtv list.m3u" with the following structure:
#EXTINF:-1, The Channel Name
http://(channel location data)

Continue to add channels in the same manner (lines 2 and 3, Line 1 is only at the beginning of the file).

Notepad works well, just be sure to make sure it is saved as .m3u and not .txt

Transfer the file to a USB drive, then in Web TV (under Applications), use "Load WebTV List.m3u" and the channels will load and appear in the list.
A few notes:
If you want to add or delete channels from your list, it is better to edit your file and re-load it.
When at the screen where you load the list, if you click on a channel, it will preview on the left, then click (OK button) again for full screen (have to click three times to get full screen, one click does give full screen, except the picture is still the size of the preview). Up and down buttons after this change channels and all are in full screen.
One anomaly I have found is that, for some reason, https:// locations, while it will load in the preview screen and then you can go to full screen, will not load once in full screen if using the up and down buttons to change channels to one that has https://. Most times, dropping out the "s" in https the channel still works, but the odd time you will find it won't work without the "s" and, therefore, you have to back out of full screen back to the preview screen to get it to load before going to full screen mode.

That's a start for now!
Hey folks. I know this thread is several months old, but the IPTV streaming on the Amiko MINI HD265 and MINI 4K UHD does work. With the instructions from Keith Brannens post above, I made a test file with maybe 8 channels that all work great if anyone wants to try it out. These channels have been working since July. Not sure if i can post the file here, but if it is allowed, let me know and i can post it.
OK. Cool. Download the attachment. Open it with windows notepad. Then in notepad Go to >> Save As. Then change file name to webtv list.m3u, Change save as type to All Files, and Save. (It has to be saved with the .m3u file extension to work). Save that to your USB drive and plug it into your USB port of your Amiko.

Now press the red button on remote (Load WebTV List.m3u) to load the list. It will ask "Are you sure to load data from USB HDD", select yes.

You will get 8 channels to watch.

Beach TV (CSULB)
Beach TV (Panama City)
Better Health TV
Better Nature TV
Folk TV
New Orleans TV

This is just a quick channel list i made to show you how it works, you can make your own channel lists with whatever working IPTV channels you find.



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